

FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 5 0 Thollorn said that Longius Curio is bothering them about growing some mushroom. He would prefer to continue undisturbed tending to his art.
__Thollornは、マッシュルームの育成の事でLongius Curioが彼らを煩わせていると言った。彼にとっては、芸術への熱意を邪魔されないでいる事の方が大事らしい。
FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 10 0 Longius Curio said that he aquired some Telvanni mushroom spores from a travelling merchant, to which Yan-Tissam has already tended. Now they just need to be planted outside of the ruin. As Longius said, [QUOTE]they know best where to grow[QUOTE] - so I just need to walk around the ruin and wait for the seeds to plant themself.
__Longius Curioによると、以前、旅の商人からTelevanniマッシュルームの胞子を手に入れたそうだ。Yan-Tissamも興味を持っていたらしい。あとは胞子を遺跡の外に植えるだけだ。Longiusによれば、[QUOTE]胞子自身がどこで育つのが良いか知っている[QUOTE]そうだ。だから、遺跡の外を歩き回って、胞子が最適な場所を見つけるのを待てば良い。
FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 50 0 I've planted the spores. It should take around a week for the building to be grown.
FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 75 0 The spores should have created a full mushroom now. I should go and see if there was any progress.
FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 80 0 Longius asked me to go inside and see if everything looks alright.
FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 90 0 I've met a man calling himself [QUOTE]Uriel Curio[QUOTE] inside, according to his story the son of one of Longius Curio's siblings. He said he'll be taking care of the building, having no other place to go.
__マッシュルームの中で、[QUOTE]Uriel Curio[QUOTE]と名乗る人物に会った。彼の話では、Longius Curioの親族らしい。他に行く当てもないので、住居の管理をするつもりだと語った。
FormID: 031377CB bgPBQ4Dementia 100 0 Longius Curio thanked me for my help.
__Longius Curioは手助けに感謝した。

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17