

FormID: 010CA5C7 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You and Rhianna must have had a lot of fun together as children. One of these days I hope you'll tell me more about it.
FormID: 0114333D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 How much do you know about Ruin? He seems so sad... I have tried to make him talk about himself, but he just keeps changing subject.
FormID: 0114333E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think I met Ruin once in the Imperial City. That was before I knew you. One can't help noticing him... there is an aura of sadness around him.
__Ruinとは、あなたと出会う前にImperial Cityで会った事があると思うわ。すごく悲しそうな雰囲気を身にまとっていたから、彼の存在に気付かない人はいなかったと思う…。
FormID: 0114333F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You and Ruin seem to have a lot to talk about. Sometimes, I feel excluded... like if there are things you have decided not to share with me.
FormID: 011447C2 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I have this feeling that Eyja is more than just a servant to you. One day, I hope you will tell me the whole story.
FormID: 011447C3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Has Eyja ever told you about what she was doing before she started to work for you? I was thinking of asking her, but I'm not sure she likes me.
FormID: 010BF3F1 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Saerileth is a very nice girl, but sometimes I find her accent a bit hard to understand.
FormID: 010BED10 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'd like to know more about the differences between a dunmer and a drow. Viconia looks a lot like a dunmer to me... a very beautiful dunmer, that is.
FormID: 010BED0F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Strange that I never met Arren while I was staying in Chorrol. I don't think I would ever had forgotten him if I had seen him before!
FormID: 01188A4D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think it's great that Valtierro is exploring Cyrodiil together with us. To think that he had hardly been outside the city walls.. That's terrible!
FormID: 01188A4E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Valtierro is a funny one! Has he told you yet what he did at The Bloated Float? If not, you should ask him!
__Valtierroって面白い人よね!彼がThe Bloated Floatで起こした事件の事は直接聞いてみた?まだなら是非聞いてみて!
FormID: 010BED0E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 One day I would like you to tell me all about what you and Neeshka did in Morrowind. I keep asking her but she just grins at me.
FormID: 010D0CBD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 How about going to the Bruma area and look for Heneri's husband and sister?
FormID: 010D2F0A 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Let's look around for that redheaded woodelf. We need to find Terje's wolf - and his wedding ring.
FormID: 010D0CBB 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 How about going to Anvil and look for the Nord with the tamed wolf?
FormID: 010D0CBA 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think we should talk to Ganredhel in Cheydinhaal and Rena and Rimalus Bruiant in Chorrol. Maybe they know how to tame a wolf
__CheydinhalのGanredhelと会うべきだし、ChorrolのRenaとRimalus Bruiantにも会うべきよ。彼らに聞けば例の人馴れした狼の事が分かるかも知れないし。
FormID: 010AE8D7 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 That outfit is really beautiful. May I borrow it one of these days?
FormID: 010AE1D9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You look very pretty in that outfit, do you know that. I bet it wouldn't look half as good on me.
FormID: 010AE1D8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You look very handsome in that outfit, do you know that?
FormID: 010AE1D4 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I really like your outfit - it matches your eyes so well.
FormID: 0107A004 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Back in Morrowind, I used to be asleep at this hour of the night!
FormID: 01065EA4 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 So... what would you like to do next?
FormID: 0105C861 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I have found one of the ingredients I was looking for! Isn't that great?
FormID: 01052AAE 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Have you got a minute?
FormID: 0114F3C9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Have you got a minute?
FormID: 0106657A 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know what I would fancy right now? A sweetroll. Or a sweetcake.
FormID: 01142C64 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know what I would fancy right now? A sweetroll. Or a sweetcake.
FormID: 01066579 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm so thirsty... Have you got something for me to drink?
FormID: 01142C62 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm so thirsty... Have you got something for me to drink?
FormID: 01142C63 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm so thirsty... Have you got something for me to drink?
FormID: 01035FAD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm tired of this place - let's go somewhere else!
__この場所飽きちゃった… 他の場所いこうよ!
FormID: 0107A005 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I've heard that the Countess of Bruma is the collector of Akaviri artifacts, and that she's always seeking new pieces for her collection.
FormID: 010CD5C9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need some money for personal expenses.
FormID: 0112D452 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need some money for personal expenses. To tell the truth, it seems Melinda's business isn't doing that well. I need to help her out.
FormID: 0112D455 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I need to look over Bruse's equipment, and I need a couple of things for myself as well.
FormID: 0112D456 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I think there must be a hole in my pocket, cause all my money just seem to... vanish.
FormID: 0112D459 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need some money for personal expenses. I want to buy more books about alchemy, and maybe some ingredients, too. No, I do not mean strawberries!
FormID: 0112DB2D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need some money for personal expenses. You see, my family has never been to Cyrodiil, so I would love to buy some souvenirs and send to them.
FormID: 0112DB30 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I need money for personal expenses. Hey, don't look at me like that! I've been helping you to clear out enough dungeons to deserve my rightful share!
FormID: 0112DB31 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Tell me, how much money have we earned lately? I need a part of it for some personal expenses.
FormID: 0112DB34 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Isn't it about time that you give me a share of the loot? After all, we have been raising the money together, haven't we...
FormID: 0112DB35 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 The Imperial City is so different from what I'm used to!So many beautiful things to buy -I could spend a fortune!Talking about that,I need some cash!
__見慣れたImperial Cityが、今は全然違って見えるわ!綺麗なものがいっぱいあって、買いたくなっちゃう!えっとね。つまり…お金が欲しいなって。
FormID: 0117F3BA 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 All that gold must be getting rather heavy, don't you think you should share the burden with a friend?
FormID: 0117F3BE 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'd like to make a donation to the League for Distressed Adventurers,and I wonder if you might care to cough up a few coins?Think of their families.
FormID: 01035FA9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Pardon me for asking, but... Are you sure that you know where we are going?
FormID: 01021760 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know, sometimes it really irritates me that you never ask for my opinion. For instance,when did you last ask me what I thought we should do next?
FormID: 01147829 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know, sometimes it really irritates me that you are always deciding where we are going. I think it's my turn to lead the way for a change!
FormID: 01021087 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Tell me honestly... do you like having me as your companion?
FormID: 010202D7 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 There's something I'd like to talk to you about. Have you got a minute?
FormID: 010202D6 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You know, since you and I started to travel together I have discovered something - I'm actually quite a good fighter. Don't you think so too?

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Last-modified: 2012-01-18 (水) 05:50:20