

FormID: 0000344E FGC04Scholar ElanteTOPIC 1 You can find Brittlerock cave by heading northeast from Kvatch. It is just past the ruins of Trumbe and Fort Wariel. If you look on your map you can find it just underneath the 'a' and 't' of 'County Kvatch',
__Kvatchから北西に向かった所にBrittlerock caveを見つける事が出来る。ちょうどTrumbeの遺跡とFort Warielを過ぎた所だ。地図でいうと'County Kvatch'の'a'と't'の下あたりで発見出来る。
FormID: 02004F6F FGC04Scholar LingFG04Directions 0 Sure. Brittlerock Cave is northeast of Sutch, uh I mean Kvatch. From the north eastern side of its walls head northeast. The cave is just a bit further on from Trumbe and Fort Wariel, so make sure that you pass between those two sites.
__いいだろう。Brittlerock CaveはKvatchの北西、Sutchとの中間あたりだ。城壁の北西側から、北西に向かうといい。洞窟はTrumbeとFort Warielの2箇所の場所の間を必ず通り、そこからさらにほんの少し進んだ所だ。
FormID: 02004F70 FGC04Scholar LingFG04Directions 0 Sure. Brittlerock Cave is northeast of Sutch, uh I mean Kvatch. From the north eastern side of its walls head northeast. The cave is just a bit further on from Trumbe and Fort Wariel, so make sure that you pass between those two sites.
__いいだろう。Brittlerock CaveはKvatchの北西、Sutchとの中間あたりだ。城壁の北西側から、北西に向かうといい。洞窟はTrumbeとFort Warielの2箇所の場所の間を必ず通り、そこからさらにほんの少し進んだ所だ。
FormID: 02004F70 FGC04Scholar LingFG04Directions 1 If you look at your map you can find the entrance just underneath the 'a' and 't' in the word 'County Kvatch'.
__地図でいうと'County Kvatch'の単語の'a'と't'の下あたりに入口を見つけることが出来る。

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 12:19:41