

FormID: 010DA1FF aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic23 0 Yes, every Dwemer in that ruin was designed and created by me...
FormID: 010DA201 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic24 0 They were designed for an experiment of mine...
FormID: 010DA203 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic25 0 I was using them to create an artificial society...
FormID: 010DA203 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic25 1 They were used to test out reactions on one of my more...advanced versions...
FormID: 010DA205 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic26 0 Ah, the smarter question would be...WHAT is the Geomancer...
FormID: 010DA207 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic27 0 Yes, the Geomancer was correct; you don't follow very easily...
FormID: 010DA207 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic27 1 I know the Geomancer very well...inside and out...
FormID: 010DA209 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic28 0 The artificial intelligence I created the social environment for...
FormID: 010DA209 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic28 1 It's name was XV-1828...
FormID: 010DA209 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic28 2 Codename...Geomancer...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 0 That is correct...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 1 The Geomancer is one of my finest designs...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 2 He was to be mass produced as a military unit...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 3 Of course, he was more advanced than normal machines...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 4 I decided to develop his mental state as well as his physical...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 5 That is why I created a fake society in the Elven ruin to develop his mind...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 6 Unfortunately, the events at Red Mountain occurred before the tests were complete...
__あいにく、Red Mountainでの一連の出来事は、その実験が完了する前に起こった…
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 7 I needed to escape, and I had no time to return to the ruin...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 8 By the looks of it, he has developed even more than I could have dreamed of...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 9 I have also noticed he is in possession of my Infinity Orb...
__また、彼が私のInfinity Orbを手にしていたことも、私は気付いた…
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 10 I have seen how he has used it...and I am disappointed...
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 11 A simple, happy, quiet town...that is disrespectful to the Orbs power...
__ありふれた、幸せで、静かな街をつくるとはね…それはInfinity Orbの力に対し敬意を欠いたものだ…
FormID: 010DA20B aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic29 12 Yet...this situation is quite amusingly ironic...
FormID: 010DA8EC aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic30 0 He created pain in others by making them believe they were real...
FormID: 010DA8EC aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic30 1 And yet he is no more real than the metal toys he creates...
FormID: 010DA8EC aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic30 2 Hilarious, don't you think?
FormID: 010DA8EE aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic31 0 That's right...you're the self-righteous type, aren't you?
FormID: 010DA8EE aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic31 1 Just a moment before, you were prepared to tear him apart...
FormID: 010DA8EE aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic31 2 Why do you now care about his feelings, which, by the way, aren't real...
FormID: 010DA8F0 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic32 0 And what did I say?
FormID: 010DA8F2 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic33 0 So?
FormID: 010DA8F4 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic34 0 A compelling argument...
FormID: 010DA8F4 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic34 1 But that is neither here nor there...
FormID: 010DA8F4 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic34 2 The time for conversing is over...
FormID: 010DA8F4 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic34 3 It is now time for me to get what I came here for...
FormID: 010DA8F6 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic35 0 Something that rightfully belongs to me...
FormID: 010DA8F6 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic35 1 The Infinity Orb...
__Infinity Orbだ…
FormID: 010DA8F8 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic36 0 That's right, it belongs to me...
__その通りだ、Infinity Orbは本来、私のものだ…
FormID: 010DA8F8 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic36 1 Before I used my tools on the Heart, I shipped it far away...
__私がLorkhanの心臓に対しToolを用いる前のことだ、私はInfinity Orbを遠くへと運び出した…
FormID: 010DA8F8 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic36 2 After the Dwemer race was sealed away, I fled Red Mountain...
__Dwemerの種族が、異なる次元に閉じ込められた後、私はRed Mountainから逃走した…
FormID: 010DA8F8 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic36 3 I went looking for it, but I had trouble getting my hands on it...
__私はInfinity Orbの探索に出向いた、しかしそれを手に入れるのは困難をきわめた…
FormID: 010DA8F8 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic36 4 Unfortunately, for many an era, I had to stay hidden...
FormID: 010DA8F8 aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTalk aaaSOTAQuest00DwemerTopic36 5 So searching became harder and harder to do...

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Last-modified: 2011-11-02 (水) 03:08:51