

FormID: 0003005D Dark06WandererFIN Dark06FinChoice1A 0 Excellent. Now listen closely. Nestled in the mountains to the west lies Fort Sutch. It is the home of the warlord Roderick and his mercenaries.
FormID: 0003005D Dark06WandererFIN Dark06FinChoice1A 1 Roderick has recently taken ill. He now lies in eternal slumber, kept alive only by the daily administration of a powerful medicine.
FormID: 0003005D Dark06WandererFIN Dark06FinChoice1A 2 You must infiltrate Fort Sutch, find Roderick's medicine, and replace it with a poisoned bottle I will provide. But you must remain undetected!
FormID: 0003005D Dark06WandererFIN Dark06FinChoice1A 3 Whomever arranged this contract wants it to look like Roderick died from his illness, so discretion is essential. Attack no one! Be seen by no one!
FormID: 0003005D Dark06WandererFIN Dark06FinChoice1A 4 If you are detected, the poisoning will fail, and Roderick must be killed in some other manner. That will, of course, forfeit your bonus.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 16:04:46