FormID: 0206E040 kvajoinnecroguild JointheNecromancersGuild 0 So you want to join the guild, first we must test you. Go and kill one of the prisoners in the cells. Do that and we shall talk about this further.
FormID: 0206E049 kvajoinnecroguild kvanecrowelcometoguild 0 So you completed the task I set you, as promised I here by make you a member of the Necromancer Guild. Welcome friend.
__課題を達成したようだな。いいだろう、約束どおりお前をNecromancer Guildのメンバーとして迎えよう。ようこそ、同志よ。
FormID: 0206E04B kvajoinnecroguild kvanecrorecoveritem1 0 I need you to break in to the Archmages room at the Arcane University and bring me back the Master Mortar & Pestle he has in his there.
__Arcane UniversityのArchmageの執務室に侵入し、そこにあるMaster Mortar & Pestleを取り返してきてほしいのだ。
FormID: 0206E051 kvajoinnecroguild kvarecoveryjob1 0 I see you have recovered the Master Mortar & Pestle, very good.
__Master Mortar & Pestleを取り返してくれたようだな。よくやってくれた。
FormID: 0206E058 kvajoinnecroguild kvanecroguardjob1 0 I need you to find me a human Skull, Pelvis and Rib cage for a new guild guard I am making. We will talk again when you have the parts I need.
__ギルドの新たな警備兵を作成するため、人間の頭蓋骨( Skull)、骨盤(Pelvis)、それに肋骨(Rib cage)を探してきてほしい。後の事はお前が材料を持ってきたときに話そう。
FormID: 0206E05A kvajoinnecroguild kvanecrobonesfound1 0 Good, good, I see you have the body parts I need, yes yes these will do nicely. Thank you.
FormID: 0206E067 kvajoinnecroguild kvaGuildTrial 0 Well done, you have proven your loyality to the guild by stealing, killing and finally helping to secure the guild. You are now trusted member.