

FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 5 0 Jesmin asked me to deliver a letter to a Xivilai she considers to be somewhat akin to a sister - one not living in the Shivering Isles. She said the Xivilai will look similar to her. However any friendly Xivilai in Mundus will be able to deliver the letter if I am not able to do so. Jesmin warned me to not drop the letter.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 10 0 Derirezzul refused to take the letter.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 15 0 Tandruzuk said that due to her never leaving the manor, she will not take the letter. It wouldn't reach it's destination.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 20 0 Giving Jesmin her own letter doesn't sound like a sound idea.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 25 0 Leshruzay refused to take the letter. So much for [QUOTE]every Xivilai will take it[QUOTE].
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 30 0 I've given Karashivuel the letter. She said that she's not the recipient, but will make sure the letter will reach it's goal. And for whatever reason she thanked me.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 35 0 I've given Beramkne the letter. She said that she's not the recipient, but will make sure the letter will reach it's goal.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 40 0 I've given Quurunae the letter. She said that she's not the recipient, but will make sure the letter will reach it's goal.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 44 0 Firukuruzk won't take the letter as long as she isn't free.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 45 0 Firukuruzk refused to take the letter, but for another reason than I had expected: The messenger bringing the letter to the right Xivilai will be rewarded, and in Firu's opinion I earned that.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 50 0 I've given Firstande the letter. She said that she's not the recipient, but will make sure the letter will reach it's goal.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 75 0 I've given Shiva the letter. She was happy to receive it, and told me that the letter said something about a sword she was keeping safe for Jesmin. It is to be given to me, what Shiva did.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 100 0 I gave the letter away.
FormID: 03141C2C bgPBQ8Letter 105 0 I've dropped the letter.

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17