

FormID: 01005D81 aaaSOTAQuest03CinderTalkScript Messagebox 4 0 Thaaank you for freeeing meee...but pleeeassse, do not yet retuuurn me to my massster...I wisssh for yooou to taaake me baaack to wherrre the Merchant caaaptured meee...asssk him wherrre he fooound meee...I will commme wiiith yooou...pleeease helllp meee find otherrsss likeee meee...
FormID: 01005D82 aaaSOTAQuest03 65 0 Message 7 0 Cinder received brand new armor!
FormID: 01005D8D aaaSOTAQuest02CinderTalkScript Messagebox 2 0 Pleeeassse freee meee...
FormID: 01011132 aaaSOTAQuest03CalihansCellarDoorScript Messagebox 2 0 Hmmm, it's locked...nevermind, I'll look for the books elsewhere...
FormID: 0101186D aaaSOTAQuest03CalihanRareBooksQuestUpdate Messagebox 9 0 Wow...there sure are a lot of books here...I'd better start looking for the ones he wants...
FormID: 0102084B aaaSOTAQuest03BookStoreArchiveDoorScript Messagebox 2 0 I don't think I'm allowed down there...I should stay up here in the shop, so as not to irritate the owner...
FormID: 0102BC1E aaaSOTAQuest08AncientKingsCrownActivatorScript Message 4 0 Get out of my castle!
FormID: 0103682E aaaSOTAQuest04QuestScript Messagebox 29 0 Alright, I'm back here again...Calihan mentioned something about a cellar...I should start looking for that...
FormID: 0103682E aaaSOTAQuest04QuestScript Messagebox 40 0 That's odd...Calihan isn't at the Checkpoint...perhaps I should ask someone in town if they've seen him...
FormID: 0104148A aaaSOTAQuest04DarkWorldPortalNoEntranceScript Messagebox 2 0 Powerful dark forces prevent me from passing through this gateway...
FormID: 01042F9D aaaSOTAQuest00CosmicTempleBattle 15 0 Messagebox 0 0 There, that should open the way to the Shrine...hmm, that was simple enough...
FormID: 0104633D aaaSOTAQuest08InfinityOrbMasserMessageScript Messagebox 3 0 I only just got here...I should finish what I have to do up here, and then return...
FormID: 0104633E aaaSOTAQuest08MasserInfinityOrbTeleportScript Messagebox 4 0 Good old terra firma...it'll be great to take this heavy suit off...huh, that's strange...the Infinity Orb is gone...I guess Eris took it once I returned...probably keeping it safe...
__古き良き大地だ…この重いスーツを脱ぎ去れば気持ちいいことだろう…ん、奇妙だ…そこに在ったはずのInfinity Orbが消えている…私が戻ってきた時点で、Erisが持ち去ったのだろうか…おそらくInfinity Orbを安全な場所に移すために…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 100 0 Messagebox 0 0 The darkness is suffocating...it's silencing my words and I cannot cast my spells...wait, oh damn! I dropped my torches again! I don't need this...wait...what's this? It feels like a ring...it's not much, but it may help...
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 105 0 Messagebox 0 0 The darkness of my Temple has empowered those who wish to entomb me and my sisters...you have done well to make your way through my trials of illusion and fear... but I must now ask you that you take my spirit back to Spectrum, and place it upon the matching brazier found in the Spirit Shrine...upon doing so, enter the energised portal, and face my trial...upon completion, I shall divulge the location of one of my sister's temples to you...to help you leave, I have given you a Spirit Guide...
__私の神殿の闇の力は、私や私の兄妹を葬らんと望んだ者たちに更なる力を与えてしまいました…あなたは私の設けた幻想と恐怖の試験を見事、切り拓いて見せましたね…ただ、あなたにお願いしなければいけないことがあります。私の精霊をSpectrumへと持ち帰り、Spirit Shrineにて適合するBrazierの上に載せ、然る後に力の満ちたPortalをくぐり、私の課す試練に相対してほしいのです…それらの事を完了した暁には、私の兄妹の住まう神殿の場所をあなたに明かしましょう…あなたが私の神殿から離れるのをサポートするため、あなたにはSpirit Guideを用意しました…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 115 0 Messagebox 0 0 Congratulations on passing my test Adventurer...as promised, I will reveal the location of the temple of one of my sisters...my sister, the Indigo Atronach, resides within The Cosmic Temple, located upon the surface of Masser, the greater of your planet's two Moons...good luck...
__おめでとう、冒険者よ…私の課した試練をクリアしましたね。約束した通り、私の兄妹のうち1体の住まう神殿の場所を明かしましょう。私の兄妹であるIndigo Atronachは、あなたの住む惑星が戴く2つの月のうちの大きい方、Masserの表面に位置するCosmic Templeの中にいます…幸運を祈ります…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 125 0 Messagebox 0 0 You have travelled far among the stars to reach me Adventurer, and you have proven yourself worthy of freeing my sisters and me...but I must now ask you that you take my spirit back to Spectrum, and place it upon the matching brazier found in the Spirit Shrine...upon doing so, enter the energised portal, and face my trial...upon completion, I shall divulge the location of one of my sister's temples to you...
__あなたは、星々を駆け、私の元へと来てくれましたね、冒険者よ。そして、あなたは、自らのことを、私と私の兄妹たちを解放するに値する人物だと証明してきました…ただ、あなたにお願いしなければいけないことがあります。私の精霊をSpectrumへと持ち帰り、Spirit Shrineにて適合するBrazierの上に載せ、然る後に力の満ちたPortalをくぐり、私の課す試練に相対してほしいのです…それらの事を完了した暁には、私の兄妹の住まう神殿の場所をあなたに明かしましょう…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 135 0 Messagebox 0 0 Congratulations on passing my test Adventurer...as promised, I will reveal the location of the final temple of my sister, the Red Atronach...she resides within The Chaos Temple, an arena located within the fiery depths of Oblivion...there is not much time left, so we Atronach have opened a portal for you to enter...good luck...
__おめでとう、冒険者よ…私の課した試練をクリアしましたね。約束した通り、私の兄妹のうち1体の住まう最後の神殿の場所を明かしましょう。私の兄妹であるRed Atronach…彼女はOblivionの次元のずっと深くに位置する闘技場たるChaos Templeの中にいます…多くの時間は残されていません、よって我々Atronachは、あなたが用いるためのPortalを用意しました…幸運を祈ります…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 140 0 Messagebox 0 0 Adventurer! You are in grave danger: the Spirit you hold is a forgery! The one you call The Geomancer has stained my temple with his dark creations, and has magically sealed me away...he hopes to kill you with the horde that is now approaching you...defeat them, and I will be able to give you my Spirit...hurry!
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 155 0 Messagebox 0 0 Amazing Adventurer, you have successfully brought us all back to Spectrum, where our light may benefit those of this fine city...you should be very proud of what you have achieved here today...and for that, we thank you...
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 20 0 Messagebox 1 0 Blast...I have dropped my torches in the water. They will not be of much use to me anymore...I guess I will have to go ahead and do this in the dark...
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 25 0 Messagebox 0 0 My greatest of thanks go to you Adventurer...the creatures of the eclipse have befouled my temple, and had trapped me away in here...but you have carved a way of light to rescue me...please, I must ask you that you take my spirit back to Spectrum, and place it upon the matching brazier found in the Spirit Shrine...upon doing so, enter the energised portal, and face my trial...upon completion, I shall divulge the location of one of my sister's temples to you...
__冒険者よ、あなたに最大限の感謝の意を表します…闇のCreatureどもが、神殿を侵し、私をここに囚えたのです…しかしあなたは、私を救うために光の道を切り拓いてくれました…あなたにお願いしなければいけないことがあります。私の精霊をSpectrumへと持ち帰り、Spirit Shrineにて適合するBrazierの上に載せ、然る後に力の満ちたPortalをくぐり、私の課す試練に相対してほしいのです…それらの事を完了した暁には、私の兄妹の住まう神殿の場所をあなたに明かしましょう…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 35 0 Messagebox 0 0 Congratulations on passing my test Adventurer...as promised, I will reveal the location of the temple of one of my sisters...my sister, the Blue Atronach, resides in the frostbitten ruins of The Frost Temple, located in the snowcovered vally of Pale Pass, beyond the mountains north of your human settlement of Bruma...good luck...
__おめでとう、冒険者よ…私の課した試練をクリアしましたね。約束した通り、私の兄妹のうち1体の住まう神殿の場所を明かしましょう。私の兄妹であるBlue Atronachは、人間たちが入植した街Brumaの北方の山々の向こう、雪に覆われた渓谷たるPale Passに位置する、霜づく遺跡Frost Templeの中にいます…幸運を祈ります…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 45 0 Messagebox 0 0 You have done well to brave the cold of my temple...unfortunately, not even my deathly chill could prevent those shadowy beasts from crossing the threshold into my domain...I must now ask you that you take my spirit back to Spectrum, and place it upon the matching brazier found in the Spirit Shrine...upon doing so, enter the energised portal, and face my trial...upon completion, I shall divulge the location of one of my sister's temples to you...
__見事な働きでした、私の神殿の冷気を物ともしませんでしたね…あいにく、私の強力な冷気をもってしても、あの闇の獣たちが、境界を破り我が領分に侵入するのを防ぐことは出来ませんでしたが…あなたにお願いしなければいけないことがあります。私の精霊をSpectrumへと持ち帰り、Spirit Shrineにて適合するBrazierの上に載せ、然る後に力の満ちたPortalをくぐり、私の課す試練に相対してほしいのです…それらの事を完了した暁には、私の兄妹の住まう神殿の場所をあなたに明かしましょう…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 55 0 Messagebox 0 0 Congratulations on passing my test Adventurer...as promised, I will reveal the location of the temple of one of my sisters...my sister, the Orange Atronach, resides in the hellforged caverns of The Inferno Temple, located deep beneath the surface of your planet...good luck...
__おめでとう、冒険者よ…私の課した試練をクリアしましたね。約束した通り、私の兄妹のうち1体の住まう神殿の場所を明かしましょう。私の兄妹であるOrange Atronachはこの惑星の地表からずっと深くに位置する、業火の洞窟、Inferno Templeの中にいます…幸運を祈ります…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 65 0 Messagebox 0 0 The very fires of hell could not stop you adventurer, and for that I commend you...yet I still was not powerful enough to hold back the hordes of the dark...I must now ask you that you take my spirit back to Spectrum, and place it upon the matching brazier found in the Spirit Shrine...upon doing so, enter the energised portal, and face my trial...upon completion, I shall divulge the location of one of my sister's temples to you...
__地獄の業火もあなたを止めることは出来なかったのですね、冒険者よ。その働き、見事でした…とはいえ、私のこの力をもってしても闇の群れを退けることは出来ませんでした…あなたにお願いしなければいけないことがあります。私の精霊をSpectrumへと持ち帰り、Spirit Shrineにて適合するBrazierの上に載せ、然る後に力の満ちたPortalをくぐり、私の課す試練に相対してほしいのです…それらの事を完了した暁には、私の兄妹の住まう神殿の場所をあなたに明かしましょう…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 75 0 Messagebox 0 0 Congratulations on passing my test Adventurer...as promised, I will reveal the location of the temple of one of my sisters...my sister, the Yellow Atronach, resides within the heavenlit platforms of The Skyline Temple, located high above the clouds, but to get there, you must seek out an old friend currently residing in the Imperial City...good luck...
__おめでとう、冒険者よ…私の課した試練をクリアしましたね。約束した通り、私の兄妹のうち1体の住まう神殿の場所を明かしましょう。私の兄妹であるYellow Atronachは、雲より遥か高くに位置する、天空の台(うてな)、Skyline Templeの中にいます…しかしそこにたどり着くためには、あなたは、目下Imperial Cityに滞在している旧友のことを捜し出す必要があります…幸運を祈ります…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 85 0 Messagebox 0 0 Welcome Adventurer...I see you have quite a head for heights to have reached this far...my light has kept the Dark Ones at bay, but I fear that this is not the case for my sisters...I must now ask you that you take my spirit back to Spectrum, and place it upon the matching brazier found in the Spirit Shrine...upon doing so, enter the energised portal, and face my trial...upon completion, I shall divulge the location of one of my sister's temples to you...
__ようこそ、冒険者よ…この高さまでたどり着けたという事は、あなたは高所に対し勇敢であったのでしょう…私の光は、闇の手合いを寄せ付けることはありませんでした。しかし、私の兄妹たちも、同様に闇の手合いを退けることができたかというと、恐らく無理だったでしょう…あなたにお願いしなければいけないことがあります。私の精霊をSpectrumへと持ち帰り、Spirit Shrineにて適合するBrazierの上に載せ、然る後に力の満ちたPortalをくぐり、私の課す試練に相対してほしいのです…それらの事を完了した暁には、私の兄妹の住まう神殿の場所をあなたに明かしましょう…
FormID: 0104DBD6 aaaSOTAQuest07 95 0 Messagebox 0 0 Congratulations on passing my test Adventurer...as promised, I will reveal the location of the temple of one of my sisters...my sister, the Violet Atronach, resides within The Nightfall Temple, located deep below the lair of a dark organisation rife with murder and deceit...but to gain access, you must first gain their trust...good luck...
__おめでとう、冒険者よ…私の課した試練をクリアしましたね。約束した通り、私の兄妹のうち1体の住まう神殿の場所を明かしましょう。私の兄妹であるViolet Atronachは、殺しと偽りのはびこる闇の組織の巣、その下方に位置するNightfall Templeの中にいます…しかしその巣への立ち入りを許されるには、先ずもって彼らの信頼を得る必要があるでしょう…幸運を祈ります…
FormID: 010504AC aaaSOTAQuest03RedRubyCaveRockScript Messagebox 3 0 I can feel heat coming from behind this rock...if I can just...move it out of the way...hhrrrnngg...there, now I can keep going...
FormID: 010504AC aaaSOTAQuest03RedRubyCaveRockScript Messagebox 6 0 I can feel heat coming from behind this rock...if I can just...move it out of the way...hhrrrnngg...damn, it won't budge...I mustn't be strong enough yet...
FormID: 0105C796 aaaSOTAQuest07FrostTempleLeverStuckScript Messagebox 2 0 It won't budge...
FormID: 01063FAA aaaSOTAQuest00ChaosTempleShadowBattleScript Messagebox 9 0 <huff-huff> Boy...they just kept coming...I'm glad that's over...I should get the Spirit and leave as soon as possible...but perhaps the Red Atronach Spirit wants to speak with me before I do...
__<息を切らす> まったく…奴らは次から次へと来やがった…けりが着いて、よかった…精霊を手にし、一刻も早くこの場を去ろう…しかし、その前におそらくRed Atronachの精霊は私と話をしたいのかもしれない…
FormID: 01068C75 aaaSOTAQuest07ChaosTempleRedAtronachScript Messagebox 4 0 I thank you Adventurer for freeing me from the grasp of the Geomancer...I have not much to give you, but perhaps you can make use of this ore...the Shadow Atronach found it while they were waiting for you to arrive...I hope you use it well...
__冒険者よ、私をGeomancerの支配より解放してくれたことに感謝します…多くを与えることはできませんが、あなたならきっとこの鉱石を活用できるでしょう…Shadow Atronachが、あなたのことを待ち受けている際に見つけたものです…役立ててくださいね…
FormID: 0107657C aaaSOTAQuest07ZeppelinSkyWarningScript Messagebox 4 0 Woah...I'm up very high...one false move and I could plummet to my death...I'd best be careful...
FormID: 01081FF5 aaaSOTAQuest07NightfallTempleBrotherhoodDoorScript Messagebox 2 0 As I grab the handle...words...are forming in my mind...it's...it's not finished yet? What could that mean? The Gods act in mysterious ways...
FormID: 01086BC7 aaaSOTAQuest03SignTheSpectrumSleepEasyScript Messagebox 2 0 The Spectrum Sleep-Easy - A Softer Pillow Or Warmer Bed There Never Was - Open All Hours
__Spectrum Sleep-Easy - ここにしかない柔らかい枕、暖かいベッドをどうぞ - 24時間営業。
FormID: 01086BEE aaaSOTAQuest03SignMargosMunitionsScript Messagebox 2 0 Margo's Munitions - Only The Finest Weapons Made Only By The Finest Craftswoman - Service From 7am To 7pm
__Margoの軍需品店 - 最高の職人しか作れない最上級の武器を扱うのは当店だけ - 午前7時から午後7時まで営業
FormID: 01086C5D aaaSOTAQuest11 15 0 Messagebox 0 0 Finally...we meeet Adventurerrr...my sisssters and I do not blame you for what the Geomancccer is doing to usss...we alssso know why you are here...yesss, we will give you the lassst of our power, but to give you the energy, we mussst have a pure vesssel...your little Atronach friend over therrre isss perfect...but the processs may killl herrr...perhapsss you should sssay your lassst words with her...
FormID: 01086C5D aaaSOTAQuest11 20 0 Messagebox 0 0 Adventurerrr...I have heard of the Red Atronach'sss offerrr...I know of the risksss...and I want to do it...you have done ssso much for me...you have allowed me to find othersss like me...and by doing thisss, I can properly thank yooou...pleassse, stop the Geomancer...and remember...I will alwaysss be your friend...
__冒険者様ぁぁ…Red Atronachの提案をしっかりと聞きましたぁぁ…私はリスクについてわかっていますぅぅ…それでも私はそれを行いたいのですぅぅ…あなたは私にとてもよくしてくれましたぁぁ…あなたは私の仲間を探したいと言う願いを聞き入れてくれましたぁぁ…この事を行うことによって、私はきちんとあなたへの感謝の気持ちを伝えられますぅぅ…どうか、Geomancerのことを止めてくださいぃぃ…そして覚えていてくださいぃぃ…私はこれからもずっとあなたの友だちですぅぅ…
FormID: 01086C5D aaaSOTAQuest11 65 0 Messagebox 0 0 It...it huuurrrtsss...pleassse, Adventurerrr...take...take my ssspirit from my body...ssso I may be out of thisss agony...my ssspirit...and the energy of the other Atronach...are within my ssspirit...take it...in thisss amulet...and dessstroy the Geomancer...onccce and for all...goodbye...
FormID: 01087302 aaaSOTAQuest03SignGentilsGemsScript Messagebox 2 0 Gentil's Gems - The Largest Collection Of Finely Cut Gemstones And Gold Jewellery Anywhere - Service From 7am To 7pm
__Gentilの宝石店 - 上質なカットを施された宝石と、金の宝飾品を、どこよりも豊富な品揃えで - 午前7時から午後7時まで営業
FormID: 010879FA aaaSOTAQuest03SignBaranicusBooksScript Messagebox 2 0 Baranicus' Books - A Wide Variety Of Tomes By Many Celebrated Authors - Service From 7am To 7pm
__Baranicus書店 - 著名な著者たちによる書籍を幅広い品揃えで - 午前7時から午後7時まで営業
FormID: 01088807 aaaSOTAQuest03SignIckbensIngredientsScript Messagebox 2 0 Ickben's Ingredients - Only Freshly Picked Herbs And Plants Can Make The Finest Potions - Service From 7am To 7pm
__Ickbenの錬金素材店 - 摘みたてのハーブや植物だけから、上質なポーションは作れます - 午前7時から午後7時まで営業
FormID: 01088F0C aaaSOTAQuest03SignCalheimsConcoctionsScript Messagebox 2 0 Calheim's Concoctions - High Quality Potions You Can Trust On To Save Your Life - Service From 7am To 7pm
__Calheimのポーション店 - 当店の上質なポーションならあなたの生命の危機を救うこと請け合い - 午前7時から午後7時まで営業
FormID: 01088F0D aaaSOTAQuest03SignArmondsArmoryScript Messagebox 2 0 Armond's Armory - Never Go Into Battle Without Some Of My Fine Armor - Service From 7am To 7pm
__Armondの防具店 - 戦闘へと向かう際は必ず当店の上質な防具を身につけて - 午前7時から午後7時まで営業
FormID: 01097AD6 aaaSOTAQuest07EvolvedShadowAtronach1Script Messagebox 2 0 Woah...that was a Shadow Atronach? It's like...it's evolved into a greater form...the darkness from the nearby Temple must be making the Shadow Atronach stronger...I should be careful, there may be more ahead...
__うう…今のはShadow Atronachか?何というか…Shadow Atronachは、より強力なタイプへと進化したようだ…近くの神殿から生じる闇がShadow Atronachをより強力にしているに違いない…用心しなければ、奴らはこの先にうじゃうじゃいるはずだ…
FormID: 010980FD aaaSOTAQuest12QuestScript Messagebox 39 0 Where am I? And where does that odd looking bridge lead to?
FormID: 010A454B aaaSOTAQuest07NightfallTempleWarning1Script Messagebox 4 0 Hmmm...seven hallways, seven crystals...a smart guess would be that only one is real...and knowing this place, the other's would lead to certain death...if only I could work out which one is real from a distance...
FormID: 010B4E40 aaaSOTAQuest08QuestScript Messagebox 34 0 Oh yeah, I almost forgot to give Eris back his Environmental Reader...
__あ、そうだ。Erisに彼のEnvironmental Readerを返すのを忘れるところだった…
FormID: 010B4E40 aaaSOTAQuest08QuestScript Messagebox 41 0 Hmmm...he's not here either...I guess I'll just leave the Reader here...hey, on that table, it's the rock that broke his lens...hey...that looks a lot like a...
__うーん…彼はここにもいない、か…Environment Readerはここに置いていこう…ちょっと待った、あのテーブルの上にあるのは、これが彼の望遠鏡のレンズを壊した石か…おい…この石は見たところ…
FormID: 010B6A38 aaaSOTAQuest01Topic20 Messagebox 1 0 Damn! I won't be able to kill an illusion of him...perhaps there is some way to break his magic...like when he controlled the Dwarven King...that's it! There must be a Tesla Orb nearby...but...I don't have any Orichalcum...wait, this is basically a dream! I can just imagine it! Think...wait, I heard objects dropping nearby...
__くそ!奴の幻影を殺すことはきっとかなわないだろう…おそらく奴の魔法を打ち破る手があるはずだ…奴がDwarfの王の意識を支配下に置いていたときのように…それだ!近くにTesla Orbがあるに違いない…だが…今の私にはOrichalcumはない…待てよ、これは基本的には夢だ!Orichalcumのことを心に思い描けばいい!強く思うんだ…ん、幾つかの物が近くで落ちた音がした…
FormID: 010B6A3A aaaSOTAQuest01ThirdDreamscapeTeslaOrbScript Messagebox 7 0 Ugh...another terrible dream...wait...why has the boat stopped moving? Wait...oh no! I forgot! The pirates!
FormID: 010D3A8B aaaSOTAQuest12GeomancerInfinityBladeScript Messagebox 3 0 Every time I try to pick up the blade, it simple passes through my fingers like liquid...
FormID: 010D4F32 aaaSOTAQuest12GeomancerFightDeath01Script Messagebox 8 0 Now is not the time for that...
FormID: 010D5614 aaaSOTAQuest12GeomancerFightDeath02Script Messagebox 8 0 Now is not the time for that...
FormID: 010D7F6A aaaSOTAQuest12GeomancerFightDeath03Script Messagebox 7 0 Now is not the time for that...
FormID: 010DFBF0 aaaSOTAQuest12KagrenacToolScript Messagebox 3 0 Every time I try to pick it up, I get a sharp shock of electricity up my arm...
FormID: 010E6368 aaaSOTAQuest12InfinityOrbSpellAddScript Messagebox 16 0 What form do you want the Orb to take?
__Infinity Orbをどの武器へと形状を変化させたい?
FormID: 010E6368 aaaSOTAQuest12InfinityOrbSpellAddScript Messagebox 16 1 Infinity Arbalest
__Infinity Arbalest
FormID: 010E6368 aaaSOTAQuest12InfinityOrbSpellAddScript Messagebox 16 2 Infinity Blade
__Infinity Blade
FormID: 010E6368 aaaSOTAQuest12InfinityOrbSpellAddScript Messagebox 16 3 Infinity Hatchet
__Infinity Hatchet
FormID: 010E6368 aaaSOTAQuest12InfinityOrbSpellAddScript Messagebox 16 4 Infinity Stave
__Infinity Stave
FormID: 010E6368 aaaSOTAQuest12InfinityOrbSpellAddScript Messagebox 16 5 None
FormID: 010EA8AB aaaSOTAQuest01FinalCinderTalkScript Messagebox 4 0 Helllo again my frrriend...becaussse of my sssacrifice, I was ssspared from the watersss of Oblivion, and placcced among the Divinesss...while my mind and sssoul may ressst among the ssstarsss, and my body lay broken, my ssspirit will forever be with yooou...it wasss good to sssee you again my friend...
FormID: 010F0268 aaaSOTAQuest12RedAtronachMessageScript Messagebox 2 0 Thhhank you for freeeing us Adventurerrr...we will be forrrever in your debt...sinnnce the dawn of time, weee have resssided in our templesss...but we very much like it heeere in the Shhhrine...afffter much consssideration, we believvve we may ssstay indefffinately...
FormID: 01113B5E aaaSOTAQuest03MadnessAtronachSpeakScript Messagebox 2 0 Madnesss?! Thisss is SSSPECTRUM!

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Last-modified: 2011-11-04 (金) 16:19:31