

FormID: 0116A410 1emmQuest1 7emmThisInn 0 At the Solstheim Mead Houses we often dance on the tables after a few bottles of mead. But I don't think it is common practice here, is it?
__SoltheimのMead Houseでは何本かMeadを空けたあと、よくテーブルの上でダンスを踊ったものよ。でも、こちらではあまりそういう習慣はないみたいね。
FormID: 0116A411 1emmQuest1 7emmThisInn 0 I like this inn.
FormID: 0116A412 1emmQuest1 7emmThisInn 0 I like this inn - but have you noticed that the innkeeper is staring at us all the time?
FormID: 0116A413 1emmQuest1 7emmThisInn 0 This place would have been ever nicer if there had been a bard around.
FormID: 01174196 1emmQuest1 7emmThisInn 0 Well... to be perfectly honest, it makes me somewhat nervous to know that Heneri might be involved in the cooking.
FormID: 0116A414 1emmQuest1 7emmThisInn 0 I wonder if this place is more crowded at lunchtime?
FormID: 0116A402 1emmQuest1 7emmMyPleasure 0 ...and it's much appreciated.
FormID: 0116B1CE 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 0 He is here, but he is kept in a separate room for prisoners that are not allowed to have visitors. Is there anything I can do for you?
FormID: 0116AAF9 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 0 He is not here, and that's for sure. You better ask around somewhere else.
FormID: 0116B1D1 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 0 Now, this is the problem... I do not know!
FormID: 0116B1D1 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 1 The only thing I know is that he is imprisoned somewhere. For some silly little mistake when preparing a meal for one of the countesses.
FormID: 0116B1D1 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 2 Alas, I cannot recall in which city this happened. It wasn't Cheydinhal for sure! You'll simply have to ask around.
FormID: 0116B1D1 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 3 Go to the city prisons and ask the jailors. They should know if he is there or not.
FormID: 0116B1D1 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 4 By the time you get back, Vilja should know her new spell.
FormID: 0116AAF6 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 0 Now, this is the problem... I do not know!
FormID: 0116AAF6 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 1 The only thing I know is that he is imprisoned somewhere. For some silly little mistake when preparing a meal for one of the countesses.
FormID: 0116AAF6 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 2 Alas, I cannot recall in which city this happened. It wasn't Cheydinhal for sure! You'll simply have to ask around.
FormID: 0116AAF6 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 3 Go to the city prisons and ask the jailors. They should know if he is there or not.
FormID: 0116AAF6 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 4 By the time you get back, Vilja should know her new spell. Oh... one more thing!
FormID: 0116AAF6 1emmQuest1 AAA003FindErnesto 5 Don't you dare to taste my omelet!
FormID: 0116AAF7 1emmQuest1 AAA003ConcernErnesto 0 What? Don't you trust my cooking?Seriously,I have added just a tad bit of poison to it, and I'm sure that he can make an antidote, himself, if needed
FormID: 0116B1D2 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverOmelet 0 You have delivered the omelet? I'm so glad to hear this! I just knew I could trust you. You didn't taste it, did you?
FormID: 0116B1D2 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverOmelet 1 While you have been away, I have done my best to teach Vilja this new spell. By now I think she knows it fairly well.
FormID: 0116B1D2 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverOmelet 2 Go and have a chat with her. She is probably eager to tell you more about what she has learnt.
FormID: 0116B1D0 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverOmelet 0 You have an omelet for him? No problems, I'll give it to him.
FormID: 0116BF86 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverOmelet 0 You have an omelet for him? Well, it must be pretty well hidden, then, cause I cannot see it.
FormID: 0116BF82 1emmQuest1 AAA003Omeletfeedback 0 The thing is... I don't know! I haven't heard from him. And I had expected him to write to me and thank me!
FormID: 0116BF82 1emmQuest1 AAA003Omeletfeedback 1 So, I want you to bring him this cake and find out why he hasn't responded. I cannot imagine that he didn't like my omelet!
FormID: 0116BF84 1emmQuest1 AAA003BadOmeletfeedback 0 Of course he did! Or... at least I think so.
FormID: 0116BF84 1emmQuest1 AAA003BadOmeletfeedback 1 The thing is... I don't know! I haven't heard from him. And I had expected him to write to me and thank me!
FormID: 0116BF84 1emmQuest1 AAA003BadOmeletfeedback 2 So, I want you to bring him this cake and find out why he hasn't responded. I cannot imagine that he didn't like my omelet!
FormID: 0116BF88 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverCake 0 I'm sorry, I can not deliver the cake. Monsieur Ratatoille is very ill, we hardly expect him to survive. And what is worse...
__すみませんが、ケーキを届けるわけにはいきません。Monsieur Ratatoilleはひどく体調を崩しているんです。辛うじて命をながらえているくらいで…。もっと悪い状態になるかもしれませんし。
FormID: 0116BF88 1emmQuest1 AAA003DeliverCake 1 Many of our guards are also ill. It seems they have all been eating something poisonous.
FormID: 0116BF8A 1emmQuest1 AAA003OhDear 0 Yes, it's terrible, isn't it. Now, if I could just catch the creep who delivered that omelet...
FormID: 0116BF8A 1emmQuest1 AAA003OhDear 1 Wait a second!
FormID: 0116BF8A 1emmQuest1 AAA003OhDear 2 I recognize you! You're the one who brought the omelet!
FormID: 0116BF90 1emmQuest1 AAA003Explain 0 Don't you even try it! You're going to hang for this!
FormID: 0116BF8D 1emmQuest1 AAA003Innocent 0 Don't you even try it! You're going to hang for this!
FormID: 0116BF92 1emmQuest1 AAA003Spareme 0 Hmm... If you can make an antidote, I guess that is more important than having you executed.
FormID: 0116BF92 1emmQuest1 AAA003Spareme 1 You better bring that antidote here fast, though. Monsieur Ratatoille is in very bad shape, and the guards aren't doing too well either.
__ともかく、早く解毒剤を持って来てくれ。Monsieur Ratatoilleの容態はひどく悪いんだ。仲間の衛兵たちの様子も芳しくない。
FormID: 0116BF92 1emmQuest1 AAA003Spareme 2 Obviously, a Cure Poison potion won't work - this require something much stronger!
__普通のCure Poison Potionでは効果がないぞ。もっと強力な奴が必要だ!
FormID: 0116BF91 1emmQuest1 AAA003Antidote 0 Hmm... If you can make an antidote, I guess that is more important than having you executed.
FormID: 0116BF91 1emmQuest1 AAA003Antidote 1 You better bring that antidote here fast, though. Monsieur Ratatoille is in very bad shape, and the guards aren't doing too well either.
__ともかく、早く解毒剤を持って来てくれ。Monsieur Ratatoilleの容態はひどく悪いんだ。仲間の衛兵たちの様子も芳しくない。
FormID: 0116BF91 1emmQuest1 AAA003Antidote 2 Obviously, a Cure Poison potion won't work - this require something much stronger!
__普通のCure Poison Potionでは効果がないぞ。もっと強力な奴が必要だ!
FormID: 0116BFAD 1emmQuest1 AAA003AntidoteHeneri 0 I do really hope that the Antidote will help dear monsieur Ratatoille. But, honestly, I can't understand why he got ill in the first place.
__この解毒剤が親愛なるMonsieur Ratatoilleを救ってくれる事を祈るよ。でも、正直言って彼ともあろう人が最初の一歩で躓いて体調を崩してしまうなんて、わけが分からないよ。
FormID: 0116BFAD 1emmQuest1 AAA003AntidoteHeneri 1 By the way, I believe you still have that cake... Don't worry, you can keep it. Or, better still, give it to Vilja, to celebrate her new spellcasting
FormID: 0116BFA9 1emmQuest1 AAA003AntidoteHeneri 0 You have the Antidote? Let's hope it will help. Ernesto Ratatoille is in a bad shape, and the guards aren't a pretty sight, either.
__解毒剤を持っているのか?上手く効くといいのだが…。Ernesto Ratatoilleはひどく悪い。仲間の衛兵たちの様子も芳しくないしな。
FormID: 0116BFAB 1emmQuest1 AAA003AntidoteHeneri 0 I can't see that you have any Antidote. You better get it quickly, or you'll hang!
FormID: 0116BFA7 1emmQuest1 AAA003AntidoteHeneri 0 Here! Bring this antidote to Ernesto Ratatoille. It should be sufficient for the guards as well, they only need a spoonful each.
__これが解毒剤だよ!Ernesto Ratatoilleに渡しておくれ。これだけあれば衛兵たちも回復出来るだろう。各人あたりスプーン一杯だけ飲ませてやればいい。
FormID: 0116BFA7 1emmQuest1 AAA003AntidoteHeneri 1 Vilja and I will practice her spellcasting a little more while you are away. When you get back, I'm sure she will have improved her skills further.

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Last-modified: 2011-07-18 (月) 17:12:51