L10N/The_Duelists/0.93/Dialogue/NQDLeyawiin の変更点

FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	So much dirt, and so little time... pause but a moment, and you'll be drowned in the tide... Trash! Mud! Dust!	
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	We all love Count Marius, and his father before him... Arkay bless his soul... such a fine young man...	
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	2	... And now, his new wife, so beautiful, so fine. And wise? Oh, yes! The new Lady Leyawiin is daughter to Countess Arriana Valga, County Chorrol...	
__そして彼の花嫁を祝福したまえ。彼女は大層美しく、気高い夫人。それに彼女の賢さはどうだ?立派なものじゃないか。新しき Leyawiin の伯爵夫人は、Chorrol 領のArriana Valga 伯の娘なり。
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	3	... and so she knows just how the county should be run.  Lady Alessia tells Count Marius exactly what to do... and he does as she says... 
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	4	... But listen to me! Cawing and chattering like an old fishcrow...	

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