

FormID: 011CF6BE 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'm sure Heneri would just love this place.
__きっと Heneri なら気に入りそうな場所ね。
FormID: 011CF6C0 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if Heneri has ever been here. No... probably not. If she had, she would probably had remained here. Don't you think she would fit right in?
__Heneri はここに来た事があるのかしら?うーん…きっと無いわね。もし来た事があるなら、今でも離れず滞在しているはず。だってここって本当に彼女にぴったりの場所だから。そう思わない?
FormID: 011CF6C2 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Shivering Isles does have some similarities with Morrowind, doesn't it? It's just that the people in Morrowind are more, well, normal.
__Shivering Isles はどこか Morrowind に似ている所があるわね。まぁ、住民の正気度は Morrowind の方がずっとずっと高いけれど。
FormID: 011CF6C3 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 In Cyrodiil, I often feel the guards are staring at me. But here, it's more likely that you'll be staring at the Seducer guards!
__Cyrodiil では衛兵さんに見つめられてるなって感じる事があったけれど、ここではむしろあなたが Seducer の衛兵さんに見とれてる事の方が多いみたいね!
FormID: 011CF6C4 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you seen that some of the guards are wearing golden armor?I guess this must be a very rich country - unless all the money were spent on uniforms
FormID: 011CF6C5 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There are mushroom trees in Morrowind, too, did I ever tell you that?
__Morrowind にも同じようなキノコが生えているのよ。前に話したっけ?
FormID: 011CF6C6 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There are hunger creatures in Morrowind, too, did I ever tell you that?
__Morrowind にも Hunger は住んでるのよ。前に話したっけ?
FormID: 011CF6C7 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 There are Golden Saints in Morrowind, too, did I ever tell you that? They look somewhat different, though.
__Morrowind にも Golden Saint はいるのよ。前に話したっけ?まぁ、ここにいるのは Morriwind とどこか違うみたいだけど。
FormID: 011CF6C8 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is like a nightmare version of Morrowind.
__ここはまるで、 Morrowind の悪夢版とでもいうべき場所ね。
FormID: 011CF6CA 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 People here seem to be quite talkative, but what they say don't make much sense.
FormID: 011CF6CB 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 People here talk a lot of nonsense, but at least they don't go on and on about mudcrabs and goblins.
__ここの人達はわけの分からない事ばかり喋るけれど、少なくとも Mudcrab や Goblin の話題を延々と繰り返したりはしないわね。
FormID: 011CF6CC 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Travelling here makes me want to re-visit Morrowind.
__ここを旅していると、 Morrowind に里心が付いちゃうわね。
FormID: 011CF6D0 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Before I came here, I used to think Heneri was nuts.
__ここに来るまでは、 Heneri の事を非常識な人だと思ってたわ。
FormID: 011CF6D1 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Heneri may be insane, but at least she's insane in a sensible way.
__確かに Heneri は正気じゃないかもしれないけれど、彼女は最低限の分別は身につけているわ。
FormID: 011CF6D4 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think we fit in here?
FormID: 011CF6D6 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know, I keep forgetting where we are. Only a moment ago, I was going to suggest that we should go to Waterfront and look at the ships.
__私達が今どこにいるのかって事を忘れてたわ。ほんのちょっと前には Waterfront に行って船を見物しようってあなたに提案してたはずなのにね。
FormID: 011CF6D8 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Have you ever had a sensible conversation with someone in this place?
FormID: 011CF6DB 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This reminds me of Morrowind... but Morrowind was, well, more normal.
__ここは Morrowind を思い起こさせるわね。もっとも、 Morrowind はもっとこう…普通だけれど。
FormID: 011CF6DC 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I had almost forgotten how charming mushroom trees can be.
FormID: 011CF6DD 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think Melinda would have liked this place. She is, after all, a bit crazy.
__Melinda ならきっとこの場所を気に入るだろうと思うわ。ぶっちゃけ、あの子って少し変な所があるもの。
FormID: 011CF6E1 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 What an interesting landscape. So different from Cyrodiil!
__面白い景色ね。 Cyrodiil とはまるで違うわ!
FormID: 011CF6E2 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place is certainly very different from Cyrodiil.
__ここは Cyrodiil とはまるで違うわね。
FormID: 011CF6E4 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Could you imagine someone like Modryn Oreyn fitting in here?
__Modryn Oreyn みたいな人はこの世界になじめるのかしらね?想像出来る?
FormID: 011CF6E6 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The only person from Cyrodiil that would fit in here would be Heneri. Well, maybe Falanu as well. And the Bruiants. And Glathrin. And Maiq the liar.
__Cyrodiil の住人でこの世界にしっくり来る人は、きっと Heneri くらいのものだと思うわ。 Falanu とか Bruiant 夫妻とか Glarthir とか 嘘つきの M'aiq にも当てはまるかも知れないけれど。
FormID: 011CF6E7 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Before I came here, I thought I was nuts because I talk to myself.
FormID: 011CF6E9 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think there are some very dangerous creatures here.
FormID: 011CF6EC 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Whoever runs this place is a maniac!
FormID: 011CF6ED 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Well, some of the fashions here are interesting, but would you buy a pair of brown trousers?
FormID: 011CF6EF 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I hate skeletons that blow up! It's a shambles.
__あの爆発する骸骨が嫌い!そう、 Shamble !
FormID: 011CF6F0 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I reckon that fish should stay in water, not jump out and chase you.
FormID: 011CF6F1 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The gatekeeper is a big boy, isn't he!
__Gatekeeper って大きいのね!!
FormID: 011CF6F2 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wouldn't mind that golden armor, only I suspect that it chafes.
FormID: 011CF6F3 1emVCSI 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wouldn't mind that golden armor, only I suspect that it chafes. I don't know how I would look as a Dark Deceiver (nervous cough) what do you think
__黄金の鎧それ自体はまあいいわ。でも、あれって肌にこすれて痛いんじゃないかしら?あと、あれを着たとして、どうやったら私が Dark Deceiver みたいに見えるようになるかというのも問題ね(ごほん)。ねぇ、あなたはどう思う?

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Last-modified: 2012-02-18 (土) 12:27:27