L10N/Windfall/1.0/QuestStages/WFNQ01 の変更点

FormID: 01050667	WFNQ01	0	0	
FormID: 01050667	WFNQ01	10	0	I have agreed to do a special job for Arkyon, one of the necromancers that lives at the Order of the Candle. Creepy place, but profitable. Arkyon gave 100 septims in advance to search a crypt for a diamond. He also promised me another 300 if I return with the diamond. Once I am supplied, I'll head out to the Altarius Family Crypt and have a look around. 
__the Order of the Candleの一人であるArkyonから仕事を請けた。気味が悪いが儲けるには良い場所だ。Arkyonは遺体安置所でのdiamond探索に前金として100Gを払い、diamondを持ち帰ればさらに300Gを払うと約束した。Altarius Family Cryptの探索に向かうとしよう。 
FormID: 01050667	WFNQ01	100	0	
FormID: 01050667	WFNQ01	20	0	I found the diamond and returned it to Arkyon. I wonder what he has planned for it? He seemed very excited to have recovered the diamond. For a necromancer, Arkyon is rather likable fellow. He also wants to hire me for another job, and that is always a likable characteristic.   
FormID: 01050667	WFNQ01	21	0	I found the diamond, but I am not turning it over to a necromancer. I don't care what he is offering me for it. I simply told him I couldn't find it. I'll have to find out what the gem dealers in Windfall or Cyrodiil are offering for it. I think he bought the story I told him. The leader of this group, Todward, would like to see me. Arkyon believes he would like to discuss a job with me. I may as well find out what he wants. 
FormID: 01050667	WFNQ01	22	0	I was unable to locate the diamond for Arkyon. He seemed very disappointed. I wonder what he had planned for that diamond. I kind of feel sorry for him. He seems a very pleasant mer for necromancer. Despite my inability to locate the diamond, he did inform me that the leader of his group, Todward, would like to see me. Arkyon believes he would like to discuss a job with me.

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