L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/QuestStages/bgPBQ1Start のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 10 0 The Golden Saint at Zendria told me that Scalons can breathe underwater. She won't search for it, because she don't like to swim due to bad memories.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 100 0 I've agreed to help the [QUOTE]Disciples of the Moment[QUOTE].
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 15 0 The Dark Seducer at Zendria told me that Scalons can become invisible. She didn't search for him, because she just waits that the Scalon appears again.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 20 0 I've got over the walls, but an artist told me that they need to have the doors opened either way. Jumping over the walls is no option for them.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 25 0 I've found the crystal necessary to get the doors working again.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 5 0 On an island north of the Fringe I stumbled into a strange situation: Two locked doors, artists inside, and their boss outside. Even two guards, who don't care about their problems. I've agreed to help Longius Curio, head of an artist's guild, to get the key back. According to Longius a Scalon, one of the predatory species on the Isles, ate the key. The creature should be around somewhere.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 50 0 I've given the crystal key to Longius. He asked me to test if the gates work now. If so, I should talk with the people inside, see if they're alright.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 55 0 I've spoken with Yan-Tissam Zainnabi.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 60 0 I've spoken with Barnard Laelippe.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 65 0 I've spoken with M'ahnisa.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 70 0 I've spoken with Thollorn.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 75 0 Everyone's alright. Time to bring Longius the good news.
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 80 0 ... of course Longius couldn't wait and began exploring the place on his own!
FormID: 0311A190 bgPBQ1Start 90 0 For now I don't want to get involved with this [QUOTE]guild[QUOTE].

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