

FormID: 02004F82 MS04 LingMS04Directions 0 Sure. You just follow the path leading eastwards from the Anvil main gate. Keep on tacking the path and you'll climb a hill. The farmhouse is at the top of that hill.
FormID: 0200529F MS04 MS04HotWaterMaybe 0 Believe me, he'll need all the help he can get to worm his way out of this one. To think he'd fall for the gang's scheme... agh! I could kill him!
__後生です。夫の不始末を何とかしたいのです。主人が窃盗団にまんまと騙されて... あぁ!殺してやりたい!
FormID: 0200529F MS04 MS04HotWaterMaybe 1 I'm sorry... I'm rambling and you look confused. Let me explain.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 13:21:55