

FormID: 01007BF3 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMiscQuestPainter 0 The greatest painter of Cyrodiil has been imprisoned in his own painting. This a very interesting read. Here it is.
FormID: 01007BF4 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMiscQuestLeyawiinKnights 0 The Knights of the White Stallion. This is a name the people from County Leyawiin will hear often now that the knightly order has been restored.
__Knights of the White Stallion。Leyawiin伯爵領の住民はこれからその名をよく聞く事になるだろう、騎士団が復活したって。
FormID: 01007BF5 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMiscQuestImperialCorruption 0 Some of my collegues say this is true, but I personally believe these are lies. The Imperial Watch would never be corrupted.
__同僚の何人かがこれは本当だって言ってる、でも個人的には嘘だと信じてる。Imperial Watchが堕落するはずない。
FormID: 01007BF6 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMiscQuestAnvil 0 A gang of women who pleased the men with their body, only to steal their possessions when they were done. They've been arrested, of course.
FormID: 010082CC CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGNecroWarEnds 0 The war with the Necromancers is finally over and the Mages Guild are the winners. The dead shall now stay dead.
__死霊術士との戦いがついに終わった、Mages Guildが勝者。これからは死者は死んだまま。
FormID: 010082CD CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGNecroThreatConfirmed 0 An old article about the time when Necromancers and Mages Guild officially declared war on each other. The Mages Guild won.
__古い記事、死霊術士とMages Guildが抗争について公式声明を出した時の記事。Mages Guildが勝った。
FormID: 010082CE CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGNecrosontheRise 0 This is an old article. The Necromancers have been dealt with by the Mages Guild.
__これは古い記事。死霊術士はMages Guildによって対処された。
FormID: 010082CF CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGBrumaMagesGuild 0 Such a sad story, that is. The Mages Guild lost one of their guild halls to the Necromancers during their war.
__こんなに悲しい話はない。Mages Guildが死霊術士との戦いでGuild Hallの一つを失うなんて。
FormID: 010082D0 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedFGStoneStAlessia 0 The Order of Talos must be happy now, with the Stone recovered.
__Order of Talosは今間違いなく幸せ、Stoneが取り戻されたから。
FormID: 010082D1 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedFGCyrodiilicVillage 0 Water's Edge had been put to the sword by the Blackwood Company, that gang of bloodthirsty murderers from the south.
__Water's EdgeはBlackwood Companyの刃にかけられた、あの南から来た血に飢えた人殺しどものギャングに。
FormID: 010082D1 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedFGCyrodiilicVillage 1 This is an old article, so details have changed since then. I recommend you to see the article about the Blackwood Company instead.
__これは古い記事だから、今とは色々事情が違う。これよりもBlackwood Companyに関する記事を読む事をおすすめするよ。
FormID: 010082D2 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedFGBlackwoodCompany 0 Blackwood Company was nothing more than a Dark Brotherhood for fighters. They killed without mercy. Good thing they've been taken care of.
__Blackwood Companyは戦士向けDark Brotherhoodでしかなかった。無慈悲な殺し屋達。でももう対処済み、幸いな事に。
FormID: 010082D3 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBWhodunitSuccess 0 So many people died in Skingrad. It may be the Dark Brotherhood.
__Skingradでたくさんの人が死んだ。もしかしたらDark Brotherhoodの仕業かも。
FormID: 010082D4 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBWhodunitFail 0 So many people died in Skingrad under the hands of one assassin. Like mentioned in the article, the Dark Brotherhood must be involved.
__Skingradでたくさんの人が、暗殺者の手にかかって死んだ。記事にも書いてある通り、Dark Brotherhoodが関わってるのは間違いない。
FormID: 010082D5 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBImpPrisonMurder 0 A criminal has been murdered by an assassin. Ironic, isn't? He must have made many enemies during his stay.
FormID: 010082D6 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBImpPrisonMassacre 0 This happened a while ago, but it still worries me. The culprit has never been caught by the authorities.
FormID: 010082D7 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBBaenlinDeadSuccess 0 I believe I will ask the local craftsman to verify the roof here at the office.
FormID: 010082D8 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBBaelinsDeathFail 0 This one does not know why we needed to report the death of a noble, but here is the article. Enjoy the read.
FormID: 010082D9 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBAdamusPhilida 0 The Dark Brotherhood...a gang of assassins and psychopaths. Here's the article.
__Dark Brotherhood…暗殺者とサイコパスのギャング団。記事をどうぞ。
FormID: 010082DA CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDASheogorath 0 I have family in Borderwatch, but I am not gullible enough to believe in such non sense.
FormID: 010082DA CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDASheogorath 1 But when our reporter went there, there were indeed dead dogs littering the streets.
FormID: 010082DB CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDASanguine 0 This one must admit that it must have been a funny situation...
FormID: 010082DC CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDANamira 0 This one hopes that the culprit will be found and judged accordingly.
FormID: 010082DD CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDAHircine 0 So sad. A unicorn is such a unique animal. Here is the article.
FormID: 010082DE CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010082E0 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaChampion 0 Those were good days, mutsera. Seeing you rise from Pit Dog to Grand Champion.
__素晴らしい日々だったよ、Mutsera。Pit DogからGrand Championまで昇りつめるあなたを見てるのは。
FormID: 01009091 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009091 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by The Butcher!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがButcherに敗れました!
FormID: 01009092 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009092 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Spellslinger!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがSpellslingerに敗れました!
FormID: 01009093 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009093 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Iron Maiden!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがIron Maidenに敗れました!
FormID: 01009094 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009094 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Sir Slaughter!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがSir Slaughterに敗れました!
FormID: 01009095 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009095 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by The Tamriel Terror!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがTamriel Terrorに敗れました!
FormID: 01009096 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009096 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Dragonheart!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがDragonheartに敗れました!
FormID: 01009097 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009097 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Shadowstep!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがShadowstepに敗れました!
FormID: 01009098 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009098 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Skullcrusher!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがSkullcrusherに敗れました!
FormID: 01009099 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 01009099 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by The Divine Avenger!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがDivine Avengerに敗れました!
FormID: 0100909A CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 0100909A CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by The Messenger of Death!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがMessenger of Deathに敗れました!
FormID: 0100909B CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 0100909B CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by The Crimson Blade!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがCrimson Bladeに敗れました!
FormID: 0100909C CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 0100909C CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The Arena grand champion, The Gray Prince, has been beaten by Man o' War!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Arenaのgrand champion、Gray PrinceがMan o' Warに敗れました!
FormID: 0100909D CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 0100909E CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 0100909F CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A0 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A1 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A2 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A3 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A4 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A5 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A6 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A7 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A8 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090A9 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaGCTheMoD 0 Ah yes. I saw your match in the Arena. Interesting fight, that was. Too bad you are too busy to speak with the Black Horse Courier.
__ああ、そうそう。Arenaでのあなた達の戦い見たよ。面白い戦いだった、本当に。ただ、あなた急がしすぎてBlack Horse Courierが取材する暇ない。とても残念。
FormID: 010090AA CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedArenaChampion 0 You are the champion, aren't you? I saw you rise up to the Champion rank. Please, do tell us when you plan on taking on the Gray Prince, yes?
__あなたChampion、合ってる?Championの位に上がっていくの見てたよ。お願いだ、Gray Princeと戦う事決めた時は我々に知らせて、いい?
FormID: 010090AB CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBImpPrisonMassacre 0 A massacre, here! In the Imperial Prison, which is one district away from us!
__虐殺が、この街で!Imperial Prison、ここからたった一区画しか離れてない場所で!
FormID: 010090AB CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedDBImpPrisonMassacre 1 And to think that the killer is still on the loose...
FormID: 010090AC CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedFGCyrodiilicVillage 0 A whole village has been put to the sword by goblins. But I personally not believe in the Elsweyr invasion.
FormID: 010090AD CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGBrumaMagesGuild 0 Such a sad story, that is. The Mages Guild lost one of their guild halls.
__こんなに悲しい話はない。Mages GuildがGuild Hallの一つを失うなんて。
FormID: 010090AE CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGNecrosontheRise 0 Be careful these days, for the dead are rising.
FormID: 010090AF CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMGNecroThreatConfirmed 0 Warring Necromancers have been confirmed in Cyrodiil. That is most alarming indeed!
FormID: 010090B0 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQBattleofBruma 0 These are great news! The Empire has triumphed at the Battle of Bruma. The Oblivion Crisis still needs to be dealt with, but progress has been made.
__素晴らしいニュースだ!Brumaでの戦いで帝国が勝利を収めた!Oblivion Crisisとの戦いは終わってないけど、これで一歩前に進んだ。
FormID: 010090B1 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQCheydinhalHeir 0 Count Cheydinhal must be happy. His son is back and he has one less Oblivion Gate to worry about.
__Cheydinhalの伯爵はハッピーに違いない。彼の息子が戻ったし、気がかりなOblivion Gateも一つ減ったから。
FormID: 010090B2 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQClosingOBGates 0 This is a most useful guide for closing Oblivion Gates. If you want to help the Empire by closing the Gates, have a look at what we wrote.
__Oblivion Gateを閉じるのに、とっても役に立つ記事。もしGateを閉じて帝国の助けになりたいなら、私達の書いた記事読んで。
FormID: 010090B3 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQKvatchDestroyed 0 Forces from Oblivion poured inside the city and have slain everyone! What will happen next? Is this an invasion? We do not know yet.
FormID: 010090B3 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQKvatchDestroyed 1 But we will keep you informed as soon as news come to us.
FormID: 010090B4 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQKvatchDestroyed 0 This was indeed the start of Oblivion's invasion of Tamriel, as seen in our article. Most of us are preparing ourselves for the worst.
FormID: 010090B6 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQNewsfromtheFrontline 0 Here are the latest news from the frontline. The Empire is doing its best to hold off the invasion.
FormID: 010090B7 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQOblivionInvades 0 This article was written when we heard that spies of the Mythic Dawn had been dealt with by the Blades.
__この記事は、Mythic Dawnのスパイ達がBladeによって対処されたって聞いた時に書いたもの。
FormID: 010090B7 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQOblivionInvades 1 Then, an official from the Elder Council informed us that High Chancellor Ocato would write and publish an official declaration on the matter.
__そうしたらElder Councilから役人が来て、Ocato議長がこの問題について公式声明を書いて発表したって教えてくれた。
FormID: 010090B8 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMQOcatosDeclaration 0 This is High Chancellor Ocato's official declaration on the subject of the Oblivion Crisis. Do read it, it contains important information!
__これはOcato議長の、Oblivion Crisisの件に関する公式声明だ。どうぞ読んで、重要な情報が含まれてる!
FormID: 010090B9 CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedOtherAssassination 0 Emperor Uriel Septim VII has been assassinated. It is your duty as a citizen of the Empire to read the article!
__皇帝Uriel Septim VII世が暗殺された。この記事を読むのはもはや帝国人民の義務だよ!
FormID: 010090BA CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedOtherBlackMarsh 0 Do you have friends or family in Black Marsh? If so, we would like to interview them.
__Black Marshに友人とか家族とかいる?もしいるなら、彼らにインタビューしたいんだけど。
FormID: 010090BB CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedOtherBlackwoodCOmpany 0 Ah yes, a new guild of mercenaries has opened its doors in County Leyawiin, to the south. Here's our article.
FormID: 010090BC CliffBHCDialogue BHCExpandedMiscQuestVampireBruma 0 A vampire has been confirmed in Bruma, but at least he has been slain before sucking the blood of the townsfolk. Here is the article.
FormID: 010090BD CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 010090BD CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! Skyrim invades Morrowind!
FormID: 010090BE CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 010090BE CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! A gang of Anvil women has been dealt with!
FormID: 010090BF CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 010090BF CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! A vampire has been slain in Bruma!
FormID: 010090C0 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 010090C0 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! There's some corruption in the Imperial Watch!
__最新号をどうぞ、いつものように無料です!Imperial Watchの汚職事件がありました!
FormID: 010090C1 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 0 Sorry, no time to talk! I have to deliver these copies of the Black Horse Courier!
__すみませんが、話をしている時間がないんです!Black Horse Courierの写しを届けないと!
FormID: 010090C1 CliffBHCDialogue GREETING 1 Have the latest edition, free as always! The greatest painter of Cyrodiil has been found after being reported lost for many days!

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Last-modified: 2010-02-11 (木) 01:48:54