

FormID: 0113A977 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I so wonder what happened to the people at Harlun's Watch. I think we should go and talk to Drarana Thelis as soon as possible.
__Harlun's Watchの人達に何が起きたのか、不思議で仕方ないわ。一刻も早くDrarana Thelisと話をするべきだと思う。
FormID: 0113A978 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Strange lights in a swamp, and people vanishing... It sounds spooky, doesn't it?
FormID: 0113A979 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Well, at least we know where the strange lights came from. But, where are the townspeople? I have a bad feeling about this.
FormID: 0113A97A 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Oh no... They are dead, all of them. It must have been the trolls. Poor Drarana Thelis, she will be devastated.
__ああ…。みんな死んでるわ。きっとTrollのせいね。Drarana Thelisが可哀想。この事を知ったら茫然自失になっちゃうわ。
FormID: 0113A97B 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Poor Drarana... I wish there were something we could do for her.
FormID: 010D4A7E 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Lord Rugdumph's sword looks quite good. Are you intending to use it? Or may I have it for a while?
__Lord Rugdumphの剣はなかなかの銘品みたいね。あなたが使う?それともしばらくの間は私が使った方がいい?
FormID: 010D4A7A 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.
FormID: 010D4A7D 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.
FormID: 010D4A7C 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.
FormID: 010D4A7B 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Well done! That bastard didn't deserve to live.
FormID: 010D4A79 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I hope Biene will be able to pay off her debt now.
FormID: 010D4A78 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 It was sweet of you to give Biene your money. You know, behind that shell of stubbornness I think you actually have a heart of gold.
FormID: 010D4A77 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 We did well, don't you think so? No more goblins!
FormID: 010D4A76 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Let's go and get those goblins right away!
FormID: 010D4A75 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 How many potions did you get? Can I have some?
FormID: 010D4A74 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Don't worry, Elante! We will protect you!
FormID: 010D43A0 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Oh no! Poor Elante! This didn't work out well... not well at all...
FormID: 010D439F 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 As you got three bottles of Newheim's special brew... may I assume that one of them is for me?
FormID: 010D439E 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 So, what are you going to say to Arvena Thelas?
__で…Arvena Thelasに何を言えばいいんだっけ…?
FormID: 010D439D 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 A mountain lion! In a basement!
FormID: 011E40DD 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 MQ
FormID: 010D4393 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I agree with Captain Burd. You did an excellent job there!
FormID: 010D4392 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 An Oblivion gate at Bruma! This is getting worse!
__BrumaにOblivion Gateが開くなんて!事態はますます悪くなっているのね!
FormID: 010D4391 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Right... Should we go and see Jauffre then?
FormID: 010D4390 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 We have the book! Let's just hope we'll manage to deliver it to Martin.
FormID: 010D438F 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun... I wonder what that means.
__『Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun(正午のGreen Emperor Wayで塔が太陽に触れる場所)』…ね。どういう意味かしら?
FormID: 010D438E 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 This should be a safe place for Martin. I'm so glad we made it here.
FormID: 010D438D 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 What on Nirn is happening! We must find Jauffre!
FormID: 011E40DB 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 DAEDRASHRINES
FormID: 011CEFC0 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 So, we're off to collect glow dust, then? Ugh, I hate fighting will-o-the-wisps. It's like fighting... air.
__それじゃ、 Glow Dust を探しに行くのね。ハァ…。 Will-o-wisp と戦うのは嫌だわ。まるで空気と戦っているみたいな気分になるんだもの…。
FormID: 011CEFC1 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I don't like vampires, but of course I'll follow you to the Gutted Mine if you insist.
__Vampire は好きじゃないわ。もちろんあなたが言うなら Gutted Mine まで付いて行くけれどね。
FormID: 011CEFC2 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I think it's time for us to return to Azura, don't you agree. I'm sure she'll be happy that we have completed her task.
__そろそろ Azura 神の所に戻るべきだわ。彼女の依頼を達成したのだから、きっと喜んでくれるはずよ。
FormID: 011CEFC5 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 May I look at Azura's Star?
__私にも Azura's Star を見せてもらっていい?
FormID: 011CEFC6 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Tournament of Ten Bloods sounds quite dangerous. Are you sure you want to do this?
__Tournament of Ten Bloods はとても危険そうね。本当に参加する気?
FormID: 011CEFC7 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 This is kind of funny, but one of my cousins is actually called Goldbrand. But he prefers bows to swords.
__奇遇ね。私の親戚にも Goldbrand っていう名前の人がいるわ。もっとも彼は剣よりも弓が好きなんだけれどね。
FormID: 011CEFC9 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 So, who are you going to listen to, the Daedra lord or Barbas? You know, this whole thing makes me feel... uncomfortable.
__それで、あなたはあの Daedra Lord と Barbas のどちらの言う事を聞くつもり?どちらを選ぶにしても、あまり気持ちの良い話じゃないけれどね…。
FormID: 011CEFC8 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 So, what do you say? Are we going to the Vindasel Ruins?
__それで、これからどうするの? Vindasel の遺跡に行く予定?
FormID: 011CEFCA 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I think you probably made a wise decision there.
FormID: 011CEFCB 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I hope you are feeling proud of yourself now. Myself, I must admit I'm not too sure about your decision. But the Daedra Lord will of course be happy.
__あなたが胸を張って決断を下してくれた事を祈るわ。正直言って、私としてはあなたの選択が正しかったのかどうか確信がないの。まあでも、あの Daedra Lord は喜んだに違いないわね。
FormID: 011CEFCC 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Don't be sad. I still think you made the right decision.
FormID: 011CEFCD 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Let's hope that hiding your face behind a masque will be a good way to increase your charm and personality.
FormID: 011CEFCE 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 You know, maybe we could go to a bandit cave or something? The bandits usually try to kill us, and when we defeat them, we could grab their souls.
__Bandit のねぐらにでも行ってみる?奴らはこっちが何もしなくても襲いかかって来るし、正当防衛ついでに Soul を捉える事が出来るわ。
FormID: 011CEFCF 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Well, finding a wolf or a bear shouldn't be that tricky, should it?
FormID: 0111F9C8 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Honestly what is the point of killing a unicorn for some God or other? In my opinion, unicorns are a lot more attractive than gods.
__正直、 Unicorn を神の生贄とかにする目的って何?私としては、 Unicorn の方が神よりずっと魅力的なんだけれど。
FormID: 011CEFD0 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 You should be ashamed of yourself! Killing an unicorn just to please a stupid Daedra Lord!
__愚かな Daedra Lord に唆されて Unicorn を殺すなんて!この恥知らず!
FormID: 011CEFD1 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Alright... so we're off for hunting some trolls then?
__いいわ…。それじゃ、 Troll 狩りに出かけましょうか?
FormID: 011CEFD2 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Ogre slaves... that's a new one!
__Ogre の奴隷なんて聞いたことがないわ…!
FormID: 011CEFD3 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Let's go to the Bleak Mine and free Lord Drad's ogre slaves.
__Bleak Mine に行って Lord Drad の Ogre 奴隷達を自由にしてあげましょう。
FormID: 011CEFD5 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 Creepy place! I wonder where the slaves are?
FormID: 011CEFD6 1emmQuest1 88questchatter 0 I think all the ogres are freed now. So, shall we return to Malacath to get the reward?
__Ogre は全員逃がしたわね。さて、 Malacath の所に報酬を受け取りに戻りましょうか。

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Last-modified: 2012-03-08 (木) 20:54:12