

FormID: 030045E1 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Start 0 Do you recognize the writing? I do. Norbert the Graywolf wrote it. We need to deal with him.
__あなた、文字は読める?Norbert the Graywolfがこれを書いたの。彼を何とかしなければならないわ。
FormID: 030045E3 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Deal 0 This trash has to stop! Ever complained about something? Doesn't help. Not at all. We have to do something about that Breton-would-be-Nord!
FormID: 03004CC9 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Kill 0 Are you nuts? Do I look like a Bosmer who could just eat any corpse in her cellar? No!
FormID: 03004CCD bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Kill 0 Typical Bosmeri behaviour. You do think that you can solve any problems by killing and eating your obstacles. No. J'shiv was right. Get lost!
FormID: 03004CCB bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Persuade 0 You? Persuade him? Only a master with a golden tongue could pull this of. And you're not.
__彼を説得する?あなたが?可能だとしたらgolden tongue(金の舌:弁舌に非常に優れた)の達人だけでしょうね。でもあなたは違う。
FormID: 03004CCC bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Persuade 0 Maybe. Worth a try. I don't think it will work, though. If it fails, I've got another plan. Better hear it first, would you, sweetie?
FormID: 03004CCF bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2OW 0 Hm. I've heard of a story. Maybe a certain potion could help. Try and find S'drassa, a Khajiiti alchemist. Ask him about the [QUOTE]Potion of Muzgob[QUOTE].
__ふうむ。とある魔法薬の話を聞いたことがあるわ。それがあれば。まずはS'drassaを探してみて。Khajiitの錬金術師よ。彼に「Potion of Muzgob」について聞いてみて。
FormID: 03004CD1 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 Don't ask me about any specifics, darling - I'm the model, not the alchemist!
FormID: 03004CD2 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 What in Oblivion? No. Don't know anything about that. Never heard of the name [QUOTE]Muzgob[QUOTE]. Go away. Shh.
FormID: 030053A8 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 Only because you're the Arch Mage: Muzgob was an Orc necromancer with two daughters. One of them lives in Anvil. That's all I know.
__あなたがArch Mageだから教えますけれど、Muzgobというのは二人の娘を持つOrcのNecromancerの名前ですよ。娘の一人がAnvilに住んでいます。私が知っているのはこれだけですね。
FormID: 030053A9 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 Be quiet! Muzgob was a necromancer, and an evil one. He had two daughters. One of them lives in Anvil. That's all I know.
FormID: 030053AA bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 Muzgob? Yeah, I know that name. She's that Orc girl in Anvil, is she not? Never heard of a [QUOTE]Potion of Muzgob[QUOTE], though.
__Muzgobだって?ああ、知っている名前だね。AnvilにいるOrcの女だよ。けれど「Potion of Muzgob」なんて聞いたことがないな。
FormID: 030053AB bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 Potion of Muzgob? I'm Guglash gra-Muzgob, but I'm no potion!
__Potion of Muzgobだって?私はGuglash gra-Muzgobと言う名前だけれど、魔法薬なんて知らないよ!
FormID: 03007CFA bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 So you have the potion. Now let's put it to use!
FormID: 030083E3 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion 0 Potion of Muzgob? Do you know who Muzgob was? What he did?
__Potion of Muzgobですか?あなたはMuzgobがどんな人物で何をしたか知っているのですか?
FormID: 030053A7 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Sdrassa 0 Leyawiin. Mages Guild. Even I know that. You should be ashamed!
__LeyawiinのMages Guildよ。そんなの私だって知っているのに、あなた恥ずかしくないの!?
FormID: 030053AD bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Muzgob 0 Try asking Guglash gra-Muzgob in Anvil. Maybe she knows something about that potion. This one sure as Oblivion don't.
__AnvilのGuglash gra-Muzgobに会ってみてください。たぶん彼女ならその魔法薬について知っているでしょう。私には全然分かりませんが!
FormID: 030053AE bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Muzgob 0 He was my father. Orc naming convention, you know? He's dead and buried. (I hope.)
FormID: 030053B9 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Muzgob 0 I'm not going to discuss him with someone who probably can't even hold a glass of water!
FormID: 030083E0 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Muzgob 0 Ever heard of the Mythic Era? A time of changing, before time itself existed. That Orc somehow was able to bottle up the instability of that time. A deadly poison, changing the fundament of a being.
__Mythic Era(神話時代)のことは聞いたことがありますか?それは変動の時代でした。「時間」という概念が存在する以前のことです。そのOrcはどうにかして神話時代の「不安定性」を薬瓶に詰め込むことに成功したのです。存在の存立基盤をゆるがす効果をもたらす猛毒ですね。
FormID: 030053B1 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Where 0 In Solstheim, High Rock, Black Marsh. And I think in a few Bosmer in Valenwood, too. Blerg.
__SoltheimとHigh RockとBlack Marshです。おそらく、ValenwoodのBosmerのお腹の中にも…。クッ!
FormID: 030053B2 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Potion2 0 He made many, but I guess you're looking for the Mythic Time potion, are you not? Quite fun at parties!
__父は沢山の魔法薬を作りました。あなたが必要としているのはMythic Time potionですよね?あれはパーティーにもってこいの薬なんですよ!
FormID: 030053B4 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2MythicTime 0 Oh I'm not going to spoil your fun. A simple recipe. Bring me three Alocasia Fruits, a Varla stone, five Blood grasses and a part Mnemoli Dust.
__あなたの楽しみを台無しにするつもりはありませんよ。単純なレシピです。Alocasia Fruitsを3つとVarla Stoneを1つ、Blood Grassを5つととMnemoli Dustを1つまみ。これだけ用意して持って来て下さい。
FormID: 030053B7 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2MythicTime 0 You don't have all ingredients yet, get going!
FormID: 03006F2F bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2MythicTime 0 Ah, finally. Just ... and ... wait a secon... here it is! The potion of Mythic Times!
__ああ、やっと…もう少し待っ…これだ!Mythic Timesのポーションだ!
FormID: 030053B6 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Mnemoli 0 Remnants of the lost Aedra, fled to Aetherius instead of taking part in creation. Don't know where Muzgob got their dust from. Try asking a Daedroth or something!
FormID: 030053BB bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Mnemoli 0 The Forces of Jyggalag gathered some, at the last Greymarch. Probably a few samples are in his Great Library.
__前のGreymarchの時、Jyggalagの軍勢がいくらか集めていたな。おそらく奴のGreat Libraryに行けば数個程度は見つかるのではないか。
FormID: 0300D70F bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Mnemoli 0 I've got a bit. Here, take it!
FormID: 03050610 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Mnemoli 0 I do not make deals. I make sure they're kept.
FormID: 03050610 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Mnemoli 1 If you promise to pester me no longer with irrelevant matters, a small secret: Think about the Madhouse. That's all I'm going to say.
FormID: 030053BD bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Jyggalag 0 I don't know where it is, and I do not want to know. Never mention that place again. Please.
FormID: 03006F31 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2MythicTime2 0 I'm not going to tell you that. It was you who wanted the potion. Now get going before anyone see us together!
FormID: 03006F32 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2MythicTime2 0 You of all people should know, Daedroth!
FormID: 03006F33 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2MythicTime2 0 I'm not going to tell you that. It was you who wanted the potion. Now get going before anyone see us together! [Alchemy: You're able to sense what the potion does yourself.]
FormID: 03007CFC bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2PutToUse 0 Easy. Pour the potion over Norbert while he's not wearing his armor. And very soon the problem will remedy itself.
FormID: 03007CFF bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Help1 0 Great! Norbert is in Cheydinhal somewhere. Just wait until he takes that armor off. Then sneak to him and just pour everything over that bald skin and clothing of his. After that come back soon!
FormID: 03007D00 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Help2 0 What? You're backing out now? Coward! Well, at least I've got the potion. Thanks for that. Leave me.
FormID: 03007D02 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Norbert 0 You still have the bottle. You know what to do. Do it.
FormID: 03007D04 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Norbert 0 Dead? No. Not dead. Just go and look for him yourself. You've done a great service for all Khajiit! Hm. Tell you what - you'll make sure that he's all right, and I'm going to find a nice present for you!
FormID: 03007D06 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Norbert 0 See. I've told you he's not dead. Here, take this little stick. May it help you on your journeys!
FormID: 030083DF bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Norbert 0 You haven't looked for him. Or you haven't spoke to him. Do it. Now. I'm still searching. Wasn't where I left it. Hrmpf. You're still here? Go. Hush.
FormID: 030083E2 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2Muzgob2 0 No, I don't. He had two daughters, though. One should be able to help you. Just ask her about the [QUOTE]Potion of Mythic Time[QUOTE], not a [QUOTE]Potion of Muzgob[QUOTE]. I heard she lives in western Cyrodiil.
__いや、知りませんね。彼には2人の娘がいました。おそらく彼女のうちの1人はあなたの助けになってくれると思います。彼女に会ったら[QUOTE]Potion of Mythic Time[QUOTE]、または[QUOTE]Potion of Muzgob[QUOTE]について尋ねてみて下さい。彼女はCyrodiil西部に住んでいるそうですよ。
FormID: 03013280 bgOQ2Painting bgOQ2PersuadeNtG 0 Just yiff in hell, furfag!

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Last-modified: 2011-06-06 (月) 06:05:29