L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgPBQ2Mania-01 のバックアップ(No.2)


FormID: 03129F51 bgPBQ2Mania GREETING 0 Hi there! You've talked with Yan-Tissam, haven't you, sweetie?
FormID: 03129F51 bgPBQ2Mania GREETING 1 Did you get the impression that she has some time at hand? For a short little trip around the isles?
FormID: 03129F52 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart1 0 That's too bad. Oh dear, what to do, what to do?
FormID: 03129F53 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart2 0 Oh cupcake, it bore you to death. It's a few miles to walk, nothing requiring any special talent. And we don't want to waste your talents, don't we?
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 0 As I said, it's nothing. Just a necessity of sorts. A Grummite could do it!
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 1 Well, if a Grummite could talk, that is.
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 2 See, it took me half an age to aquire a gallery for our guild. After all our artists don't create their paintings to gather dust in a cellar, but to entertain the people!
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 3 And make some money along the way.
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 4 Now I have finally aquired just the perfect house for our gallery, which proved to be quite some task for itself. Boring paperwork, I tell you. You'd have fallen asleep, sweetie.
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 5 Either way, the gallery is there, and I've already found someone willing to work there. Quite a sweet Khajiit, much less sour than M'ahnisa if you know what I mean.
FormID: 03129F54 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3 6 But she hasn't sent a report yet. I don't know if there are any problems, if everything works as it should. I'm just getting nervous. Someone's got to walk over there and see if everything is alright.
FormID: 03129F55 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3a 0 Politics, sweetie.
FormID: 03129F55 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3a 1 For aquiring houses and similar estates some Dark Seducer is the person you need to talk with, but she has gone missing. No one's there to fill the hole she left.
__家屋や不動産の取得はとあるDark Seducerが窓口になっているんだけれど、彼女、行方不明になってしまってね。彼女が抜けた穴を埋める人材がいなかったんだ。
FormID: 03129F55 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3a 2 I was redirected from one to another, must have sent a thousand letters to at least a hundred people, until I finally got the deed and key.
FormID: 03129F56 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3b 0 Food, canvas, blankets and all the other things that makes life enjoyable don't come from thin air, cupcake.
FormID: 03129F56 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3b 1 As much as I hate to admit it, we have to make some money. A little bit. Just to keep our head above the water, so we can focus on our art.
FormID: 03129F57 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3c 0 Did you expect an Argonian lass, willing to polish spears? I'm not that kind of a Curio!
FormID: 03129F57 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3c 1 No cupcake, she asked if she could help us, and well, she could. If she likes to deal with visitors, which she does, all the better.
FormID: 03129F57 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3c 2 Imagine putting Thollorn out there to deal with the public. [QUOTE]Can I borrow your spleen?[QUOTE]
FormID: 03129F57 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3c 3 No, no. She's the right person. I hope.
FormID: 03129F58 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3d 0 That would just disturb our artists. They would just sign papers instead of creating more paintings. Bad idea.
FormID: 03129F58 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart3d 1 Besides, how would most visitors reach us? It's not like there's a bridge or road to Zendria. I've chosen this place because it's remote!
FormID: 03129F59 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart4 0 Near New Sheoth. Should be really easy to find. I wouldn't be surprised if you walked past it several times already.
__New Sheothの近くさ。簡単に見つかると思うよ。ひょっとしたら既に君も近くを何度か通り過ぎているかもしれないね。
FormID: 03129F59 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart4 1 I would go myself, but I'm, well, how to put it?
FormID: 03129F59 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart4 2 After the Baliwog incident I'm a not welcome in New Sheoth anymore. Hrmpf. Crazy Xi-, ah, nevermind.
__Baliwog事件以降、New Sheothではあまり歓迎されなくなってしまったんだ。ふんっ!あの気の狂ったXi…おっと!気にしないで。
FormID: 03129F59 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2ManStart4 3 Just go there, I'm sure you'll find it.
FormID: 03129F64 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money1 0 Let me see what we've got!
FormID: 03129F65 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money1 0 You like gold, don't you?
FormID: 03129F66 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money1 0 No gold for the hungry kitten fund, I see.
FormID: 03129F67 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money1 0 Now that's a way to make a living, don't you think?
FormID: 03129F68 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money1 0 You're just after my money. Oh well.
FormID: 03129F69 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money2 0 Don't think so. I calculate our income and your share at the end of the day. Not before. Otherwise I can image myself besieged after every visitor. Not going to happen.
FormID: 03129F6A bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money2 0 Here you go! Don't spend it all in one place. Unless it's my pocket!
FormID: 03129F6B bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money2 0 Ask me again tomorrow. Or at a later day.
FormID: 03129F6C bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money2 0 Didn't we talk about this today already?
FormID: 03129F6D bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money2 0 Your money has been piling up. Here's your share!
FormID: 03129F6E bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Money2 0 A steady supply fills the purse, as my mom always said.
FormID: 03129F6F bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings0Start 0 What would you like to know more about?
FormID: 03129F70 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings0ZDone 0 Alright, enjoy the gallery!
FormID: 03129F71 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Scalon 0 To start off our gallery, Longius Curio asked both Mania and Dementia artists to paint something about the guild. This is what Yan-Tissam Zainnabi created in the memory of a poor clerk who got eaten by a Scalon.
__Longius Curioはこのギャラリーを開くに際してMania・Dementia両方のアーティストにGuildに関連した絵を描いてくれと頼んだの。この絵に描かれているのはScalonに食べられてしまった哀れな事務員ね。Yan-Tissam Zainnabiが記憶を元につくった作品よ。
FormID: 03129F71 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Scalon 1 Don't ask poor Zashiri how the mind of this particular Dunmer works.
FormID: 03129F72 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Morte 0 To start off our gallery, Longius Curio asked both Mania and Dementia artists to paint something about the guild. This is what a particular Khajiit created as she looked upon the guild insignia.
FormID: 03129F72 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Morte 1 The mind of this particular Khajiit frightens Zashiri.
FormID: 03129F73 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Skyview 0 That's one of Barnard Laelippe's paintings. Unfortunately it got damaged, unable to be recovered fully.
FormID: 03129F73 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Skyview 1 Zashiri gets the vibe that our visitors don't really like the result.
FormID: 03129F74 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Skyview 0 That's one of Barnard Laelippe's paintings. That's how our world would look like if we we're flying in the sky, like Cliffracers in Morrowind. Very accurate, if you examine it. Truly a work of art!
FormID: 03129F74 bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1Skyview 1 That's why it also attracts some visitors, who are usually not interested in art. They can plan their trips, because the painting doubles as a very accurate map.
FormID: 03129F7D bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1EatFlesh 0 An old painting done by Thollorn. In the past he did quite some work with a certain Daedra Seducer residing on an island northeast of New Sheoth. His paintings are likely the reason he still lives.
FormID: 03129F7D bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1EatFlesh 1 And his fascination with blood and flesh also the reason he went there in the first place. This work however wasn't attractive enough to lure more people to her, so Thollorn was to keep it.
FormID: 03129F7D bgPBQ2Mania bgPBQ2Paintings1EatFlesh 2 I feel uneasy about displaying it, but I don't have a say in this matter.
FormID: 03129F7E bgPBQ2Mania GREETING 0 Wait. Have we open yet? Then you're the first visitor!
FormID: 03129F7E bgPBQ2Mania GREETING 1 I don't think we're supposed to have open though. Could be wrong, but according to what I know, ah well. Now we have open!
FormID: 03129F7E bgPBQ2Mania GREETING 2 Welcome to [QUOTE]Spur of the Moment[QUOTE], the one and only gallery displaying the arts made by the famous Disciples of the Moment, the Isles' one and only guild of artists!
FormID: 03129F7E bgPBQ2Mania GREETING 3 As first visitor, you don't even have to pay the entrance fee. You're a lucky one, don't you think?
FormID: 03129F7F bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri1 0 Oh. So you're no visitor?
FormID: 03129F80 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2 0 It certainly is. I've sent a letter to Mister Curio just after I got the key to our gallery.
FormID: 03129F80 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2 1 Hm. Let me guess: It didn't arrive? Oh well. The messenger looked to be new in business. Insisted that there's no place named Zendria for art, only something named [QUOTE]Xandria[QUOTE], which is somehow related to music.
FormID: 03129F80 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2 2 Should have paid some more gold to sent a Golden Saint, if I think about it. Oh well, it has happened.
FormID: 03129F80 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2 3 As you can see, everything is alright here. We're opening, uhm, pretty much NOW!
FormID: 03129F80 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2 4 This is what you can tell Mister Curio. If we attract visitors, which I'm sure we will, there should be a steady flow of money. Especially since some of them even pay for magic copies.
FormID: 03129F80 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2 5 If you've got no other questions, there is something I should tell you. Mister Curio asked me to do so.
FormID: 03129F81 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2a 0 Me? Oh. I'm Misses Zashiri. I'm sure I did tell you, didn't I?
FormID: 03129F81 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2a 1 I'm here to collect the entrance fee, make sure the money reaches Zendria, put new paintings on the wall, sell copies and, most importantly, tell visitors about the paintings if they have questions.
FormID: 03129F82 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2b 0 I've got my own bed, a roof over the head. Make enough coin to buy me enough to eat, see many people each day to greet.
FormID: 03129F82 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2b 1 And it's much better than sleeping under a bridge. Here people pay me if I ask them, and I don't even have to draw any weapon. That's progress!
FormID: 03129F83 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2c 0 Are you jealous?
FormID: 03129F83 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri2c 1 I've met Mister Curio during his travels, and we made an agreement. It works for both of us, that is certain.
FormID: 03129F84 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri3 0 Well, yes, see. It was Mister Curio's idea, not Miss Zashiri's. It's intended as an incentive for you to come by from time to time, I think.
FormID: 03129F84 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri3 1 Most money the gallery makes goes to Zendria. Of course not my share. And yours neither. So your share of the money we make will stay here, to be collected by you.
FormID: 03129F84 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri3 2 Mister Curio expects you to come by here, near New Sheoth, more often than Zendria, you being no artist. That's what he told me. I'm sure he just wants you to have an eye -, oh well. Nevermind.
FormID: 03129F84 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri3 3 However I've been told to donate your share that exceeds a month's time to a fund for hungry kitten. I'll calculate the share on a daily basis, so come to me from time to time.
FormID: 03129F84 bgPBQ2Mania bgZPBQ2Zashiri3 4 Or not. Hungry kittens need all coins they can get.

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