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New Watch Captain Named<br>
<DIV align="left">Servatius Quintilius was recently promoted to Watch Captain to replace Hieronymus Lex. Captain Lex's career was marked by frequent tirades against the mythical thief and master criminal, the so-called "Gray Fox." At the same time, Hieronymus Lex announced that he has been retained by Countess Millona Umbranox of Anvil to be her new Captain of the Guard.
Captain Quintilius is a practical man who does not believe in the Thieves Guild or its imaginary grandmaster, the Gray Fox. He has promised peace and order in the districts under his protection. Guard patrol routes will be posted so that all citizens will know where to find a Watchman when they need one.
When asked if this would also make things easier for thieves, Captain Quintilius responded, "Never. Criminals are dumb. Wouldn't be criminals otherwise, right? Stands to reason. You smart Courier boys should just leave the crime-fighting in this city to professionals like me."

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<DIV align="left">Hieronymus_Lex氏に代わり、Servatius Quintilius氏が新警備隊長として任命された。Lex隊長は、巷で囁かれる神秘的な怪盗「Gray Fox」への度重なる執念で有名であった。新隊長の任命に伴い、Hieronymus_Lex氏は、Anvil伯Millona_Umbranox夫人のもとでAnvil警備隊の新隊長となることが発表された。
現実的な人物であるQuintilius隊長は、Thieves Guildや伝説的なグランドマスター「Gray Fox」を信じていないようだ。彼は自分の担当地区の平穏と秩序を約束している。巡回コースは、全住民が必要な時に警備兵を容易に見つけられるように設定された。

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Last-modified: 2010-02-10 (水) 01:53:33