

FormID: 01032B8A aaTempleCB GREETING 0 Finally some backup has arrived. Did Lord Dagon send you to help me?
__やっと増援が来てくれましたか。Lord Dagonがあなたを派遣したのですね?
FormID: 01032B8C aaTempleCB aaNo 0 Well then, what are you doing here?
FormID: 01032B8E aaTempleCB aaIAmTheNewRulerOfThisPlane 0 Oh I see, then Kear has finally been removed. Maybe you can help me with a problem?
FormID: 01032B91 aaTempleCB aaThatsnoneofyourconcern 0 Very well, maybe you could help me with a problem since you're here?
FormID: 01032B92 aaTempleCB aaMaybe 0 Three of us came here to retrieve the crystal ball used in Dagon's temple for rituals.
__私ども三人は、Dagon's Templeで儀式のために用いるCrystal Ballを取り戻しに来ました。
FormID: 01032B92 aaTempleCB aaMaybe 1 It seems that Kear thought it funny to steal it, and place it in this cursed dungeon of the damned.
FormID: 01032B92 aaTempleCB aaMaybe 2 We had barely made it inside when we were attacked from every direction. I couldn't see any attackers, but the others fell quickly.
FormID: 01032B92 aaTempleCB aaMaybe 3 I barely escaped with my life. The others were not so lucky I fear.
FormID: 01032B93 aaTempleCB aaNo 0 Well I guess it's my responsibility anyway. I'll just have to try again.
FormID: 01032B95 aaTempleCB aaWhatdoyouwantmetodo 0 If you could retrieve the crystal ball, and return it to me I would be grateful.
__Crystal Ballを取り戻し、私に返してくれるならば感謝を捧げましょう。
FormID: 01032B95 aaTempleCB aaWhatdoyouwantmetodo 1 I could reward you with something we took from Kear's bedroom on one of our reconnaissance missions.
FormID: 01032B97 aaTempleCB aaVerywellwaithere 0 The door is unlocked now, do be cautious in there. Those beasts are relentless in their pursuit, and quite invisible.
FormID: 01033D67 aaTempleCB GREETING 0 Have you changed your mind? I really could use some help.
__気が変わったのですか? 誰かの助けを本当に必要としているのです。
FormID: 010348CC aaTempleCB GREETING 0 Did you recover the crystal ball? I heard a lot of commotion through the door. I had feared the worst.
__Crystal Ballを取り戻してきたのですか? 扉の中から激しく争い合う物音が聞こえてきたのです。最悪の事態が起きたのではないかと思っていました。
FormID: 010348CE aaTempleCB aaGivehimthecrystalball 0 I can't thank you enough! You have done the temple worshippers a great service.
__感謝してもし尽くせません! 寺院の信者たちに素晴らしい貢献をしていただきました。
FormID: 010348CE aaTempleCB aaGivehimthecrystalball 1 Take this spell making orb. Simply place it in the spell making altar, and it will be transformed into a fully functional spell making station.
__このSpell Making Orbを受け取ってください。Spell Making Altarに置くだけで、呪文作成の機能が完全に解放されるのです。
FormID: 010348CE aaTempleCB aaGivehimthecrystalball 2 I wish I could offer you the enchanting orb too, but it seems someone had already taken it. You should ask Epzaos about it, he may be able to help.
__Enchanting Orbも差し上げられたら良かったのですが、既に誰かが持ち去っていった後でした。Epzaosに聞いてみてください。彼ならば助けになりましょう。
FormID: 010348CE aaTempleCB aaGivehimthecrystalball 3 I have to get back to the temple now, and return the crystal ball to it's place on the altar. Maybe we will meet again.
__それでは、寺院に帰って祭壇にCrystal Ballを戻さなくてはなりません。おそらくまた会うことでしょう。
FormID: 010418A6 aaTempleCB GREETING 0 There are reports of a disturbance in the West Maze Tower. Maybe you should handle this.
__West Maze Towerにて騒動が発生した報告が入った。解決に向かったほうがいいだろう。

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Last-modified: 2009-08-14 (金) 00:53:13