L10N/XP_Leveling/4_1_5/xml/levelup_menu_DarkUIdDarN の変更点


<!-- levelup_menu.xml -->
 <!-- Oblivion XP v4.0.0 -->
<menu name="LevelUpMenu">
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	<user5></user5>		<!-- Attribute description -->
	<_obxp_font> 2 </_obxp_font>
	<xbuttonb> <ref src="levelup_exit_button" trait="clicked"/> </xbuttonb>

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			<depth> 4 </depth>
		<!-- INSTRUCTIONAL MESSAGE =========================================================-->
		<text name="levelup_instructions">
			<string> Choose which attributes to increase. Attribute points left: </string>
			<justify> &left; </justify>
			<font> <copy src="LevelUpMenu" trait="_obxp_font" /> </font>
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		<text name="levelup_instructions2">
			<string> Choose which skills to increase. Skill points left: </string>
			<justify> &left; </justify>
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		<text name="levelup_instructions3">
			<string> Hint: Class and Specialization Skills cost less than non-specialized Skills. Furthermore, whether or not you can raise a skill to the next level of Mastery level depends on your current level.
			<justify> &left; </justify>
			<font> <copy src="LevelUpMenu" trait="_obxp_font" /> </font>
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			<!-- This is a list pane, and is not a focus itself, but when the child elements don't know how to handle
				an input command, they defer to their parent. The following directions are for those times. -->
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			<xright> <ref src="levelup_exit_button" trait="mouseover" /> </xright>
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		<!-- DONE BUTTON ======================================================================-->
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