L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgZAQAurealDialogue-07 の変更点


FormID: 030E51C8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Aureal	0	I don't really feel comfortable talking about them. There was a lot of conflict between them and my kind. Today I'm working with them, but it is hard from time to time. Like when seeing the contempt in Tesserayiel's eyes.	
FormID: 030E51C8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Aureal	1	Suprised? There is an age-old rivalry between our races. We're working on it, but it takes time.	
FormID: 030E51C8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Aureal	2	In Mundus Aureals are feared. While those send into the realms by Sheogorath usually let helpless mortals alone, they gladly engage in combat with anyone looking like a hero. Or just someone who could defend himself.	
FormID: 030E51C8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Aureal	3	Of course this is no acceptable behavior for the Stranded Light. They need to keep their cruel and unforgiving tendencies in check.	
__もちろん、そんな行為はStranded Lightにおいて認められるものではありません。彼女達は残忍で冷酷な本性を常に抑えて暮らす必要があります。
FormID: 030E51C8	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Aureal	4	Anything else you want to hear?	
FormID: 030E51C9	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	0	Oh, you know about us. At least you should. Or have you forgotten everything?	
FormID: 030E51C9	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	1	We've got an easier time with mortals than most other Daedra, because we've got no history of slaughtering them in the dozens like many others have. When it comes to dealing with them, we're an example how it should be done.	
FormID: 030E51C9	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	2	Though we are at odds with many other Daedric races, most prominent examples are the Aureals. So be it. At least Tesserayiel understood that it's our perspective that will secure us our place in this world.	
FormID: 030E51C9	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	3	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51CA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	0	Unlike most other sentient Daedra we're virtually unknown to mortals. Some may sense that there's something wrong with us, but only those with a lot arcane knowledge know about us.	
FormID: 030E51CA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	1	Everyone knows about Aureals, but us? We've got an easier time with mortals than most other Daedra, because we've got no history of slaughtering them. When it comes to dealing with them, we're an example how it should be done.	
FormID: 030E51CA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	2	Though we are at odds with many other Daedric races, most prominent examples are the Aureals. So be it. At least Tesserayiel understood that it's our perspective that will secure us our place in this world.	
FormID: 030E51CA	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism1Mazken	3	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51CB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Dremora	0	Oh. Don't let me get started!	
FormID: 030E51CB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Dremora	1	They're the major force used by Mehrunes Dagon to cause destruction, and therefore they're feared and for very good reasons. Those working for Mehrunes Dagon? Banish them when you meet them.	
__彼らはMehrunes Dagonの軍隊の主力で、破壊の尖兵ですよ。非常に恐れられていますが当然の事です。え?Mehrunes Dagonへの協力者にはどう対処すれば良いか、ですか?そんなものは滅ぼしてしまえば良いと思いますよ。
FormID: 030E51CB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Dremora	2	They're a danger to our cause. Only few aren't in Mehrunes Dagon's service. Whomever they serve though, usually Dremoras can be trusted. Even if it is that they'll cut you open with sharp pointy things.	
__彼らは私達の目的に対しても危険な障害です。Mehrunes Dagonへの奉仕を拒否する者は稀で、他の種族でもDagonに仕える者達はいますが、最も信頼が厚いのがDremoraと言えるでしょう。たとえそれが殺戮を楽しむだけの目的であったとしても。
FormID: 030E51CB	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Dremora	3	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	0	Probably you can tell me more about your kind than I could do. So why are you asking? Playing mind games? Or do you just want to know what I think, or what I know?	
FormID: 030E51CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	1	Your kind consists of lordless wanderers in the Void, serving Princes however they see fit. Your kind's ability to adapt makes you unpredictable. Hard to say what you're dealing with.	
FormID: 030E51CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	2	In my personal opinion those of you that aren't associated with destructive Princes should easily find a place in the Stranded Light. However those in service of Mephala, Sanguine, Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon or Clavicus Vile?	
__個人的には、破壊的なPrinceと関わりのないDaedra Seducerならば気軽にStranded Lightに入ってもらって構わないと思っています。でも、Mephala、Sanguine、Molag Bal、Mehrunes Dagon、Clavicus Vileと関わりのある者は認められませんね。
FormID: 030E51CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	3	They can be a major obstacle, even more so than an Aureal running wild. Problem is, if you see one, you don't know whom they serve.	
FormID: 030E51CC	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	4	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51CD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	0	Karashivuel could tell you more about them, if she wishes to share her knowledge. Unlike myself she had dealings with them in the past.	
FormID: 030E51CD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	1	They're lordless wanderers in the void, serving Princes however they see fit. Their ability to adapt makes them unpredictable. One serving Sanguine and one serving Molag Bal are equally dangerous, but act entirely different.	
__彼らの大半が仕える主君を持たぬまま虚空を旅しています。自分に合っていると思えば主君に仕える事もありますけれどね。また順応性が高く、気まぐれです。自分で自分のやっている事を理解していない事もしばしば。Sanguine、Molag BalといったPrinceに仕える者たちは危険ですね。それぞれ違う意味で。
FormID: 030E51CD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	2	In my personal opinion those that aren't associated with destructive Princes should easily find a place in the Stranded Light. However those in service of Mephala, Sanguine, Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon or Clavicus Vile?	
__個人的には、破壊的なPrinceと関わりのないDaedra Seducerならば気軽にStranded Lightに入ってもらって構わないと思っています。でも、Mephala、Sanguine、Molag Bal、Mehrunes Dagon、Clavicus Vileと関わりのある者は認められませんね。
FormID: 030E51CD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	3	They can be a major obstacle, even more so than an Aureal running wild. Problem is, if you see one, you don't know whom they serve.	
FormID: 030E51CD	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Seducer	4	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51CE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	0	Should I? No, I don't think so. After all you probably know a lot more than I do, so no need to repeat it.	
FormID: 030E51CE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	1	What I do say is that a lot of your brethen are still serving Mehrunes Dagon, and are therefore not helping our cause. You do well to not associate yourself with them.	
__あえて言うならば、今でもMehrunes Dagonに仕える者が多くいます。よって彼らは私達の目的にとってあまり合致する存在とは言えませんね。くれぐれもああいった輩に与する事のないようにお願いします。
FormID: 030E51CE	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	2	Anything else you wish to know?	
FormID: 030E51CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	0	Like the Dremora they are one of the major forces of Mehrunes Dagon. Unlike the Dremora though a lot of them have deserted Mehrunes Dagon for various reasons. Just look at Karashivuel.	
__Dremoraと同じく、彼らはMehrunes Dagonの軍隊の主力の一翼を担う存在ですね。しかしDremoraと異なり、様々な理由でMehrunes Dagonを見限る者もまた多いです。そう、Karashivuelのように。
FormID: 030E51CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	1	Only problem is that they're still very destructive in nature. Even when they do join our cause, it's difficult for them to adapt to their new way of living. Aureal and Mazken know how to deal with mortals, Xivilai don't.	
FormID: 030E51CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	2	And their appearance doesn't makes it easier. Daedra Seducer look equally devilish, but are pleasing to mortal's eyes at the same time. Something that can't be said for most mortal eyes when it comes to Xivilai.	
__それに、外見上の問題もあります。悪魔のような姿という点ではDaedra Seducerにも共通して言えることですが、彼らは悪魔的でありながら同時に魅力を兼ね備えていますが、Xivilaiにはそれが当てはまらない場合がほとんどです。
FormID: 030E51CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	3	In fact they're known to inspire fear, which is not what we wish to bring to Mundus. Nevertheless not giving them a place can cause them to spread fear for very good reasons.	
FormID: 030E51CF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZMZQuestionsRacism2Xivilai	4	Anything else?	
FormID: 030F89C0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	There you are. Quite a nice work with the Guild Guide. One of the first Ohmes-raht in decades now lives with us.	
__こんにちは。Guild Guideの件では大活躍でしたね。おかげ様で、数十年ぶりにOhmes-rahtと一緒に暮らすようになりました。
FormID: 030F89C0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	Though we really should make sure that the Suthay Decree, a law prohibiting the more merish Khajiit from living outside of Elsweyr and the Illiac Bay, gets revoked.	
__もっとも、Suthay Decreeの廃止は必須でしょうけれど。Suthay DecreeというのはElsweyrとIlliac Bay以外の地域でmerish(Elfによく似た)なKhajiitの居住を禁じる法律の事です。
FormID: 030F89C0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	We shouldn't act directly on it, lest we take the blame if something went wrong. If you haven't already, check the Imperial City. I've heard there's someone trying to overcome this law.	
__でも、私達が直接廃止を訴えかけるとなると何かあった時にまずい事になるでしょうから、それは避けるべきでしょう。もしもまだ見つけていないのなら、この法律を廃止させようと努力している人物がImperial Cityにいますから、当たってみてはいかがでしょうか?
FormID: 030F89C0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	It would help us greatly in the mid and long term.	
FormID: 030F89C1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Now we even have a Maormer from Pyandonea offering services in our fair guild. Quite a feat, quite a feat.	
FormID: 030F89C1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	There's no law against Maormer in Cyrodiil, or in the Empire, though. Neither a law against Daedra. Though there is a law against certain kinds of Khajiit. Mostly Ohmes and Ohmes-raht.	
FormID: 030F89C1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	They're not allowed to live anywhere except Elsweyr and the Illiac Bay. Let's just say it would help us a lot with our interests if the law against them, called [QUOTE]Suthay Decree[QUOTE], gets removed.	
__彼らはElsweyrとIlliac Bay以外の地域に住む事を許されていないんだ。だから、彼らを規制する[QUOTE]Suthay Decree[QUOTE]っていう法律を廃止出来たなら、きっと私達の利益にもつながると思うよ。
FormID: 030F89C1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	I'm kind of stumped at the moment. I have an idea, certain offerings from other parts of this world, but I can't follow them at all due to these rules.	
FormID: 030F89C1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	4	I know that someone in the Imperial City works to overcome this law. Do us all a favor and help here.	
__どうやらImperial Cityにはこの法律を撤廃させようと努力している人物がいるらしいね。もしも法律が撤廃されたら凄く助かるんだけどな。
FormID: 031045AF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	She's terrible! Trying to play mind games with poor Jo'beala. Why? Jo'beala is afraid. What harm does the Xivilai tries to inflict?	
FormID: 031045AF	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	As if her appearance wouldn't be enough. She's as monstrous in the inside as she is on the outside. Scary.	
FormID: 031045B0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	She's scary. Though she doesn't seem to mind her surroundings much. I get the feeling she simply doesn't care about most people around her. Maybe she will leave me in peace?	
FormID: 031045B0	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	I'm afraid of her, but if she simply doesn't care about me, maybe that's not necessary?	
FormID: 031045B1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	0	She's not what she appears to be. So scary looking, but it seems she has a genuine interest in the feelings and well-being of her room mates. Maybe I have misjudged her.	
FormID: 031045B1	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharKara	1	She's scary. Maybe only to scare others away? I don't know. Though I feel I don't need to be afraid of her. Much.	
FormID: 031045B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	That would be me.	
FormID: 031045B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	Isn't it cold in here?	
FormID: 031045B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	Go to Cyrodiil they said. You've got great chances there. Now I'm in this damp cellar with a horde of Daedra.	
FormID: 031045B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	3	Have you seen that Xivilai? It looks like it's going to eat this one.	
FormID: 031045B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	4	And I didn't even wanted to come to Cyrodiil! Suddenly my name appeared on the list. Now I'm trapped in this place, where this probably man eating Xivilai begins to play mind games with me. I'm afraid I'm next.	
FormID: 031045B2	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	5	Please remember me when I'm gone. I didn't want to end like this, but I just also can't run away. I wouldn't survive in the wilderness for more than a day. I, I. Sometimes I just want to lie down and forget everything.	
FormID: 031045B3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	That would be me.	
FormID: 031045B3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	I'm getting used to the cold. It's not only a coldness of stone, but also a coldness of spirit. Desinterest, uncaring. Maybe, as long as I'm unnoticed, I may even get out of here. Some day in the distant future.	
FormID: 031045B3	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	Until then I can only hope the Xivilai doesn't get a sudden hunger for Ohmes-raht ragou.	
FormID: 031045B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	That would be me.	
FormID: 031045B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	I'm beginning to get used to the place. It took me some time, but now I begin to feel at home. It's just so different than the Mages Guild in Sentinel.	
__この場所にもだんだん慣れて来ました。多少の時間はかかりそうですが、腰を落ち着けられそうです。SentinelのMages Guildとは全然違う環境でしたからね。
FormID: 031045B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	And I also think this place offers me some great chances. I mean, I'm helping one of the newest yet still most influental guilds in this country. This just has to look good on my vita.	
FormID: 031045B4	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	3	I was scared at first, but now I think my fears weren't all justified. The Daedra are strange, sometimes even scary. Not dangerous. Even if some of them don't seem to admit this.	
FormID: 0310537A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	Our local Guild Guide, a Khajiit from the Iliac Bay.	
__うちのGuild Guideの子よね。Illiac Bayから来たKhajiitの。
FormID: 0310537A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	I had hoped that she gets used to us, and this ruin. Didn't work out. She's even more uneasy about everything now. I wonder what may have happened?	
FormID: 0310537A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	It's too bad. I had high hopes for her. And now I can only hope that she will calm down sometime in the distant future.	
FormID: 0310537B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	Our local Guild Guide, a Khajiit from the Iliac Bay.	
__うちのGuild Guideの子よね。Illiac Bayから来たKhajiitの。
FormID: 0310537B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	I had hoped that she gets used to us, and this ruin. Well, at least she's not more freaked out, but it didn't get better. All others, like Ahtize and Do'leandra didn't have her problems adapting to our presence.	
FormID: 0310537B	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	Maybe it will change, maybe not. Not in the foreseeable future, that's the only thing I'm sure about.	
FormID: 0310537C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	0	Our local Guild Guide, a Khajiit from the Iliac Bay.	
__うちのGuild Guideの子よね。Illiac Bayから来たKhajiitの。
FormID: 0310537C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	1	I am happy to say that she has finally warmed up, and is accepting this place for what it is. A great opportunity for her, to learn, to make a name. At first she was very afraid. It's changing now. Slowly.	
FormID: 0310537C	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZAQ1CharJoBea	2	That's good. It kind of hurt to see herself being in constant fear of Karashivuel and the others. I'm glad that this is over now. Was about time.	
FormID: 0310D104	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	0	Good to see you again. There is something I want to give you. If only to let you know about it.	
FormID: 0310D104	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	1	It's a little text we've written as introduction to new members. While most of it is already known to you, I think you deserve to have it, too.	
FormID: 0310D104	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	2	Especially since we, for the last time, are using your exploits at Kvatch to demonstrate our intentions.	
FormID: 0310D104	bgZAQAurealDialogue	GREETING	3	Here, take it. While there's likely not much new, some parts may even surprise you.	
FormID: 0310D106	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	0	Surprised by it? We had to have some guidelines for our daedric members. As we need to have some explanations why we have chosen the path we walked together with.	
FormID: 0310D106	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro1	1	I know what's likely the biggest surprise for you. Our actions regarding the Septim lineage.	
FormID: 0310D107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2	0	Yes, we tried, and we all have failed. Except you with Martin. That's why I've waited before getting started until he was either saved or the daedric incursion apparent.	
FormID: 0310D107	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2	1	It was necessary. If Martin would have died at Kvatch, everything we aimed to do would have been foiled and in vain.	
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	0	None except you. See, you were there as the Emperor died. You had the Amulet of Kings in your hand. That's what I knew, so you were the only one that deserved to be trusted.	
__あなた以外には誰にも教えていないわ。あなたが皇帝の死に立ち会いAmulet of Kingsを預かっていた事を知っていたから、信用出来る人物はあなただけだと思ったの。
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	1	For everyone else I was just an odd visitor to the Imperial City.	
__他の人にとっては私は単なるImperial Cityにやって来た奇妙な観光客という事にしていたの。
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	2	I am pretty sure that the Mythic Dawn didn't know about Martin. Both Mankar and Mehrunes Dagon held a certain grudge against Kvatch. And destroyed it to push the Empire into a turmoil.	
__Mythic DawnはMartinの事なんて知らなかったと思うわ。だってMankerもMehrunes DagonもKvatchに恨みを抱いていたし、帝国を混乱に陥れる為に破壊しようとしただけだと思う。
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	3	If they had known about Martin being there, he wouldn't have survived the first night. He would have died as all other heirs have died. Killed by a horde of assassins.	
FormID: 0310D108	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2a	4	Anyway, there is just something I have to say to you.	
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	0	You've likely heard the stories how the Nerevarine had to fight numerous Golden Saints in Vvardenfell. Have you ever asked yourself why?	
__あなたもNerevarineがVvardenfellで大量のGolden Saintとの戦いを強いられたという話は聞いた事があると思うけれど、どうしてそんな事になったのか考えてみた事はある?
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	1	Of course, anyone of us that had anger management issues was sent there to cause trouble. Lord Sheogorath had some quarrels with the false gods of ALMSIVI. That's only half of the truth, though.	
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	2	Several task forces were sent to destroy Dagoth Ur and secure the Heart of Lorkhan. We knew about the plan of the Dagonites to destroy zero tower, Red Mountain, how they used the Nerevarine.	
__Dagoth Urを倒しHeart of Lorkhanを確保する為の特殊部隊も編成されていたの。私達はzero towerとRed Mountainを破壊する為のDagonitesの計画について予め知っていたわ。彼らはNerevarineを利用したのよ。
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	3	However we were unable to stop him, and clear the situation with Dagoth Ur ourself. So the Nerevarine destroyed not only Dagoth Ur, but also Zero Tower. This has destabilized the Liminal Barrier.	
__知ってはいたけど彼を止める事が出来なかった。Dagoth Urの討伐もね。だからNeravarineはDagoth Urを討伐するに止まらず、Zero Towerまで破壊してしまった。そのせいでLiminal Barrierが弱まってしまったのよ。
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	4	Without this event the end of the Septim lineage would have never been enough to cause the Oblivion crisis. This world is precious to Lord Sheogorath, as it is to many of us lesser Daedra.	
__あの一件がなければSeptim家の血筋が途絶えたくらいでOblivion Crisisなんて起きなかったわ。この世界はLord Sheogorathにとっても他の低級Daedraにとっても大切なものだから、守りたかったのに。
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	5	We always tried to keep it safe. This was just another occasion.	
FormID: 0310D109	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2b	6	Anyway, there is just something I have to say to you.	
FormID: 0310D10A	bgZAQAurealDialogue	bgZZIntro2c	0	In Cyrodii around hundred, twice as much world wide.	


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