L10N/BladeSong/1.1/Dialogue/AABattleGroundsPartTwo-01 の変更点


FormID: 020EF690	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	HELLO	0	Is there a problem?	
FormID: 020EF69E	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	Are you here to just waste my time or are you going to tell me what the problem is?	
FormID: 020EF69F	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	Hail friend. I don't believe we've met before..	
FormID: 020EF6A0	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusA	0	If you want a conversation, pull up a chair.. I'm tired, and have no desire to deal with more formalities right now..	
FormID: 020EF6A1	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusB	0	Ah Grenaw.. His trackers did an extraordinary job of discovering where these filthy pieces of garbage have been coming from.. You know only one of the two trackers made it back alive after finding this place.	
FormID: 020EF6A1	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusB	1	Last I heard, him and a few of his trackers were pursuing a group of Dagrukhai near Aleswell..	
FormID: 020EF6A2	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	So you say Grenaw sent you eh? His trackers did an extraordinary job of discovering where these filthy pieces of garbage have been coming from.. You know only one of the two trackers made it back alive after finding this place.	
FormID: 020EF6A2	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	1	Last I heard, him and a few of his trackers were pursuing a group of Dagrukhai near Aleswell..	
FormID: 020F3AE5	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusC	0	That's a shame.. These things are merciless, of the other villages attacked there were only a few survivors as well.	
FormID: 020F3AE5	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusC	1	Are you another member of the Fighters Guild?	
FormID: 020F41B9	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusE	0	That's a good question.. There's been a rumor spreading that the Daedra had themselves a little experiment a long time ago.. Tried to crossbreed an Orc with a Dremora..	
FormID: 020F41B9	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusE	1	If the rumor's true, seems their experiment worked.. Although the Dagrukhai seem to be operating without any authority from the Daedra, we've seen no sign of any Daedra mixed in with them.	
FormID: 020F41B9	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusE	2	I'd say, their experiment failed in the end, and these things have just gone rogue, operating under their own authority. One thing's for sure, were going to have one hell of a fight tomorrow, damn things are are tough as hell..	
FormID: 020F41BA	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusD	0	Well considering the fact our camp is within clear view of theirs.. Yea, they know. I think the only reason they haven't outright attacked us is because they've been gathering their troops from across the region to build their strength in numbers..	
FormID: 020F41BA	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusD	1	They could attack at any time really.. By the way, do yourself, and everyone else here a favor, don't even think about venturing near their fort..	
FormID: 020F41BA	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusD	2	We already know they're much stronger when the sun goes down, probably something to do with the Daedra in them. If someone ticked off a battle at night with them, we'd probably all die, so just stay away from their camp for now ok.	
FormID: 020F41BB	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusF	0	I.. did just say that I think.. We should get a few more coming in tonight, and hopefully that should somewhat even the odds.. We estimate around thirty to forty of them over there..	
FormID: 020F41BC	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusG	0	Right to the point aren't you? We don't even have thirty men yet.. I'm hoping we have at least forty by the time the morning comes. Soldiers have been coming in constantly from all across the northern Cyrodiil regions over the past two days..	
FormID: 020F41BC	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusG	1	But the damn Dagrukhai have been reacting to the situation.. They've been setting up ambushes near the cave exit.. You're actually lucky to be here alive, it's been getting worse lately.	
FormID: 020F41BC	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusG	2	I can't really say what's going to happen in the morning.. That is of course if they don't attack us tonight. Were gonna give em hell, and hopefully destroy their existence and burn their fort to the ground.	
FormID: 020F41BC	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusG	3	You'll probably want to get some sleep, and get rested for the battle. We'll be assembling around daybreak. There's an empty tent over there within the group of low tents, by the edge of the camp, go ahead and take it for tonight.	
FormID: 020F4892	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusH	0	No problem at all. I do hope you brought some food with you, we just finished off the last of our supplies.. Just be prepared for anything, hopefully they don't attack tonight..	
FormID: 020F7F51	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusJ	0	Well sir, it's my pleasure to have the head of the Fighters Guild here with us. I never expected to see so many Fighters Guild members show up to help.. It's making all the difference in our troop strength.	
FormID: 020F7F51	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusJ	1	Anyhow, I'm glad to have you aboard with us. In fact you arrived just in time, were planning to assault the Dagrukhai camp in the morning.	
FormID: 020F7F52	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusI	0	Glad to have another member here with us, I never expected to see so many Fighters Guild members show up to help.. It's making all the difference in our troop strength.	
FormID: 020F7F52	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusI	1	Well anyhow, good to have you aboard with us. In fact you arrived just in time, were planning to assault the Dagrukhai camp in the morning.	
FormID: 020F7F53	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusK	0	Well either way, I'm glad to have you aboard with us. In fact you arrived just in time, were planning to assault the Dagrukhai camp in the morning.	
FormID: 020F7F54	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	It's good to see another friendly face join us.. Welcome friend, I'd offer you some wine or beer.. but we seem to have drank it all..	
FormID: 020F7F55	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	Sir! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.. this is an honor.	
FormID: 020F7F56	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	Greetings friend.. It's good to see another member joining us..	
FormID: 020F7F61	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradA	0	Sir, I know that members were sent here from Bruma, Cheydinhal, and Chorrol. There may be others as well though.. I know the leaders of those guild halls tried to locate you to discuss sending troops here, but to no avail.	
FormID: 020F7F61	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradA	1	They proceeded to send troops without your permission, because time was short. Each of us was given the option to not go.. we're all here without pay..	
FormID: 020F7F62	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradB	0	I know that members were sent here from Bruma, Cheydinhal, and Chorrol. There may be others as well though.. All the guild members here are here by their own willingness, this isn't technically a job this time..	
FormID: 020F7F62	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradB	1	Each of us was given the option to not go, as we're all here without pay.	
FormID: 020F7F63	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradC	0	All of the guild members here are here by their own willingness, this isn't technically a job this time.. Each of us was given the option to not go, as we're all here without pay.	
FormID: 020F8637	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradD	0	Me and Fergon, were from Bruma.. Just got in earlier today. One of those things attacked us on the way here.. it took the both of us to put it down. The battle sure aint gonna be easy..	
FormID: 020F8637	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHalgradD	1	Damn things.. I don't even think anyone knows the purpose to their behavior, they seem to kill for no reason, and then pick up whatever they can scavenge.. Bah.. I'm sick of this.. I just wanna get on with the fight and get it over with.	
FormID: 020F8D0C	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AADamascusSpeechOne	0	Gentlemen.. I need to get some sleep. I bid you all a goodnight.	
FormID: 020FD14D	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHaldgradSpeechOne	0	Night Damascus..	
FormID: 020FD14F	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAFergonSpeechOne	0	'burp'	
FormID: 0210011B	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAFergonSpeechTwo	0	Can't believe I let you talk me into comin' here Halgrad.. First I nearly get killed just gettin' here, and now were gonna fight these things undermanned.. If I knew I was just going to my own funeral I woulda just stayed home..	
FormID: 0210011C	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHaldgradSpeechTwo	0	I didn't talk you into anything..  It's not like I dragged you here. And no one really knows what's going to happen, maybe more men 'll show up before then.	
FormID: 0210011D	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHaldgradSpeechThree	0	Heh.. Always gotta open your big mouth after having a few too many drinks.. Jeez why don't ya just shutup already. Or, heck, go back home, no one's keeping you here Fergon.	
FormID: 0210011E	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAFergonSpeechThree	0	Yea right.. These things probably already killed anyone else coming tonight.	
FormID: 0210011F	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAFergonSpeechFour	0	Sure. How am I supposed to get back with these things crawling allover the place? Better off dying in the battle than trying to walk back alone.. Ehh. Just forget it.. I'm not real happy with the situation here, and now the beer's gone too..	
FormID: 0210159A	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAFergonSpeechFive	0	Dam weather.. stupid creatures.. stupid place..	
FormID: 0210159C	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAFergonSpeechSix	0	What the hell am I doing here..	
FormID: 0210159D	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAHaldgradSpeechFour	0	'cough'	
FormID: 02103E98	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	Well hello there stranger..	
FormID: 02104586	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAAATessCampA	0	Heh.. You look like you've seen a ghost..	
FormID: 02104587	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	GREETING	0	I'm just as surprised to see you here.. But its good to see you again.	
FormID: 02104588	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAAATessCampB	0	Indeed.. There is much we have to discuss you and I..  I.. haven't always been a shopkeeper..	
FormID: 02104589	AABattleGroundsPartTwo	AAAATessCampC	0	I awoke from a very strange dream to find my wounds completely healed. An Imperial Legion captain, someone I think you know, kindly offered me his horse to get here.
__とても不思議な夢から覚めると、わたしの傷はきれいに癒えていた。そしてImperial Legionの隊長さんが…多分貴方の知っている人だと思うけれど…親切に彼の馬を貸してくれたの。

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