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A rogue mercenary guild involved in Water痴 Edge destruction.<br>
By Viconia<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>ater's Edge, once a peaceful village located on the border of Cyrodiil and Elsweyr, is now but rubble and dust. No survivors were found. It was unknown as to what happened, until now. This massacre was caused by no other than the Blackwood Company, the guild of mercenaries that recently opened its doors in Leyawiin, in southern Cyrodiil. It was first believed that the attack had been caused by a goblin raid, according to an Imperial Legionnaire found in Water's Edge:
<br> "What we see here are honest citizens of the Empire put mercilessly to the sword. No man or mer could have done such a terrible act. We clearly suspect that goblins are the authors of this atrocity," he is cited saying. <br>
When the Black Horse Courier informed him that the Blackwood Company was the culprit, he was shocked, with good reasons. All of Tamriel is shocked to learn that a once honest mercenary guild has committed such acts of barbarism.<br>
And how do we know that the Blackwood Company is behind this, you might ask? Our reporter in Leyawiin has been able to recover information from the Fighters Guild. An agent of the Guild infiltrated the Blackwood Company and shed the light on the Company's wrong doings. To read more about it, take a look at our "Blackwood Company is No More!" article.<br>
It is a sad day for the whole of the Empire. May the Nine Divines bless us on such a terrible event. <br>
<DIV align="center">About Water's Edge <br>
<DIV align="left">Built a hundred years ago, the village of Water's Edge served mainly as a cozy village to stop by while traveling to the southernmost Cyrodiilic city, Leyawiin. <br>

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ならず者の傭兵ギルドがWater's Edgeの崩壊に関与<br>
記者: Viconia<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/w_69x62.dds" width=69 height=62>ater's Edge、かつてはCyrodiilとElsweyrの境に位置する平和な村だったこの場所が、今では瓦礫と灰燼が残るのみとなってしまった。生存者は見付かっていない。何が起こったのかも分かっていなかった…今に至るまでは。この大量殺戮は他でもなく、最近になってCyrodiil南部のLeyawiinで開業したばかりの傭兵ギルド、Blackwood Companyによって引き起こされたものだったのだ。Water's Edgeで出会ったある帝国兵によると、この事件は当初、goblinによる襲撃であると考えられていたという:
Black Horse Courierの記者がBlackwood Companyが犯人である事を伝えると、彼は衝撃を受けた様子だった。当然の話だ。Tamrielの全住民が衝撃を受けた事だろう、かつては実直だった傭兵ギルドがこの様な蛮行を犯したと知っては。<br>
どうしてBlackwood Companyが黒幕だと分かるのか、疑問にお思いだろうか?Leyawiinにいる記者がFighters Guildから情報を得る事に成功したのだ。Guildの捜査員がBlackwood Companyに潜入、Companyの悪事を白日の下に晒したのである。詳細については、「Blackwood Company is No More!(Blackwood Company廃業へ!)」の記事をご覧頂きたい。<br>
帝国にとって悲しい日となってしまった。Nine Divinesがこの様な惨事の最中でも我らを祝福されん事を。<br>
<DIV align="center">Water's Edgeについて<br>
<DIV align="left">100年程昔につくられたWater's Edgeは、主にCyrodiil最南の街であるLeyawiinへ向かう旅の途中、立ち寄って羽を休められる居心地の良い村として、人々の役に立っていた。<br>

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Last-modified: 2010-02-10 (水) 23:54:07