

FormID: 0002D282 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 Very well. You are now an Associate of the Mages Guild. The full guild hall is now available for your use.
FormID: 0002D282 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 You'll need a recommendation from each local guild hall in order to advance further. Until then, the Arcane University will be closed to you.
__もしあなたがArcane Universityに入学を希望するのであれば、地方のギルドから推薦を得ねばなりません。それまでは行っても無駄ですぞ。
__もしあなたがArcane Universityに入学を希望するのであれば、全てのギルド支部から推薦を得る必要が有ります。それまでは大学に立ち入る事は出来ません。
FormID: 0002D282 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 Welcome to the guild, and good luck to you.
FormID: 0002D283 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 All right, then. You're now an Associate of the Mages Guild.
FormID: 0002D283 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 Congratulations!
FormID: 0002D283 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 You'll need to receive a recommendation from each local guild hall in Cyrodiil to advance in the guild, and be given any sort of responsibility.
FormID: 0002D283 MG00Join MG00JoinA 3 They can be done in any order, but they all must be sent in to the Council before you can enter the Arcane University.
__誰からでもいいが、彼ら全員が評議会に推薦を送って初めて君はArcane Universityに入学することが出来る。
__順番は不問ですが、Arcane Universityに入学するには、全支部からの推薦を得る必要があります。
FormID: 0002D284 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 Then I declare you to now be an Associate of the Mages Guild. Welcome to the ranks.
FormID: 0002D284 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 You'll need to acquire recommendations from all the local guild hall leaders to advance further in the guild.
FormID: 0002D284 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 If they're smart, they'll take the opportunity to have you perform a small service for them. One good turn deserves another, after all.
FormID: 0002D284 MG00Join MG00JoinA 3 We have a responsibility to look after one another, don't we? I dare say we do, no matter what the costs.
FormID: 0002D286 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 Very good! You are now an Associate of the Mages Guild. What a wonderful opportunity for you!
__いいでしょう!あなたは今からMages GuildのAssociateです。あなたにとって素晴らしい機会よ!
FormID: 0002D286 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 Now, please keep in mind that you'll need recommendations from every local guild hall in Cyrodiil before you may enter the Arcane University.
__Arcane Universityに入学するためにはCyrodiilの各地方ギルドから推薦状をもらう必要があることを肝に銘じておいてね。
FormID: 0002D286 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 I dare say my opinion might carry more weight than others, if you take my meaning. Still, all are necessary to proceed. Good luck to you!
FormID: 0002D287 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 I expect this will end in disaster, but nonetheless, I will grant your request.
FormID: 0002D287 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 Very well... you are now an Associate of the Mages Guild.
FormID: 0002D287 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 To advance in the guild, you'll need recommendations from each local guild hall in Cyrodiil. A feat which I'm sure will elude you completely.
FormID: 0002D287 MG00Join MG00JoinA 3 If you manage to actually receive the recommendations, you'll be eligible for entrance to the Arcane University. I shall be quite surprised, as well.
__何とか推薦を受けることができれば、君はArcane Universityに入学を許されるだろう。そのようなことになれば私は驚くだろうが。
FormID: 0002D287 MG00Join MG00JoinA 4 Now unless you wish to attempt to impress me with your no doubt staggering intellect, I have actual work to attend to.
FormID: 0002D288 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 Welcome, child, to the Guild of Mages. You shall be called Associate by all.
FormID: 0002D288 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 Recommendations you need, from all guild halls in Cyrodiil. None will be easy to acquire. Too many motives, too much noise.
FormID: 0002D288 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 May luck be with you, and may your wisdom guide you well. The Arcane University will need your help someday. I have seen it.
__貴方に幸運がありますように、そして知が君をより良く導くように。Arcane Universityは、いつか君の手を必要とするでしょう。その光景が見えるのです。
__あなたに幸運がありますように、そして知恵があなたを良く導きますように。Arcane Universityは、いつかあなたの手を必要とするでしょう。その光景が見えたのです。
FormID: 0002D289 MG00Join MG00JoinA 0 Then you are now an Associate of the Mages Guild.
FormID: 0002D289 MG00Join MG00JoinA 1 You must receive a recommendation from every local guild hall in Cyrodiil before you may advance through the ranks of the guild.
FormID: 0002D289 MG00Join MG00JoinA 2 In the meantime, as a member of the guild, you now have full access to the guild halls around Cyrodiil. Only the Arcane University is closed to you.
__ところで、ギルドのメンバーとして、今から君はCyrodiil中の全ギルド支部への立ち入りを許される。Arcane Universityだけは別だが。

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 16:50:54