

FormID: 0000C03B MG17Ambush 10 0 I need to travel to the south of Cyrodiil and meet a group of Battlemages preparing to storm the ruins of Silorn. Silorn can be found south east of Skingrad, near where the borders of Cyrodiil, Valenwood, and Elsewyr meet.
FormID: 0000C03B MG17Ambush 20 0 I have arrived at Silorn, and spoken with Thalfin. We cannot enter the ruins, so I must help prepare an ambush for the Necromancers when they attempt to leave.
FormID: 0000C03B MG17Ambush 30 0 I have been discovered by the Necromancers at Silorn. They will surely have alerted Falcar; I'll need to enter the ruins and find him.
__Silornで死霊術師どもに見つかってしまった。やつらは間違いなくFalcarに警告してしまうだろう; 遺跡に入り、やつを探しに行く必要がある。
FormID: 0000C03B MG17Ambush 30 1 Falcar has fled back into the ruins of Silorn. I must find him.
FormID: 0000C03B MG17Ambush 90 0 I've recovered the Black Soul Gem. It needs to be taken back to Hannibal Traven at the Arcane University.
__Black Soul Gemを回収した。これはArcane UniversityのHannibal Travenの手に戻される必要がある。
FormID: 0000C03B MG17Ambush 100 0 The Black Soul Gem has been delivered to Hannibal Traven.
__Black Soul GemはHannibal Travenの元へと届けられた。

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Last-modified: 2010-05-01 (土) 12:49:34