

FormID: 000093AF MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Safe travels, muthsera.
FormID: 000093BD MSFIN HELLO 0 Please leave me alone. I have important things to do.
FormID: 0001E7CA MSFIN HELLO 0 It is a privilege to see you again.
FormID: 0001E7D3 MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Farewell. May the roads carry you safely in your journeys.
FormID: 00038F0A MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Farewell.
FormID: 00038F0C MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Justice has been done.
FormID: 00038F19 MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Goodbye.
FormID: 00038F1F MSFIN INFOGENERAL 0 I overheard that the vampire hunter who was in town was a fake. It was apparently a ruse to get his hands on Bradon's key to a treasure chest.
FormID: 00038F21 MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Have you ever considered a job in law enforcement? Hehehe.
FormID: 00038F2E MSFIN HELLO 0 Hello and well met.
FormID: 0003C97B MSFIN HELLO 0 My friend!
FormID: 0003C9B6 MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Farewell, friend.
FormID: 0003CA4C MSFIN GOODBYE 0 I do hope our paths cross again.
FormID: 0003CC2E MSFIN HELLO 0 Such a pleasure to be in good company.
FormID: 0003CD26 MSFIN INFOGENERAL 0 Kud-Ei seems to be in good spirits again after Henantier's return. I heard she enlisted a stranger's help in the search. Good show I say!
FormID: 0004F8B4 MSFIN INFOGENERAL 0 I guess Rosentia Gallenus got rid of whatever barnyard animals she was keeping inside her house. Smells much better now.
__Rosentia Gallenusは家で飼っていた汚い動物を追いやったようです。もう臭わなくなってきましたからね。
FormID: 0004F9C6 MSFIN HELLO 0 I'm feeling much better now that the house is free of those ugly creatures.
FormID: 000914DD MSFIN HELLO 0 You'll have to excuse me.
FormID: 000914E0 MSFIN HELLO 0 So much to do. To self
FormID: 00094EBB MSFIN HELLO 0 Rosentia sent word ahead that she has you to thank for freeing her of those accursed little beasts.
FormID: 000BE5E8 MSFIN HELLO 0 It's good to see you again.
FormID: 00132A9E MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Hope to see you again soon.
FormID: 00132AA0 MSFIN GOODBYE 0 Just look for me if you need anything else.
FormID: 00143F0A MSFIN INFOGENERAL 0 Rythe Lythandas seems to be back in town. Wonder where he was off to?
__Rythe Lythandasは、町にもどったみたいだね。でも何処にいってたんだろう?
FormID: 00146816 MSFIN HELLO 0 Hello, my friend.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 17:08:08