

FormID: 00007BF2 Dark10SpecialWizard 10 0 I have received my new orders from Lucien Lachance. I must go to Leafrot Cave and kill a Necromancer who has begun the process of transforming himself into a lich. This Necromancer, Celedaen, has not yet completed his metamorphosis but is still incredibly powerful -- possibly too powerful to kill if faced directly. I should search the cave for Celedaen's writings, and try to discover his weakness.
__Lucien Lachanceより新たな命令が下された。Leafrot Caveへ赴きリッチへの変貌を始めた死霊術士を殺害しなくてはならない。この死霊術士、Celedaenの変身はまだ不完全とはいえ、その力は依然として遥かに強大である――まともに立ち向かえばあまりの強さに殺すことはできないかもしれない。洞窟からCeledaenの手記を探し出し、奴の弱点を探すべきだ。
FormID: 00007BF2 Dark10SpecialWizard 20 0 I have discovered the journal of the Necromancer Celedaen. It appears he has used a magic hourglass called the Sands of Resolve to turn himself into a lich and extend his life indefinitely. The process is not yet complete, however, and the hourglass must remain on Celedaen's person for some time, as it contains his life force. If I could remove the Sands of Resolve from Celedaen's posession, perhaps through pickpocketing, he would surely die.
__死霊術士Celedaenの手記を発見した。CeledaenはSands of Resolveと呼ばれる魔法の砂時計を使い、自らLichへと姿を変え、永遠の命を手に入れようとしているようである。しかしまだその過程におり、Celedaenの体は砂時計が奴の生命力を宿らせたままなので、それを身にとどめておかなければならない。おそらく、スリをしてCeledaenの持ち物からSands of Resolveを持ち去れば、間違いなく死に至るであろう。
FormID: 00007BF2 Dark10SpecialWizard 30 0 Celedaen is dead. I must pick up my reward and next contract at the dead drop located in an old sack hidden in the bushes beneath the Great Oak, in the city of Chorrol.
__Celedaenは死んだ。Chorrolの街のGreat Oakの下の雑木の中に古びた袋が隠された指令書の隠し場所から報酬と次の仕事を受け取らなくてはならない。
FormID: 00007BF2 Dark10SpecialWizard 100 0 I have picked up my reward and received my next contract.

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Last-modified: 2010-05-01 (土) 12:17:17