

FormID: 02004EAD LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 0 You have probably heard about the assassination of the Emperor and the attack upon Kvatch. Our agents have reported some interesting news. We know who did it.
FormID: 02004EAD LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 1 Well, I wouldn't be quite correct in saying our agents uncovered the news. More like every guard in Cyrodiil is talking about it. An adventurer apparently uncovered their lair in north eastern Cyrodiil.
FormID: 02004EAD LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 2 While we do not usually concern ourselves with vendettas this occasion is different. The threat of Oblivion affects us all, and even we members of the Dark Brotherhood will not escape the peril.
__我々は普通、敵討ちに関わる事は無いが今回は違う。Oblivionの脅威は皆に影響し、我々Dark Brotherhoodのメンバーさえその危機から逃れられないだろう。
FormID: 02004EAD LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 3 The Mythic Dawn is larger than what the Imperial Legion believes it to be. Our intelligence network is somewhat more...capable that that of the Blades. We've already discovered several sleeper agents of the Mythic Dawn.
__Mythic DawnはImperial Legionが思っているよりも強大だ。我々の諜報網はいくらかましだ...Bladesよりもな。我々は既にMythic Dawnの潜伏しているスパイを見つけている。
FormID: 02004EAD LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 4 The Dark Brotherhood has decided to take the initiative in removing these individuals. Gothmar gro-Hangrog in the Bruma Sanctuary is responsible for these contracts. You should speak with him if you wish to accept them.
__Dark Brotherhoodはこれらの一人一人を排除する事で主導権を握る事にした。Bruma SanctuaryのGothmar gro-Hangrogはこれらの契約に対して責任がある。それらを引き受けたければ彼と話す必要がある。
FormID: 02004EAD LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 5 You can find the Bruma Sanctuary underneath the Bruma Caverns. The entrance to the Bruma Caverns is found just outside the city walls to the west of the city. You'll just need to look around a bit.
__Bruma Cavernsの中でBruma Sanctuaryを見つける事が出来る。Bruma Cavernsへの入り口は街の西側街壁のすぐ外で発見出来るだろう。少しばかり辺りを見回す必要があるだろう。
FormID: 02004EAF LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 0 You're from the Cheydinhal Sanctuary aren't you? They said that they would send someone over here. Here's the deal, our spies are scouring Cyrodiil in order to find as many Mythic Dawn sleeper agents as they can.
__お前がCheydinhal Sanctuaryから来た奴か?誰かをこちらに送ると言っていたな。沢山のMythic Dawnの潜伏したスパイが行っている事と同様、我々のスパイもCyrodiil中を捜しまわる命を受け、処理している。
FormID: 02004EAF LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 1 Once they do they'll report who it is to me and then I'll give the contract to you. However these aren't official Dark Brotherhood contracts and so the pay out is a lot less.
__彼らが一度行えば、俺の下にその者を報告し、そうしたら俺はお前に契約を与える。だが、これらは公式なDark Brotherhoodの契約じゃなく、支払いも外部からの仕事より安い。
FormID: 02004EAF LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 2 We'll be paying for them out of the family's own pocket, but we are willing to do so in order to get back at these people. Besides, any money is good money right?
FormID: 02004EAF LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 3 We've already selected the first target. An Nord woman by the name of Else God-Hater.
__我々は既に最初の標的を選んでいる。Else God-Haterと言うNordの女だ。
FormID: 02004EB0 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBvsMD 0 While we aren't usually in the business of doing the Imperial Legion's job for them I don't see why we can't put our skills to good use anyway. These people want to see all of us dead regardless of our affiliation.
__さらに彼らのためにImperial Legionの職務をする仕事に私たちは通常関わらないし、いずれにせよ、何故我々の技能を役に立てようとしないのかわからない。これらの者達は我々の所属に関係なく、我々全員が死ぬことを望んでいるのだ。
FormID: 02004EB1 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillElse 0 She is currently residing in the West Weald Inn in Skingrad's western district. Go there and put an end to her life. The other people in the inn may even assist you, which should be quite amusing. Report back here once she is dead.
__彼女は現在、Skingradの西部地域のWest Weald Innに住んでいる。そこに行き、彼女の人生を終わらせてやれ。宿の他の者達はお前の手助けをするかも知れず、そしてそれは思えに取って面白いことに違いない。彼女が死んだらすぐに、ここへ報告しに戻って来い。
FormID: 02004EB2 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillElse 0 I've received word that Else God-Hater has been killed. Well done. 100 gold pieces is your payout. If you are ready for another contract then you are welcome to take one.
__Else God-Haterが殺されたという報告を受けた。でかしたぞ。100ゴールドを支払おう。別の契約の準備ができているなら、大歓迎だ。
FormID: 02004EB2 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillElse 1 Eugal Belette has been uncovered as a Mythic Dawn Sleeper agent.
__Mythic Dawnの潜伏しているスパイであるEugal Beletteを見つけた。
FormID: 02004EB4 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillEugal 0 Eugal Belette is a resident of Chorrol. His house can be found to the right of the Chapel doors. Put an end to him in whatever way you want.
__Eugal BeletteはChorrolの住人だ。Chapelの扉の右に彼の家を見つけることができる。どんな方法でも好きなように彼を終わらせるんだ。
FormID: 02004EB5 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillEugal 0 So you've successfully assassinated Eugal Belette. Good. Your payment is ready. We have another contract ready for you if you want. A man by the name of Hans Black-Nail.
__で、首尾よくEugal Beletteを暗殺したな。いいぞ。支払いの準備は出来ている。お前が望むなら別の契約の準備ができている。Hans Black-Nailと言う名の男だ。
FormID: 02004EB8 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillHans 0 Hans Black-Nail is the smith of Castle Bravil. You'll probably have to find a way to sneak into the castle if you are going to kill him.
__Hans Black-NailはCastle Bravilの鍛冶屋だ。彼を殺すつもりならば、恐らく城への侵入方法を見つける必要があるだろう。
FormID: 02004EB9 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillHans 0 You did some good work in killing Hans Black-Nail. You'll get a little bit more of a payment for completing that contract. We have identified a Redguard woman named Isolde as your next target.
__Hans Black-Nailを殺した手際はなかなかのものだ。この契約を終わらせた事でほんの僅かだが支払いが多くなった。お前の次の目標としてIsoldeと言うRedguardの女を確定した。
FormID: 02004EBB LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillIsolde 0 The woman named Isolde is staying in an inn by the Anvil harbour called The Fo'c'sle. You may also find her wandering around the docks during the day. I hope to hear of her death soon.
FormID: 02004EBC LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillIsolde 0 I heard that Isolde was killed. Well done, your payment is ready. If you want another contract we have one for a high elf called Ranaline.
__Isoldeが殺された事を聞いたぞ。でかしたぞ、お前の支払いの準備はできている。別の契約が欲しいなら、我々にはRanalineと呼ばれるhigh elfの標的が居る。
FormID: 02004EBE LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillRanaline 0 We have discovered that a high elf lady called Ranaline is a member of the Mythic Dawn. She lives in Bravil and works as a cook at the Lonely Suitor Lodge. She also has a house in town and so you may find her there.
__Ranalineと言うhigh elfの女がMythic Dawnの一員だと言う事を突き止めた。Bravilにおり、Lonely Suitor Lodgeの料理人をしている。また、家を持っていているので、そこで彼女を見つけられるかもしれない。
FormID: 02004EBF LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillRanaline 0 You were able to eliminate Ranaline with no problems? Nicely done. Here is the money for completing your contract. When you are ready once again we want to target a man named Ulen Athram.
__何の問題も無くRanalineを排除出来たのか?上手くやったな。これが契約を完了させた代金だ。再び準備ができたなら、我々はUlen Athramと言う男を標的としたい。
FormID: 02004EC1 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillUlen 0 Our agents have identified Ulen Athram as a sleeper agent of the Mythic Dawn. He has a house in the Talos Plaza District in the Imperial City. However he also likes to move around a lot.
__我々のエージェントはUlen AthramがMythic Dawnの潜伏しているスパイである事を掴んだ。奴はImperial CityのTalos Plaza Districtに家を持っている。しかしながら、同様に奴はあちこち動き回るのが好きだ。
FormID: 02004EC1 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillUlen 1 Our spies have also noted him frequenting the Tiber Septim Hotel, the Arboretum, and the Market District in the Imperial City. Also on the 6th of each month he travels to the Oak and Crosier in Chorrol.
__良く訪れる場所は我々のスパイのメモによると、Imperial CityのTiber Septim Hotel、Arboretum、そしてMarket Districtだ。また、毎月6日にはChorrolのOak and Crosierに出かける。
FormID: 02004EC2 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillUlen 0 I hope that Ulen Athram wasn't too hard to find and kill. Your payment is here in full of course. Your next assignment is a double case. Two women called Tanasa Arano and Tolisi Girith.
__Ulen Athramを見つけて殺すのがあまり大変でなかった事を思いたい。支払いはもちろん全てここにある。次の任務は2人の女だ。2人の女はTanasa AranoとTolisi Girithと言う名だ。
FormID: 02004EC4 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillTolis 0 These two people can both be found conveniently under the same roof. There is a house in Cheydinhal called Riverview. Within live these two women along with the owner of the house.
FormID: 02004EC4 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillTolis 1 You'll have to break in to kill both of them so your payment for this contract will be higher than normal. Try to not to kill the owner of the house as he is quite a rich and important fellow. Killing him would bring unneeded attention to us.
FormID: 02004EC5 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillTolis 0 I'm quite impressed with your skills. You were able to break into a house and eliminate two targets simultaneously. For completing this contract you are awarded a payment of 250 gold.
FormID: 02004EC5 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillTolis 1 We have one more contract for you. This one is a double contract as well. Marguerite Diel and Styrbjorn are their names.
__我々にはお前のために別の契約がある。これはまた、2人契約だ。Marguerite DielとStyrbjornがそいつらの名だ。
FormID: 02004ED7 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillStyr 0 These two agents of the Mythic Dawn are staying at the All Saints Inn in the Imperial City's Temple District. You'll have to be careful when killing them to make sure that you don't kill any of the other patrons.
__Mythic Dawnのこれらの2人のエージェントは、Imperial CityのTemple DistrictにあるAll Saints Innに滞在している。彼らを殺すときに他の馴染みの客の誰も殺さないよう、気をつけなければならないだろう。
FormID: 02004ED7 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillStyr 1 However you may well find that they are willing to help you deal with the Mythic Dawn. This will be your final assignment and so you will receive a bonus if you complete it. Good luck.
__しかし、お前は彼らがMythic Dawnを処理するのに手伝おうとする事がわかるはずだ。これが最後の任務で、これが終わればお前にはボーナスが与えられる。幸運を祈るぞ。
FormID: 02004ED8 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillStyr 0 I've been told that both Marguerite Diel and Styrbjorn are both dead. You've done very well. We haven't been able to uncover any more Mythic Dawn sleeper agents, but the ones that we have found have been dealt with.
__Marguerite DielとStyrbjornの両方がともに死んでいると聞き及んだ。お前はとても上手くやった。これ以上のMythic Dawnの潜伏しているスパイを見つけることができなかったが、我々が見つけた者達は処理された。
FormID: 02004ED8 LingDBMythicDawn LingDBKillStyr 1 For completing these contracts you are to receive both a cash payment and a special bow as a bonus. Thank you Brother, the family is proud of you today.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-02 (金) 10:06:10