

FormID: 0114C3D2 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I think we should return that Potion of Goblin Essence to Sereni before doing anything else.
__ねぇ、こんな所で油売ってないでPotion of Goblin EssenceをSereniのもとへ持ち帰りましょうよ。
FormID: 0114CAB1 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Let's hurry to Cheydinhal. I'm so eager to learn more about spellcasting!
FormID: 0114CAB2 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Now, you just head over to Skingrad with the ingredients for Falanu. Meanwhile, Heneri will teach me some spells. This will be fun!
FormID: 0114CAC4 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I have learnt so many new things while you were away. I will tell you all about it - but you should talk to Heneri first!
FormID: 0114CAC3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I have learnt so many new things while you were away. Guess what! I can paralyze people now!
FormID: 01174198 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I have received a letter from Heneri!
FormID: 010CE38C 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 There's something I need to talk to you about. You see, I have received a letter from Melinda, and she asks us to help her out once more.
FormID: 010D9EA2 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I got a letter from Melinda. She was so happy for the Melting Daedra Hearts. She slept with them under her pillow - and dreamt about Thordar!
__Melindaから手紙が届いたわ。Melitng Daedra Heartにはすごく喜んでもらえたみたい!あれを枕の下に置いて、Thordarの夢を見ながら眠ったんだって!
FormID: 0114A16A 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 This is strange! I have received a note from Heneri. You'll never guess what she says!
FormID: 0105E3B3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I have received a letter from Melinda. Thanks to the ingredients, she managed to make an antidote. She is now out of prison and so happy!
FormID: 010583CC 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 So this is goodbye then...?
FormID: 010583C7 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Let's hurry to the Bloated Float in the Waterfront, please! I need to go to my sister as soon as possible.
__お願い!WaterfrontのBloated Floatに急いで!少しでもはやく姉さんに会わないと!
FormID: 01057CEB 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 How are you doing, friend? You look very pale... You're not going to faint again, are you?
FormID: 01056F2F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 There's something I have to tell you... I think we need to separate now. I... it has to do with my mission, with the last ingredient...
FormID: 0105387F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Now you got to tell me what happened! Did you talk to Runar? Did he give you the Lovers Tears?
__何が起きたのか教えて!Runarとは話せた?Lover Tearsはもらえたの?
FormID: 01053874 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Look... I better wait for you at the Merchants Inn while you talk to Runar.
__ねぇ…あなたがMerchants InnでRunarと話している間、私は待っていた方がいいみたいね。
FormID: 01050F49 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Look... I have been thinking... Tell me honestly, do you still want to help me?
FormID: 01050F48 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 What's on your mind, friend?
FormID: 01050F47 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Yes, friend?
FormID: 0104ED03 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You've got the Melting Daedra Heart? Let me look at it!
__Melting Daedra Heartを手に入れたの?見せて!
FormID: 01049AC9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You have got the potion? Well done! Now we need to bring it to Heneri as soon as possible, so that we get the Melting Daedra Heart.
__魔法薬は手に入った?やったわね!じゃあ、なるべく早くHeneriに渡してあげないと。Melting Daedra Heartを手に入れるためにね!
FormID: 01072B7C 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Oh if I only knew what to do.I desperately need to get the last potion of green hair dye from Falanu.But as you don't want to help, I don't know how.
__どうしたらいいか全然分からないわ。FalanuからPotion of Green Hair Dyeの最後の一本を手に入れないといけないのに…!あなたが手伝ってくれないなら、私にはどうしようもないわ。
FormID: 01048D04 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 What?? She wants another potion of that horrible hair dye?? But... but that is impossible!!
__なんですって?彼女、あの恐ろしい色をしたPotion of Hair Dyeがもう一本欲しいって??でも…でも!そんなの不可能よ!!
FormID: 01047881 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Have you found any Glowing Wisp Stalk Cap yet?
__Glowing Wisp Stalk Capは見つかったかしら?
FormID: 010471AD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 This place is creepy! I hope we'll find the Glowing Wisp Stalk Caps soon!
__薄気味悪い場所ね!なるべく早くGlowing Wisp Stalk Capが見つかるといいなぁ。
FormID: 010471AC 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Look... You have promised me that we would find my Glowing Wisp Stalk Caps before we did anything else. So, why are we stalling like this?
__Glowing Wisp Stalk Cap探しを最優先にしてくれるって約束してくれたわよね?なのに、どうして私達はこんな所で立ち往生してるのかしら?
FormID: 010471AB 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm so glad that you want us to find the Glowing Wisp Stalk Caps before anything else. We are working on it now, aren't we?
__あなたがGlowing Wisp Stalk Cap探しを何よりも最優先してくれて、とても嬉しいわ。そして今、ちょうど探している最中というわけね。
FormID: 010471A8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Dearest friend... There's something I need to say to you.
FormID: 0104264C 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Is it true! Have you got a Spotted Lavender Sprig for me? That's... that's just wonderful!
__ほ…本物だ!私のためにSpotted Lavender Sprigを探してくれたの?すごい…!本当にすごいわ…!
FormID: 01041891 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Hi! So, you have talked to Falanu's mother? And she gave you the taproot? How wonderful! Let me have it, please!
FormID: 01103CF4 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 So Falanu says her mother might be able to help? Then I hope we can go and talk to her really soon.
FormID: 011B7D02 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Oh! I see you have the five wolf pelts that I requested! Please give them to me, and I will make you a Wolfcry armor.
__わぁ!前にお願いした Wolf Pelt を5枚集めたのね!私に預けてちょうだい。 Wolfcry Armor を作ってあげる。
FormID: 011B83D9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Look what I have for you! I have completed the Wolfcry armor, I'm sure you will love it! And now... now I am your proper girlfriend.
__ねぇ、これを見て! Wolfcry Armor が完成したわ。あなたもきっと気に入るはずよ。これで…これでようやく私、正式にあなたの彼女になれるわ。
FormID: 011B992D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I got a letter from my mother today. She had some great news about my cousin Hilda.
__今日、ママから手紙が届いたわ。いとこの Hilda の事でビッグニュースがあったの。
FormID: 011BA024 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Why did we leave the Jewelry store so soon. I'm very sure they had some wonderful things there, but you didn't even bother to look around.
FormID: 011BDDBA 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Sweetheart, what do you want?
FormID: 011BDDB8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Sweetheart, what do you want?
FormID: 011BD6DD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Sweetheart! You have found four lion pelts for my mother! That's tremendous! Now we just need something special for my father.
__ママの為に Lion Pelt を4枚集めてくれたのね!素晴らしいわ!あとはパパ用に何か特別なものを用意しないとね。
FormID: 011BDDBB 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Sweetheart! You have found a minotaur horn for my father!That's great! Now I will finish the letter to my parents and send the whole package to them.
__パパの為に Minotaur Horn を用意してくれたのね!すごいわ!それじゃ、私は手紙を書いて、荷物一式と一緒に送るわね。
FormID: 011BFFDE 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I have received a letter from my parents. They were both so happy for your gifts.
FormID: 011BFFE8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Sweetheart!You have found another Minotaur horn for my father! I bet he will be so happy now that he can finally make the horned helmet of his dreams
__まあ!パパの為にもう1本も Minotaur Horn を手に入れてくれたのね。これでパパも夢の角付きカブトが作れるはず。きっとすごく喜んでくれるわ。
FormID: 011BFFE9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Guess what! I received a letter from my father today! He is so happy over his new Minotaur horned helmet that he doesn't want to kill you any longer.
__見て見て!パパから手紙が来たわ。 Minotaur の角のカブトが手に入ってすごく嬉しいって。自分で二度と狩りはしたくないって言ってたからね。
FormID: 011C06E5 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Sweetheart, you're back! Did you talk to Runar?
__ああ、お帰りなさい! Runar とは話せた?
FormID: 010AE8DA 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You look so pale... Are you ill?
FormID: 010AE8D9 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 How are you doing? You don't look well at all...
FormID: 0112D44D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I've finished my meal now. But if you want to sit like this a little longer, I certainly do not mind. It's much nicer than dungeon-crawling.
FormID: 0113202F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I've finished my meal now. But if you want to sit like this a little longer, I certainly do not mind. It's much nicer than dungeon-crawling.
FormID: 01152ACF 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It has been a lovely evening. Thank you.
FormID: 01153876 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It has been a lovely evening. Thank you.
FormID: 0112D44E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 What a lovely idea to spend the evening at home. I'm so glad you suggested it.

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Last-modified: 2012-02-19 (日) 07:13:08