

FormID: 0105ACF3 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 01058AB1 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings. I shouldn't linger here anymore - I'd better go back to Morrowind.
__あら、どうも… こんなところで油売っている場合じゃないかも… もうMorrowindに帰りたい…
FormID: 01058AAD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings. I believe I already know what you are going to say. Vilja will stay with you, right?
__こんにちは。 言わなくてもわかるよ。私と一緒に居たいんでしょ?
FormID: 01058AAD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 1 That's probably a good choice... the two of you seems to be very devoted to each other.
__ねぇ… 私たちってそんなにイチャイチャしてるようにみえるかな?
FormID: 01058AAD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 2 And don't worry about the ingredients... I will bring them to Melinda, no problems. I'm sure she'll be out of the prison within a few days.
__あ、治療薬のことは心配しないでね! 私がMelindaにちゃんと届けるから。 彼女を絶対に釈放させてあげるんだから!
FormID: 01058AAD 1emmQuest1 GREETING 3 Actually... I should use my teleport scroll and hurry back to her at once. Take good care of Vilja. She's a lovely kid.
__実をいうとね… 一度テレポートの魔法つかって彼女の無事を確かめに行ってくるけど… ちょっと離れるけど無事を祈っててね! 彼女のことが気にかかるの。
FormID: 01058AAC 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings. I think you and Vilja should have a talk and decide whether or not she will come with me to Morrowind.
__あの… 彼女がMorrowindに帰るかどうかはちゃんと話しあって決めてよね…
FormID: 010583C8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings, both of you. Vilja, I would recognize you anywhere... I assume this is a friend of yours? Well, then listen to me, both of you...
FormID: 010583C8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 1 Vilja, Melinda has asked me to go to Cyrodiil and help you collect the ingredients that she needs.
__Vilja、 Melindaは私にCyrodiilにいってあなたを手伝うように頼んだわ。
FormID: 010583C8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 2 Once all the ingredients are found, you can either come with me to Morrowind, or, if you prefer that, you can stay here in Cyrodiil.
__治療薬の材料全部揃っちゃったのなら、Morrowindに私と一緒に帰る? …それともCyrodiilに残る…?
FormID: 010583C8 1emmQuest1 GREETING 3 Then I'll bring the ingredients to Melinda, so that she can make the antidote and hopefully get out of that horrible prison.
__そう…じゃあ材料は私が代わりにMelindaに届けるわね。 それであのひどい牢獄からちゃんと出られるようになることを願うわ。
FormID: 01058AAB 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 0116BFA4 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Give me some peace - can't you see that I'm working?
__少しは休ませてよね… わからない? 私忙しいの!
__少しは休ませてよね… わからない? 私忙しいの!
FormID: 0116BFA5 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 It won't be long now.
FormID: 0116BFA6 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Finally. The antidote is ready.
FormID: 011681AA 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 01117E76 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Would you care to buy a lady a drink?
FormID: 01117E77 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Hello, handsome!
FormID: 01043402 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 01043401 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Yes? What do you want?
FormID: 01043400 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Good day to you.
FormID: 010D97BA 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Yes? What do you want?
FormID: 010D97BC 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 010D97BB 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Good day to you.
FormID: 010DCE88 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Yes?
FormID: 010DCE83 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 010D830F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Greetings.
FormID: 010D8310 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 What can I do for you?
FormID: 01009806 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Hello there! I'm Vilja... Are you by any chance the person Melinda told me about?
FormID: 01009807 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Ah! You're back! I was hoping you would return and that you would at least listen to my story.
__あ、戻ってきてくれたのね! 戻って話をききにきてくれるとちょっと期待してたの!
FormID: 01130B71 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'm sorry about that, but I've sworn that one of these days I'm going to beat up that bastard cat-person so badly that he won't forget it.
FormID: 011681AF 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You better do the errands Heneri requested. I'll probably be busy learning the new spell for a while.
__Heneriのおつかいをやったほうがいいんじゃない? 私はこれから新しい魔法の勉強するから少し忙しくなりそう。
FormID: 011681B1 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 You bet I have been working hard while you were away. And guess what - I'm really good at using my new spell now!
__あなたがいない間、私しっかり勉強する… そして私は新しい魔法を使えるようになってると思う!
FormID: 01088F6F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here you are!
FormID: 01089D1A 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here you are!
FormID: 01089D19 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here you are!
FormID: 0112FD90 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here you are!
FormID: 010C0F67 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I can't carry all these things! I won't be able to move!
FormID: 010A1B7C 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Yes?
FormID: 010C0F68 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I can't carry all these things! I won't be able to move!
FormID: 010EA2A6 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Weren't you going to show me which person isn't really a companion?
FormID: 010EA2A7 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I thought you were going to introduce me to someone.
FormID: 01131264 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 See there, didn't I tell you that I would find the way. Now you can take over if you like.
FormID: 01131265 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 I'll get us out of here, don't you worry.
FormID: 0113EE9A 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here we are... Aleswell. Don't you think the view over the Imperial City is just lovely from here?
__到着〜。でもImperial Cityからいい景色が見れる場所ってここだけじゃないのよ?
FormID: 0113EE9C 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here we are... This is a beautiful place, but it is a bit chilly, don't you think so?
__到着〜。美しい場所ね… でも…ほら…吐息が真っ白…
FormID: 0113EE9E 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here we are... You know, although this is a pretty place, I can't help thinking of the townsfolk that were killed.
FormID: 0113EE9D 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here we are... This is a nice little hamlet, don't you think so?
FormID: 0113EE9F 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here we are... The Old Bridge.
FormID: 0113EEA0 1emmQuest1 GREETING 0 Here we are... Pell's Gate. You know, there are a very nice waterfall just a few steps away. Maybe we could go there? But it's your turn to lead now.
__到着〜。ねぇ、知ってる? ここからちょっと行ったところにとても素敵な滝があるの。あとで連れていってよね。ふふっ…次はあなたが案内する番よ。

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Last-modified: 2011-05-26 (木) 05:53:50