

FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 5 0 Karrizy, a local Khajiit in southern Cyrodiil asked me to find a missing tax collector. According to her he was on his way from Blankenmarch (which she for whatever reasons calls [QUOTE]Blakenmarch[QUOTE]) to the Imperial City. He never reached the Mouth of the Panther, though. I volunteered to find him, and return any gold he may have taken too much.
__Cyrodiil南方でKarrizyという名のKhajiitと会い、失踪したtax collector(徴税吏)を探して欲しいと頼まれた。徴税吏は失踪前、Blankenmarch(なぜか彼女は「Blakenmarch」と呼んでいたが)からImperial Cityへと移動中だったらしい。また、彼はMouth of the Pantherまではたどり着いていないだろうとの事。彼を探し、取りすぎた税金を取り戻すのだ。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 40 0 A citizen of Blankenmarch told me that the Tax Collector went north, just as Karrizy has predicted.
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 50 0 I've found the Tax Collector's bodyguard. Well, at least one of them. He's dead, and had written [QUOTE]west gold[QUOTE] with his blood.
__徴税吏の護衛の一人が死亡しているのを発見した。彼は血文字で「west gold(西の黄金)」と書き残していた。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 60 0 I've found the tax collector, dead. Even the money was missing!
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 70 0 A Golden Saint approached and attacked me shortly after I had found the tax collector's body. What disturbs me is that the Golden Saint looked exactly like Kanaane, member of the Stranded Light in Merendin.
__徴税吏の遺体を見つけると、急にGolden Saintが襲ってきた。何よりも戸惑ったのは、そのGolden Saintの姿がMerendinにいるStranded Lightのメンバー、Kanaaneによく似ていたことだ。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 70 1 A Golden Saint approached and attacked me shortly after I had found the tax collector's body.
__徴税吏の遺体を見つけると、急にGolden Saintが襲ってきた。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 75 0 The Golden Saint was banished. I should see if she has the money with her.
__Golden Saintを倒した。彼女が税金を奪ったのだろうか?確認してみよう。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 80 0 The count of Leyawiin thanked me for bringing him news of the tax collector, and for bringing him the lost gold. Also he asked me to find out what was up with the Golden Saint that killed him.
__徴税吏死亡の知らせと失われた税金をLeyawiin伯爵に届け、感謝を受けた。また伯爵から、彼を殺したGolden Saintはどうなったのかと問われた。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 81 0 Karrizy thanked me for bringing her the lost gold. Also she asked me to find out what was up with the Golden Saint that killed the tax collector.
__取り戻したお金を渡し、Karrizyから感謝された。また彼女から、徴税吏を殺したGolden Saintの件について調べて欲しいと頼まれた。
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 95 0 According to Tesserayiel it wasn't Kanaane who attacked, and I should speak with Karashivuel about [QUOTE]Dopplegangers[QUOTE].
FormID: 030298FC bgRQ1TaxCollectorQuest 100 0 According to Karashivuel it wasn't Kanaane who attacked, but some kind of daedric shapeshifters. She'd said that something needs to be done about them, but she first needs time to figure out what exactly.

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Last-modified: 2011-10-31 (月) 16:09:43