

FormID: 00017835 MS12 2 0 I've learned that the Countess of Bruma, Narina Carvain is the collector of Akaviri artifacts. Apparently, she's seeking a particular piece to add her relics. The townsperson I spoke to recommended I seek out Tolgan, her steward, if I was interested in retrieving the piece.
__Brumaの伯爵夫人Narina CarvainがAkaviriの遺物の収集家であることを知った。どうやら彼女はコレクションに加えたいある特定の遺物を捜しているようだ。彼女の執事Tolganは、遺物探しに興味があるなら伯爵夫人と会うように勧めてきた。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 5 0 I've met a Nord named Tolgan. Apparently, he's the herald of Countess Narina Carvain from here in Bruma. He presented me with a stipend of gold, and a request from Lady Carvain to meet her at the castle. Not wanting to offend the Countess, I should accept the request, and make my way there when she holds court.
__TolganというNordに出会った。見たところ彼はBrumaの伯爵夫人Narina Carvainの使者のようだ。彼は、城でCarvain伯爵夫人に会ってくれるよう要求し、いくらかの金を握らせてきた。伯爵夫人を怒らせるのは得策ではないだろう。要請を受け入れ彼女の謁見式へ赴くべきだ。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 10 0 Countess Narina Carvain has told me that she's seeking a particular relic of Akaviri origin: The Draconian Madstone, an amulet that supposedly grants the wearer immunity to poison. It's recently come to her attention that it may be located in the ruins at Pale Pass. She's offering a substantial reward for the talisman's return. I should speak to her for more information.
__Narina Carvain伯爵夫人はAkaviri由来の遺物、着用者に毒への抵抗力を付与する護符であるいうDraconian Madstoneを捜していると言った。それがPale Passの廃墟にあるかもしれないことが最近なって判ったらしい。彼女は護符を手に入れてきた場合にはかなりの報酬をだすと提示している。詳細について彼女と話してみよう。
__Draconian Madstoneを手に入れた。BrumaのCarvain伯爵夫人のもとまで再び長旅に出るとしよう。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 13 0 I've declined Countess Narina Carvain's offer for now. She said I could return at any time if I wish to change my mind.
__Narina Carvain伯爵夫人の要求を断った。気が変わったらいつでも戻ってきて良いと彼女は言った。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 15 0 I've accepted the task. Countess Carvain revealed that she has the diary of a messenger from the original Akaviri army that marched on Cyrodiil at the end of the First Era. The messenger's diary supposedly gives clues to the location of the ruins at Pale Pass. The Countess has provided me with a map, a translation of the diary to use as a guide and a key that may unlock a door at the site.
__仕事を引き受けた。Carvain伯爵夫人は、First Era終期にCyrodiilに進攻した最初のAkiviri軍の伝令兵が残した日記を持っていると明らかにした。その日記はPale Passの廃墟の位置を示唆している。伯爵夫人は、地図と、日記の翻訳文、そして遺跡の扉を開けられるであろう鍵を提供した。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 20 0 Countess Carvain has told me that her scouts have already located the first landmark mentioned in the diary, Dragonclaw Rock. It's been marked on my map, so I should begin the journey from there.
__Carvain伯爵夫人は彼女の斥候がすでに日記で言及されている最初の目標Dragonclaw Rockを突き止めたと言った。そこは地図にマークされているので、そこから旅を始めるべきだろう。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 30 0 I've arrived at Dragonclaw Rock. I should consult the messenger's diary to learn the way to the next landmark.
__Dragonclaw Rockに到着した。伝令兵の日記をもとに次の目標を調べよう。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 40 0 I've reached the second landmark, The Sentinel. I should consult the messenger's diary once again to discern the way to the third landmark.
FormID: 00017835 MS12 50 0 I've found the third landmark, The Serpent's Trail, which seems to be an underground passage. I'll need to traverse this passage if I'm to find the ruins.
__Serpent's Trailという地下道を発見した。廃墟を見つけるためにはこの地下道を通り抜けなければならないだろう。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 60 0 I've discovered the body of the messenger who penned the diary I've been carrying. Even though he died over a thousand years ago, the bones have been well preserved by the frost in the caves. He seems to be clutching something in his bony hand. I should investigate.
FormID: 00017835 MS12 70 0 Near the body of the messenger, I've discovered a slate tablet with what appears to be Akaviri writing on its surface. These must be the orders the messenger spoke about in the diary.
FormID: 00017835 MS12 80 0 I've emerged from The Serpent's Trail and find myself face to face with the legendary Pale Pass. A path winds down into the snowy valley. If I follow it, it should lead me directly to the ruins.
__Serpent's Trailから出ると、目の前には伝説のPale Passが広がっていた。道は雪深い谷の底へと徐々に消えている。この道にしたがって行けば、廃墟へ案内してくれるだろう。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 85 0 I've discovered the crumbled walls of the once mighty Fort Pale Pass. It appears to have been destroyed by a landslide long ago. I should proceed into the ruins and search for the Madstone.
__Fort Pale Passのものらしき朽ち果てた壁を発見した。遥か昔に地滑りによって破壊されたのだろう。廃墟の中に進み、Draconian Madstoneを探さなければならない。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 90 0 The ruins appear to be infested with undead Akaviri. I don't know how long they've been trapped here, but I should proceed with caution. I need to locate the Akaviri commander of the fort who is said to possess the Draconian Madstone.
__廃墟はAkaviriの不死者どもが蔓延っている。彼らがどれほどの間ここに閉じ込められているかは知らないが、ここは用心して進むべきだろう。Draconian Madstoneを所有しているという砦の指揮官を探し出す必要がある。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 100 0 After seeing the orders, the Akaviri Commander vanished. The ruins are now silent and at peace. After so many years, the Akaviri's final mission has been completed. I should proceed ahead and search for the Madstone.
FormID: 00017835 MS12 105 0 I've destroyed the commander of the Akaviri fort. I should proceed ahead and search for the Madstone.
FormID: 00017835 MS12 110 0 I've obtained the Draconian Madstone. I should now make the long journey back to Countess Carvain in Bruma.
__Draconian Madstoneを手に入れた。BrumaのCarvain伯爵夫人のもとまで再び長旅に出るとしよう。
FormID: 00017835 MS12 150 0 I've given Countess Carvain the Draconian Madstone. She was extremely pleased, and rewarded me with an Akaviri artifact from her personal collection called the Ring of the Vipereye.
__Carvain伯爵夫人にDraconian Madstoneを渡した。彼女は非常に喜び、彼女のコレクションからRing of the Vipereyeと呼ばれるAkaviriの遺物を報酬と渡された。

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Last-modified: 2010-05-01 (土) 13:04:49