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Contract from Countess Arriana Valga.

Reward 500 Gold.
Support:  Additional Members will be sent to help you if they are available.

The Countess has gotten word that a group of local The Black Rock Bandit Leaders  are meeting in Black Rock Caverns. The reason for their meeting is unknown but it will no doubt cost Chorrol dearly. The Countess has asked us to take care of the matter for her.

You are to go to Black Rock Caverns and kill the four Black Rock Bandit Leaders meeting there. 

Black Rock Caverns can be found North of Chorrol.

Chorrol Fighters Guild Clerk

訳文 Edit

契約主:Arriana Valga女伯爵

報酬:500 Gold.

 女伯閣下はこの地の山賊団Black Rock Banditの頭目たちがBlack Rock Cavernsで会合を開くとの情報を入手された。会合の目的は不明だが、Chorrolにとって重大な脅威となる事には疑いの余地はない。女伯閣下はこの事態の解決を我々に依頼された。

 Black Rock Cavernsに赴き、この地で会合しているBlack Rock Banditの頭目四名を討ち取ること。


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Last-modified: 2009-05-03 (日) 23:44:20