

FormID: 00185FE9 SQ04 10 0 I've discovered the research notes of a Lithnilian. The notes mention him being at the Imperial Bridge Inn. Perhaps if I return this book to him, he'll offer me a reward. His notes also mention the Tar-Meena in the Mystic Archives. Perhaps if I take the book to her then she might also offer me a reward.
__Lithnilianの調査メモを発見した。このメモには彼がImperial Bridge Innにいると書かれている。たぶんこのメモを彼に戻せば、謝礼をくれるだろう。また、彼のメモにはMystic ArchivesのTar-Meenaの事も話に出ている。おそらく、彼女に本を渡せば、謝礼をくれるだろう。
FormID: 00185FE9 SQ04 20 0 I've met Lithnilian, an Altmer Sorcerer, at the Imperial Bridge Inn in the wilderness southeast of the Imperial City. He's asked me to locate his research notes on Welkynd Stones which he lost in the depths of Bramblepoint Cave.
__Imperial City南東の荒野にあるImperial Bridge Innで、AltmerのSorcerer、Lithnilianに会った。彼はBramblepoint Caveの奥で失くした、Welkynd Stoneについての調査ノートを探してきてくれないかと頼んできた。
FormID: 00185FE9 SQ04 30 0 I've recovered Lithnilian's research notes from Bramblepoint Cave. I should return it to Lithnilian for the promised reward. The notes also mention Tar-Meena in the Mystic Archives. Perhaps if I take the notes to her then she might be willing to reward me as well.
__Bramblepoint CaveでLithnilianの調査メモを見つけ出した。約束の報酬をもらうためにLithnilianの元へ戻るべきだろう。また、彼のメモにはMystic ArchivesのTar-Meenaの事も話に出ている。おそらく、彼女に本を渡せば、喜んで謝礼をくれるだろう。
FormID: 00185FE9 SQ04 100 0 I've returned the research notes to Lithnilian at the Imperial Bridge Inn. He generously rewarded me for my efforts.
__Imperial Bridge InnのLithnilianに調査ノートを渡した。彼はこの働きに対し気前よく報酬を支払った。
FormID: 00185FE9 SQ04 200 0 With Lithnilian's death, it's impossible to complete this quest.
FormID: 00185FE9 SQ04 210 0 I've taken the research notes to Tar-Meena at the Mystic Archives. She was pleased with me for delivering them to her and rewarded me with several books.
__Mystic ArchivesでTar-Meenaに調査メモを渡した。彼女は届けた事に満足し、数冊の本を報酬としてくれた。

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Last-modified: 2010-03-05 (金) 18:59:25