

FormID: 0311A1B9 bgZPQDialog ServiceRefusal 0 I'm sorry, but I've got too much on my mind to be of much help.
FormID: 0311A1BA bgZPQDialog ServiceRefusal 0 Fallen on your head? I can end your suffering if you ask nicely.
FormID: 03143859 bgZPQDialog ServiceRefusal 0 What can I do for you, as long as I have no place of my own? I'm sorry, but nothing.
FormID: 0311A1BB bgZPQDialog ServiceRefusal 0 You must have mistaken me for a teacher. Look for pain instead. It's the best teacher most will ever find.
FormID: 03117511 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 It's true, Yan-Tissam Zainnabi used to be an ashlander. As Sheogorath took her into his realm, she invited me to come with her - rescuing me from the Mabrigash circle that had trapped me.
__実は、Yan-Tissam Zainnabiはかつてashlanderでした。私はSheogorathが彼女を自分の領地に連れて行った際に、彼女と共にこの地に招かれたのです。彼女は私がMabrigashの魔女の儀式に捕らわれている所を助けてくれたんですよ。
FormID: 03117511 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 1 I have the feeling that she's a cast out Mabrigash herself, but I don't care. I owe her a huge debt. Something which she won't let me forget ever.
FormID: 03117512 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I used to live in Morrowind, Molag Amur region. Near Tel Urivith. Compared to that place Zendria is a paradise. No ash-bringing winds, no blight-mutated critters, and the Golden Saint here doesn't try to hack you to pieces!
__私は以前、MorrowindのMolag Amur地方、Tel Urivithの近くに住んでいました。あそこと比べたらZendriaはまるで楽園のように感じますよ。灰混じりの風も吹かないし、blightで突然変異した怪物もいません。それに、ここのGolden Saintは襲い掛かってきませんから。
FormID: 03117513 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I've heard there's a mountain made of mushrooms somewhere on the north coast of the isles. Granted, I'm no adventurer and while I like to paint it, with all the Scalons around the beaches here are much too dangerous!
FormID: 03117514 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 While looking like being part of the Shivering Isles, the '19 Voids' are a dislocated pleasure pocket of Sanguine. Be careful: Most that enter do not come back.
__'19 Voids'はShivering Islesの一部のように見えますけれど、本当はSaunguineによる秘密の遊び場なんですよ。気をつけて下さいね。あそこに入った人達のほとんどが二度と帰って来ませんから。
FormID: 03117515 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Say what you want, smoked Baliwog legs are no substitute for a good Cliffracer stew!
FormID: 03117516 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Painting's easy. You just take a paint brush, fetch some colors and an empty sheet and begin to wave it around. Try it, you may like it!
FormID: 03117517 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 The presence of the Dark Seducer troubles me. She looks a lot like a certain Dark Elf I once met. Shouldn't they be restricted to Dementia or something?
__あのDark Seducerが気障りで仕方ありません。彼女、過去に面識のあったとあるDark Elfによく似ているんですよね。彼女達にはDementiaとかどこか他の場所に留まっていて欲しいものですよ。
FormID: 03117518 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I don't get it. Once there was a time when art was free and appreciated, and today I needed to get a place in the Realm of Madness to have my works appreciated. Something's wrong with this world.
__いつか芸術活動が自由になって評価もされる時代が来るのかしらね?今の私には作品を評価される為の居場所がRealm of Madnessにしかないの。納得いかないわ。世界が間違っているのよ。
FormID: 03117519 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Some people disagree with my arts. Their loss! As if there's anything wrong with your body. Well, with mine there certainly isn't. Maybe with theirs?
FormID: 0311751A bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Haven't you noticed? There aren't any female Nords or Redguards or Orcs in this realm, well, at least if you look at the permanent civilized citizen. What a loss for my ideas.
FormID: 0311751B bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Despite their name Dark Seducers are oddly hesitating to help me with my motives. And let's not talk about Golden Saints. What a loss.
__妙な話だけれど、Dark Seducerたちって名前(Seducer=誘惑者)の割には恥ずかしがってなかなか絵のモデルになろうとしてくれないのよね。まあ、Golden Saintたちについては語るに及ばすだけれど…。残念だわ。
FormID: 0311751C bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Demented enjoy death, manics enjoy life. I enjoy making life, so I went to Mania!
FormID: 0311751D bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I swear, if I would have mastered the arts of Conjuration, my works could be even more exciting. Just think about the possibilities!
FormID: 0311751E bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I'm always on the lookout for new and more models. Can't overstress Barnard, you know? So if you're willing to stand still and pose for a few quick drakes, let me know.
FormID: 0311751F bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Dementia may have less artists than Mania, but we have more talented ones. Painting is more than just waving a paint brush around, even if many citizen of Mania would disagree.
FormID: 03117520 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Weather isn't an issue here. Our colors are waterproof. Have to be. Ever been in our quarter?
FormID: 03117521 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Problems with people like Yan-Tissam Zainnabi? No sense of and for beauty. She and her disgusting and insulting portrayals of nude bodies and intimate acts. That is no art!
__Yan-Tissam Zainabiみたいな輩には困ったものだわ。彼女達には美というものが分かっていないのよ。あの忌々しい奴らときたら、裸とか丸出しの絵ばかりで侮辱的だわ!あんなの芸術とは認められません!
FormID: 03117522 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 It's not easy finding a place to live in this realm. I've heard the Dark Seducer managing the construction and renting of houses has disappeared, and none filled up her position.
__このrealmで居場所を見つけるのは簡単な事じゃない。家屋の建設や貸し家の管理を担当していたDark Seducerが行方不明で、ずっと代わりがいない状態だと聞いているわ。
FormID: 03117523 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 There was a similar stronghold like Zendria in Dementia, but it was claimed by the sea. A fate I foresee to this island, too. Will make some interesting paintings.
FormID: 03117524 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Dementia may look bleak, but it's honest at least. Mania? Ever heard of the '19 Voids'? The part written in daedric letters read [QUOTE]Legal notice: A visit to the Nineteen Voids can result in an untimely death. Visit at your own risk.[QUOTE]
__Dementiaは寒々しい場所と思われるかも知れないけれど、少なくとも親切心はあるのよ。でもManiaはどう?'19 Voids'という名前を聞いた事はあるかしら?広告のDaedric文字の部分にはこう書いてあるの。[QUOTE]免責事項:Nineteen Voidsにお出での際は不慮の死に見舞われる可能性があります。ご訪問はご自身のリスクにて宜しくお願いします。[QUOTE]だって。
FormID: 03117524 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 1 Go figure!
FormID: 03117525 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Sheogorath is known as [QUOTE]the great Skooma cat[QUOTE] in Khajiiti mythology. Why? Nothing's crazier than a cat on Skooma. Or so the Khajiit of old thought. Must have never seen a Bosmer on Skooma, then.
__SheogorathはKhajiiti神話において[QUOTE]the great Skooma cat(大いなるSkooma猫)[QUOTE]として知られているわ。どうしてかって?Skoomaを語る時の猫ほど素っ頓狂な存在は他に無いからよ。もしくは、古代のKhajiitがそう考えたからでしょうね。Skoomaについて熱弁をふるうBosmerなんて見たことがないし。
FormID: 03117526 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Did you ever catch a fly and turned it heads around, until you had separate it from the fly? If not, you should try it if you have the chance.
FormID: 03117527 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Best thing about living in Crucible? Watching those fools fall down the stairs. Creates some nice motives to paint.
FormID: 03117528 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I wanted to buy Watcher's Eye Manor, but the ambassador in New Sheoth responsible for house ownerships in Dementia disappeared. That's why I came here.
__実を言うと、私はWatcher's Eye Manorを購入するつもりだったのだ。しかしNew SheothでDementiaにおける家屋の権利関係の処理を担当している役人が行方不明になってしまった為に、ここに来る事になったというわけなのだよ。
FormID: 03117529 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 You don't see many sentient Daedra in the realm beside the obvious Dark Seducers and Golden Saints. Kind of sad. They usually create some very nice sceneries if let loose.
__このrealmには、明らかに知能を持っていると言えるDaedraがDark SeducerやGolden Saint以外に存在しない。まことに残念な話だ。何せ、そういうDaedraたちが緊張の糸を解いている様子は非常に素晴らしい光景だからな。
FormID: 0311752A bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I always wanted to go to Cylarne, watching Dark Seducers and Golden Saints slaughtering each others and themselves.
__私は常々Cylarneに行ってDark SeducerとGolden Saintの殺し合いを見物したいと思っているのだが…。
FormID: 0311752A bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 1 Sadly they didn't let me in.
FormID: 0311752B bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I've heard this place used to be a Golden Saint stronghold once. No wonder they left it - water seeps in everywhere. Only a question of time before everything drowns here. We should bring in some people then. Oh yeah!
__聞く所によると、この場所はかつてGolden Saintの砦だったそうだ。あちこちが水浸しだから、彼らがここを放棄したのも頷ける話ではあるな。何もかもが水没してしまうのも時間の問題だろう。そうなったら中の人を救い出さなければならなくなるな!ああ!
FormID: 0311752C bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Yan-Tissam Zainnabi has no sense of beauty. Bodies are disgusting as long as they're all well and in one piece. Likewise Barnard with his boring landscapes. What was Curio thinking?
__Yan-Tissam Zainabiには美というものが分かっていない。五体満足で健康的な肉体など反吐が出る。Barnardの奴も退屈な風景ばかり描いているから似たようなものだ。一体、Curio氏は何を考えているんだ?
FormID: 0311752D bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 One of my uncles lives in Vvardenfell, Morrowind. Maybe you have heard of him?
FormID: 0311752E bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 We Curios have a long and proud traditions of artists from all professions. Actors, authors, painters. One of them even artfully lead a branch of the Great House of Hlaalu in Morrowind. As an Imperial that's quite a feat!
__演劇に文学に絵画…。私達Curio一族は、古くからあらゆる芸術分野において誉れあるアーティストを輩出してきたんだ。その内の一人はMorrowindでその芸術的手腕を奮い、Great House Hlaaluの支部を取りまとめていたんだよ。Imperialとしてはとてつもない快挙さ!
FormID: 0311752F bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 'The Lusty Argonian Maid'? Only way to get around the zealots of the Temple, if you ask me. Just look at what they did to 'The Real Barenziah'. Being a writer is no fun anymore in Tamriel. I glad I've come here.
__'The Lusty Argonian Maid(好色アルゴニアンメイド)'の事を聞きたいって?そうだね。あれは、言うなればTempleの狂信者たちの目から逃れるための唯一の方便といった所さ。彼らが'The Real Barenziah(真実のバレンジア)'に対してどんな仕打ちをしたか分かるだろう?Tamrielでの作家生活は決して楽しいものではないんだ。私自身、ここに来られて良かったと思っているよ。
FormID: 03117530 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Hardest part about setting up any kind of guild in this realm? Find a place. Seriously. It's a nightmare to behold.
FormID: 03117531 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 It would have certainly made progress a lot quicker and easier if I had only invited artists from Mania. I don't want to limit the art done by us more than necessary, though.
FormID: 03117532 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 Why Zendria? It's the quiet! You don't get any quiet in Bliss or Crucible.
FormID: 03117533 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 What is 'eternity'? Is not every moment everlasting, but limited to not even a split second? Forever and caged in a full circle run?
FormID: 03117534 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I am not here to spread any rumors.
FormID: 03117535 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I am sorry, but it's not our part to spread gossip.
FormID: 03129157 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 0 I always wondered why this place is called the Shivering Isles. It's only one island, and it doesn't exactly shiver.
FormID: 03129157 bgZPQDialog zbgRumors 1 And I'm annoyed that many people call it the [QUOTE]Shimmering Isles[QUOTE] or the [QUOTE]Shrivelling Isles[QUOTE] or the [QUOTE]Simmering Isles[QUOTE]. That just confuses poor Zashiri.

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17