

FormID: 011B8B3F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Maybe we should repair our armor? Mine is getting a bit rusty - I think it's the weather.
FormID: 011B8B40 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Mmmm... I think someone has made a lamb stew here. Guess we won't get to taste it, though...
FormID: 011B8B41 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Somehow, I think that Margarte and Eitar would have been happier in Solstheim. Or in Bruma, for that matter.
__Margarte と Eitar は、この街にいるよりも Solstheim か Bruma に移住した方が幸せな気がするわ。
FormID: 011B8B42 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think Tsarava and Rena Bruiant would hate each other. One dog-lover and one dog-hater. Although... why would a khajiit love dogs?
__Tsarava と Rena Bruiant は互いに嫌い合ってると思うわ。かたや犬好きにかたや犬嫌いでしょ?でも… Khajiit が犬好きになる事なんてあり得るのかしらね?
FormID: 011B8B43 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wouldn't want to work here. The whole place smells of wet socks.
FormID: 011B8B48 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'll tell you my thoughts on this place when I'm indoors and warm and dry.
FormID: 011B8B49 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Let's go to Three Sister's Inn and have a drink!
__Three Sister's Inn に行って一杯飲みましょ!
FormID: 011B8B4A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I must say that I definitely prefer snow to rain, and Bruma to Leyawiin.
__雨よりも雪の方が断然好き。だから Leyawiin よりも Bruma の方が好き。
FormID: 011B8B4B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 How can people live here? Rain and storms all the time!
FormID: 011B8B4D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I seriously think Burz Gro-khash ought to change his name. I mean... who can pronounce Burz Gro-khash? I certainly can not!
__真面目な話、 Burz Gro-Khash は名前を変えるべきだわ。 Burz Gro-khash って正確に発音出来る人なんているのかしら?私は無理!
FormID: 011B8B4E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I used to work at Newlands Lodge. It's a good place, and Dervera is a good person.
__以前 Newlands Lodge で働いてた事があるの。良い宿よ。 Dervera も素敵なひとだし。
FormID: 011B8B4F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 If you get a chance, could you ask for Rythe's autograph? I mean, we'll probably never be able to afford one of his paintings.
__機会があったら Rythe にサインを頼んでみない?彼の描いた絵を買うのはきっと無理だから…せめてサインだけでも。
FormID: 011B8B50 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Knights of the Thorn sounds very romantic, don't you think so too?
__Knights of the Thorn ってとてもロマンティックな響きがあるわね。あなたもそう思わない?
FormID: 011B8B51 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I would like to live in a house like this.
FormID: 011B8B52 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Borba is a sweetheart! Not only has she got a wide range of wares to sell - she also has a wide range of stories to tell.
__Borba は魅力的な人よ!彼女の話は彼女の店の品揃えと同じでとても幅広いの。
FormID: 011B8B53 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder why the nice young blacksmith lady always looks so sad. Maybe she is mourning a lost lover?
FormID: 011B8B54 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Black horses do look beautiful and I know they are the fastest in all Cyrodiil.But,I tell you this - I wouldn't ever exchange Bruse for a black horse
__Black Horse は見た目もいいし Cyrodiil 最速だって事は知ってるわ。それでも Bruse を Black Horse と交換してくれと言われたら私は断るけれど。
FormID: 011B8B55 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 We better be careful here - I wouldn't trust that Gandrehel's dogs won't bite us.
__ここでは用心した方がいいわ。 Gandrehel の犬が噛みついてこないとも限らないし。
FormID: 011B8B56 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Mach-Na's store is great, but he always seems so angry. Especially when I ask for books with less text and more pictures.
__Mach-Na の店は素晴らしい店だと思うわ。でも、彼っていつも怒ってばかり。私が絵が多くて文字数の少ない本を探してる時は特に。
FormID: 011B8B57 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is an impressive castle. Although I wouldn't have wanted to work as a castle maid here.
FormID: 011B8B58 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 To be perfectly honest, it makes me somewhat nervous to know that Heneri might be involved in the cooking.
__正直言って、 Heneri が料理に手を出す事を知って何だか落ち着かない気分よ。
FormID: 011B8B59 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I used to work at Newlands Lodge. So, of course, I haven't spent much time at the Bridge Inn. Dervera wouldn't have been very happy if I had.
__以前 Newlands Lodge で働いてたから、 Bridge Inn に来た事はあまりないの。そんな事をしたら Dervera もいい顔をしなかっただろうしね。
FormID: 011B8B5A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 That nice young lady blacksmith who runs the March Rider always looks so sad,you know.The next time you go there maybe you could give her a smile
__March Rider の若い女性鍛冶師さんはいつもすごく悲しそうな顔をしているわね。今度行く機会があったら、あなたの方から彼女に笑顔で話しかけてあげてね。
FormID: 011B8B5B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 All the dunmers here look so sad and frustrated. I bet that they would much rather be in Morrowind.
__この街の Dunmer はみんなすごく悲しそうでいらいらした顔をしてるわね。きっと皆、 Morrowind に帰りたいのよ。
FormID: 011B8B5C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 It's strange that so many dunmers have decided to live in a city so completely different from anything you would see in Morrowind.
__こんな Morrowind とは似ても似つかない街に、これだけ大勢の Dunmer が住んでいるのはおかしな話ね。
FormID: 011B8B5D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think this might be the most beautiful city in Cyrodiil. I like these houses.
__この街は Cyrodiil で一番綺麗だと思うわ。建物が美しいのよ。
FormID: 011B8B5E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I believe that Ardaline has quite a few potions and ingredients. Let's look through her wares while we are here.
__Ardaline なら素材や魔法薬を常備していると思うわ。ここにいる間に彼女の所に寄って品揃えを確かめてみましょ。
FormID: 011B8B5F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I believe Tadrose Helas knows a lot about repairing armor.
__Tadrose Helas は防具の修理に詳しいと思うわ。
FormID: 011B8B60 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Someone must have been very inspired or very drunk when naming this place Silver Home on the Water.
__ここを Silver Home on the Water って名付けた人は、命名当時すごい直感に導かれたかあるいはひどく酔っ払ってたかのどちらかね。
FormID: 011B8B61 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder why the lonely suitor was so lonely? Maybe his loved one had left the city, trying to find a nicer place to stay.
__Lonely Suitor (寂しき求婚者) はどうしてそんなに寂しい思いをしなくちゃならなかったのかな?ここよりもっと住みやすい場所を探して愛する人が街を出て行ったのかしら?
FormID: 011B8B62 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 The horses here are nice, but I still prefer the white ones.
__ここの馬はいい馬ね。それでも私は White Horse の方が好きだけれど。
FormID: 011B8B63 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I guess The Fair Deal is, well, a fair store. Not great, but not that bad, either.
__The Fair Deal はちゃんとした店だと思うわ。可もなく不可もなくって所ね。
FormID: 011B8B64 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I'd say that a warlock who has ended up as a shopkeeper in Bravil isn't exactly lucky.
__私からすれば Bravil で一介の店主に終わったような Warlock は決して Lucky だとは言えないと思うわ。
FormID: 011B8B65 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 One day when we are not too busy, I would like you to explain to me what The Archer's Paradox really means.
__いつか暇な時間があったら、あなたに The Archer's Paradox (射手の逆説) ってどういう意味なのか教えてもらいたいわ。
FormID: 011B8B66 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I must admit that I don't find this castle very majestic.
FormID: 011B8B67 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I guess it's big and comfortable enough for City Swimmer, especially considering that she spends most of her time swimming in the canals.
__この家は City Swimmer にとっては必要十分な広さだと思うわ。ほら、彼女って大抵いつも水路で泳いでるし。
FormID: 011B8B68 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wouldn't want to swim in the canals - the water doesn't look that nice to me.
FormID: 011B8B69 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think this city could get really pretty if they painted the houses. And planted some flowers here and there.
FormID: 011B8B6A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Everything look so dirty and ugly. Do you think everyone here is poor?
FormID: 011B8B6B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've learnt that there are times and places when one better not make any comment at all. This is such a tiime and place.
FormID: 011B8B6C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you think we can sit down in front of the fire for a while?
FormID: 011B8B6D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This certainly is an impressive place!
FormID: 011B8B6E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I guess Lord Rugdumph must be pretty rich in order to afford this.
__こんな領地を維持出来るのだから、きっと Lord Rugdumph はお金持ちなのね。
FormID: 011B8B6F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Don't look so scared! Those ladies might look as if they want to bite you, but I'm pretty sure they won't. They, well, they just don't like you much.
FormID: 011B8B70 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder why all the houses are built so that no-one can enjoy the lovely view?

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Last-modified: 2012-02-18 (土) 11:35:26