

bgPQFHeresy Edit

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<font face=2><br>
<DIV align="center">Two Faces<br>
<font face=1><DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>t's known the Aurbis is made out of two fundamental elements. Anu and Padomay. Sithis is a tendency for the Aurbis to attain a state of maximum homogeneity.The Aurbis knows  two periods in which it was homogeneous, at the start and with the creation of Mundus which attempted to recreate the initial state.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/i_51x61.dds" width=51 height=61>t's opposite, Auriel is a tendency for the Aurbis to attain a state of maximum segregation. The Aurbis knows one such period, between the realisation of Auri-El and the creation of Mundus. In this period the et'Ada started to last and seperate themselves into Aetherius and Oblivion.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>hese conclusions should at the very least be considered odd because Anuiel and Sithis are considered to be interchangeable with Anu and Padomay or in other cases, their respective souls. Yet here, Anuiel and Sithis act tangentially to Anu and Padomay as at any time something is made more Anu-like by Anu-iel, something else is made more Padomay-like or when something is made less Anu-like by Sithis, something else is made less Padomay-like.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>ithis is the forces that joins, that is love.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>uriel is hate.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/y_62x62.dds" width=62 height=62>et Sithis is also death, and Auriel is life.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>o be immortal like the et'Ada is to hate. Only love can die.<br>
<font COLOR="000000"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>o love is to die. Mara has blood on her hands.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>o die is to love! Mephala goddess of Love!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>hezarr! Dreaded father of murder! Lover of Mara!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds" width=65 height=62>ephala I take thine mourning veil from thy face and show thee to the world as Mara!

訳文 Edit

<font face=2><br>
<DIV align="center">Two Faces<br>
<font face=1><DIV align="left">Aurbisが二つの基本的な元素から作られていることは周知の通り。AnuとPadomayだ。Sithisはその性質上、Aurbisを均質性を最大の状態に到達させようとる。Aurbisは均質だった二つの時代を覚えている。原初の頃と、初期状態を再現しようとしたMundusの創造期である。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>ithisは結合の力、つまり愛である。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/a_70x61.dds" width=70 height=61>urielは憎悪である。<br>
<font COLOR="000000">愛することは死ぬことへ。Maraの御手には血が湛えられている。<br>
死ぬことは愛することへ! Mephalaは愛の女神なり!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/s_61x62.dds" width=61 height=62>hezarrよ! 謀殺を司る恐怖の父よ! Maraの恋人よ!<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/m_65x62.dds" width=65 height=62>ephalaよ、我は汝の御顔より嘆きのヴェールを取り去り、Maraのように汝を世界にお見せしよう!

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:16