

FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 5 0 Agate asked me to get a package with medicine for Dagail. According to her [QUOTE]some elf[QUOTE] from a [QUOTE]port town[QUOTE] should have it.
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 10 0 Alves Uvenim said that she saw an Altmer running around sometimes, although he spends most of his time outside, or in the library.
__Alves Uvenimは外でAltmerを見かけたことがあるそうだ。彼は大抵外出しているか、図書館につめているかのどちらかだという。
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 15 0 Bugak gro-Bol said that the Altmer was named [QUOTE]Elendil[QUOTE], but he didn't see him for a long time now.
__Bugak gro-BolによるとそのAltmerは「Elendil」という名前だそうだ。しかしずいぶんと長い間姿を見ていないとのことだ。
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 20 0 Hlidara Mothril does not come from a port town, nor does she has anything to do with medicine.
__Hildara Mothrilは港町出身ではない上に薬も持っていないそうだ。
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 25 0 Shuravi said that the Altmer usually comes to the Three Sister's Inn at noon, eating.
__Shuraviが言うには、そのAltmerはいつもThree Sister's Innに昼食を食べに来るとのことだ。
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 30 0 According to Witseidutsei the Altmer spends his evenings in her inn.
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 70 0 Elendil asked me to go to him while he's in the library or in the lab, he's there from 8 to 10 and from 16 to 20 o'clock.
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 75 0 Elendil of Whitehaven gave me the medicine. Now back to Agate.
__Elendil of Whitehavenから薬をもらった。Agateのところに戻ろう。
FormID: 030215ED bgZMG1SubLeyawiin 100 0 Speaking for Dagail Agate agreed to a Guild Guide.
__DagailとAagateに話し、Guild Guideの設置に賛同してもらった。

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17