

povssheavenlyarmorpamphlet Edit

原文 Edit

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Heavenly Armour<p>
by <p>
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When we look into the sky at night we see millions of stars.  Millions and millions.  It is rumoured that among them are places not so unlike our beloved homeland where men and women go about their daily business just as we do.  Of course they eat different foods, have different animals and worship different gods.
Once upon a time, so it is said, a rift in the space continuum opened briefly to a place called 'Earth'.  It seems a very odd name for a new world since earth is surely common enough in many locations but that is the name according to the rumour.
When the rift opened two weird sets of armour fell through.  They were associated with gods of this earth.  During the rift scholars were able to do some research into the provenance of the armour.  One set was the armour of Chac Mul, a rain god in a civilisation known as Maya, the other the armour of Olopue, a god on an island called Maui.  
But the rift closed, the armour was never found.  Rumours still abound that there are even now the pieces lying around in the wilderness.  Over the years the real names have become corrupted in retelling.  The light armour is now referred to as the armour of Chik Mal and the heavy as the armour of Holopuvo.  Isn't it strange how names become so distorted when passed on by word of mouth?  Maybe just now they are still close enough to the originals.  In time no doubt they will be further and further removed.  Maybe one day they could even be so far distant as to be called stupid things like Garik or Ereth.  
Be that as it may, if you ever find one of these strange pieces, it could well be that the full sets exist.

訳文 Edit

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Heavenly Armour<p>
by <p>
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裂け目が開いている間に、2つの奇妙な鎧が抜け落ちた。その鎧はこの大地の神と関連したものである。学者は裂け目の間にこの鎧の由来を調べることに成功した。1つはMayaとしてある文明では知られる雨の神Chac Mulの鎧であり、もうひとつはMauiと呼ばれる島の神Olopueの鎧であった。
しかし裂け目が閉じたとき、その鎧は失われた。鎧の各部は今でも荒野に人知れず転がっているという噂も現にある。何年もの時を経て本当の名前は形を変えてしまった。軽装鎧は今やChik Malの鎧を意味する言葉となり、重装鎧はHolopuvoの鎧を意味する言葉となった。言葉が口から伝わる際にこのように名前が変わるのはおかしくはないだろうか?おそらくたった今もそれらは原型に近いままあるのではないだろうか。間違いなくますます遠くへそれらは離れていくだろう。もしかするといつの日かそれらはGarikやErethのような原語からは遠く離れた、馬鹿らしい言葉で呼ばれるかもしれない。

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Last-modified: 2011-07-05 (火) 06:57:38