

FormID: 0002C7CC LeyawiinFiveClawsLodge CELL Five Claws Lodge
FormID: 010110C6 aaaSOTA03CalihansHomeInterior CELL Calihan's House
FormID: 01069424 aaaSOTA07InfernoTempleShrine CELL The Inferno Temple Shrine
FormID: 0103A0C0 aaaSOTA03EmperorsChambers CELL The Emperor's Chambers
FormID: 01062930 aaaSOTA07ChaosTemple CELL The Chaos Temple
FormID: 01078FC8 aaaSOTA07SkylineTemple CELL The Skyline Temple
FormID: 010720E2 aaaSOTA10TheEclipseTowerDawnsPillar CELL The Eclipse Tower - Dawn's Pillar
FormID: 010B46FE aaaSOTA07CargoLinerInterior3 CELL Cargo Liner Lower Deck
FormID: 00025031 CheydinhalSanctuary CELL Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
FormID: 01077561 aaaSOTA10TheEclipseTowerHallsOfTwilight CELL The Eclipse Tower - Halls Of Twilight
FormID: 010B4669 aaaSOTA07CargoLinerInterior2 CELL Cargo Liner Mid Deck
FormID: 010175F3 aaaSOTA03ArmorShop1 CELL Armond's Armory
FormID: 01043F3B aaaSOTA03SpectrumHome11 CELL Spectrum Residence
FormID: 01044E77 aaaSOTA03SpectrumHome21 CELL Spectrum Residence
FormID: 01052B8F aaaSOTA07AtronachGreenRealm CELL Green Realm
FormID: 01091A33 aaaSOTA07DarkPassageway CELL Dark Passageway
FormID: 01023AFB aaaSOTA08PirateShipCabin CELL Pirate Captain's Cabin
FormID: 010242CB aaaSOTA03ArmorShop2 CELL Armond's Armory Basement
FormID: 0101593D aaaSOTA03SpectrumCastleThroneRoom CELL Spectrum Castle
FormID: 0105B285 aaaSOTA07FrostTempleShrine CELL The Frost Temple Shrine
FormID: 0002C17A ICArcaneUniversityArchMagesTowerCouncil CELL Arch-Mage's Tower Council Chambers
FormID: 010175F4 aaaSOTA03GemShop1 CELL Gentil's Gems
FormID: 0107F474 aaaSOTA07SkylineTempleOuterWall CELL The Skyline Temple Outer Wall
FormID: 01055EC6 aaaSOTA09ThousandsRubyChamber CELL Red Ruby Chamber
FormID: 0001498A TidewaterCave CELL Tidewater Cave
FormID: 01062F72 aaaSOTA07RainbowMineServiceEntrance CELL Rainbow Mine Service Entrance
FormID: 0103EFBE aaaSOTA07CosmicTemple CELL The Cosmic Temple
FormID: 0104567A aaaSOTA03SpectrumHome31 CELL Spectrum Residence
FormID: 010645CA aaaSOTA07RainbowMineLavaPit CELL Rainbow Mine Lava Pit
FormID: 0002C17B ICImperialLegionHQArmory CELL Armory
FormID: 0003E231 UnderpallCave02 CELL Underpall Keep
FormID: 01044F37 aaaSOTA03SpectrumHome22 CELL Spectrum Residence 2nd Floor
FormID: 010175F5 aaaSOTA03IngredientShop1 CELL Ickben's Ingredients
FormID: 01070439 aaaSOTA07AtronachOrangeRealm CELL Orange Realm
FormID: 010E8CBD aaaSOTA01LastDreamscape CELL Dreamscape
FormID: 0009702F LostBoyCaverns05 CELL Lost Boy's Hidden Bastion
FormID: 01034B37 aaaSOTA08Masser CELL Masser
FormID: 0103750D aaaSOTA07AstronomyTowerTeleporterRoom CELL Arcane University Teleporter Chamber
FormID: 010175C3 aaaSOTA03WeaponShop1 CELL Margo's Munitions
FormID: 000A794E RedrubyCave02 CELL Red Ruby Hollows
FormID: 01023BEE aaaSOTA08PirateShipLowerDeck CELL Pirate Ship Lower Deck
FormID: 01018460 aaaSOTA03SpectrumInn2 CELL The Spectrum Sleep-Easy 2nd Floor
FormID: 0103A1C8 aaaSOTA03CastleDiningHall CELL Castle Dining Hall
FormID: 010175F6 aaaSOTA03BookShop1 CELL Baranicus' Books
FormID: 0102D2CA aaaSOTA08DivineObjectChamber CELL Underpall Keep - Treasure Vault
FormID: 01077528 aaaSOTA10TheEclipseTowerHallsOfMidnight CELL The Eclipse Tower - Halls Of Midnight
FormID: 0102ADC2 aaaSOTA08UnderpallEastWing CELL Underpall Keep - East Wing
FormID: 01020124 aaaSOTA03BookShop2 CELL Archives
FormID: 010175C4 aaaSOTA03PotionShop1 CELL Calheim's Concoctions
FormID: 01051BC0 aaaSOTA07SwampTempleShrine CELL The Sewer Temple Shrine
FormID: 0008371A KingscrestCavern04 CELL Kingscrest Withered Forest
FormID: 0101844D aaaSOTA03SpectrumInn1 CELL The Spectrum Sleep-Easy
FormID: 0104470F aaaSOTA03SpectrumHome12 CELL Spectrum Residence 2nd Floor
FormID: 010F9A47 aaaSOTA14ImperialTreasury CELL Imperial Treasury
FormID: 01069361 aaaSOTA07AtronachRedRealm CELL Red Realm
FormID: 0009622B ImperialSewerSystemN02 CELL The North Tunnel
FormID: 0100A69F aaaSOTA03SpectrumCityCheckpoint CELL Spectrum City Checkpoint
FormID: 010A8AA7 aaaSOTA07AtronachVioletRealm CELL Violet Realm
FormID: 010AA663 aaaSOTA07AstronomyTower CELL Arcane University Astronomy Tower
FormID: 0107A675 aaaSOTA07SkylineTempleShrine CELL The Skyline Temple Shrine
FormID: 010B61F7 aaaSOTA12DwemerRuinsArea01 CELL Nchungtheft - Bastion
FormID: 01000ED3 aaaSOTA02AbandonedWaterway CELL Abandoned Waterway
FormID: 01003B0C aaaSOTA01Dreamscape CELL Dreamscape
FormID: 0003ABFC ICPalaceOcatoChambers CELL Imperial Battlemage's Chambers
FormID: 000512F8 ICImperialLegionWatchTowerSTopGuardQuarters CELL South Watch Barracks
FormID: 010429C4 aaaSOTA01SecondDreamscape CELL Dreamscape
FormID: 010216F2 aaaSOTA00TestCell CELL Test Cell
FormID: 010B3D86 aaaSOTA12AncientCaverns CELL Ancient Caverns
FormID: 01062166 aaaSOTA07AtronachBlueRealm CELL Blue Realm
FormID: 010818EA aaaSOTA07AtronachYellowRealm CELL Yellow Realm
FormID: 0103AA30 aaaSOTA03CastleStables CELL Castle Stables
FormID: 0109F7DC aaaSOTA12RealmAfterPortal CELL Lifeless Passageway
FormID: 0104055D aaaSOTA07CosmicTempleShrine CELL The Cosmic Temple Shrine
FormID: 01042187 aaaSOTA07AtronachIndigoRealm CELL Indigo Realm
FormID: 000173AB ICImperialLegionWatchTowerS CELL South Watch Tower
FormID: 0002C1C5 ICElvenGardensTheKingandQueenTavern CELL The King and Queen Tavern
FormID: 000A3DFC LipsandTarn02 CELL Lipsand Tarn Lorsel
FormID: 0104B21A aaaSOTA04UndergroundShrine CELL Spirit Shrine
FormID: 01023B52 aaaSOTA08PirateShipMidDeck CELL Pirate Ship Mid Deck
FormID: 010CA8DA aaaSOTA12DwemerRuinsArea02 CELL Nchungtheft - Gallery
FormID: 01011150 aaaSOTA03CalihansCellar CELL Calihan's Cellar
FormID: 010BA138 aaaSOTA07CargoLinerPirateShipExterior CELL Topal Bay
FormID: 01092818 aaaSOTA07NightfallTemple CELL The Nightfall Temple
FormID: 0106C475 aaaSOTA10TheEclipseRealm CELL The Eclipse Realm
FormID: 0109282D aaaSOTA07NightfallTempleShrine CELL The Nightfall Temple Shrine
FormID: 0104B207 aaaSOTA04HiddenChamber CELL Unused Passageway
FormID: 0104CE27 aaaSOTA07SwampTemple CELL The Sewer Temple
FormID: 0106E10D aaaSOTA10TheEclipseTowerStarChamber CELL The Eclipse Tower - Star Chamber
FormID: 010B460D aaaSOTA07CargoLinerInterior1 CELL Cargo Liner Cabin
FormID: 010B4E41 aaaSOTA01ThirdDreamscape CELL Dreamscape
FormID: 01045E1F aaaSOTA03SpectrumHome32 CELL Spectrum Residence 2nd Floor
FormID: 010D1113 aaaSOTA12GeomancerFightRealm CELL Geomancer's Realm
FormID: 0106629B aaaSOTA07InfernoTemple CELL The Inferno Temple
FormID: 01055C39 aaaSOTA07FrostTemple CELL The Frost Temple

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Last-modified: 2011-07-27 (水) 00:39:57