

FormID: 0102DE65 sutchbiuld7 1 0 Count Kinian has asked me to go to the Imperial City. I have to find Nathan Green-Rock. A young Breton, that is currently in the care of Ocato. I have to find out if he can first pull some strings and have Ocato finish the work on Sutch, and if he will be our new Steward.
__Kinian伯爵は帝都へ向かうよう命じた。Nathan Green-Rockに会う必要がある。彼は若いBretonであり、現在Ocatoの下で働いている。OcatoがSutchへの取り組みを終えるように彼に働きかけてもらうことができるかどうか、そして彼が我々の執事になってくれるかどうかを確認しなければならない。
FormID: 0102DE65 sutchbiuld7 10 0 I have spoken to the Breton, Green-Rock and he agreed to pull the strings, and become the new Steward for Sutch.
FormID: 0102DE65 sutchbiuld7 20 0 After arriving back at Sutch, things began to look a lot better. The dead have been moved. The town is beginning to really shape up and finalize itself. Nathan has already moved into the castle. To make things even better, I noticed a new manor built near the upper gate. I should ask Jody about it.

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Last-modified: 2010-09-03 (金) 09:53:42