L10N/Elsweyr_the_Deserts/2010Nov/Books/ANQBookBestiary02 のバックアップ(No.1)


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<DIV align="center">The Tamriel Bestiary, Volume II<br>
by Ffoulke<br>
An illuminated guide to the creatures of Tamriel.<br>
<DIV align="left">The winged Imps have mysterious origins. Some say that they are little fiends from Oblivion, servants of the great Daedra Princes that have been sent to Tamriel as nuisances or in some darker mission. Others say that they are like the Atronachs or Golems, creatures created from magicka as familiars or companions to powerful Sorcerers. The truth may be that both theories are correct, or that Imps are something else entirely. Whatever their history, Imps are mischievous creatures, capable of casting minor but painful spells of pure magicka. They are certainly intelligent and speak their own language, and they are crafty enough that they know when to fight and when to flee.<br>
<DIV align="center">The Dreugh<br>
<DIV align="left">They are called "Billies" by many of the local farmers. But, is this so-called "land dreugh" actually of any relation to the sea-dwelling dreugh? There certainly seem to be similarities in morphology, especially in the region of the head and thorax. And they produce the same "dreugh wax" found in the aquatic creatures. However, while true dreugh are known to be cunning, even intelligent, these "land dreugh" demonstrate none of the same intelligence. They are violent and aggressive, killing indiscriminately.<br>
Some believe them to be of Daedric origins, perhaps related to the Spider Daedra. That, however, is not the opinion of this researcher. It appears more likely that the "land dreugh" are a distant relative of the true dreugh, perhaps an ancestor from far back on the evolutionary timeline.<br>
<DIV align="center">Centaurs<br>
<DIV align="left">Centaurs are ancient and mysterious creatures, alternately worshipped and despised. Legends of their exploits range from the epic to the pornographic, perhaps for no better reason than they have varied personalities. The Council of Artaeum have called the Centaurs "true followers of the Old Ways" of Tamriel, referring to the complex system of ancestor worship that Artaeum itself espouses. All that one can certainly say about Centaurs is that in battle there are few who are equal. <br>
<DIV align="center">Daedra<br>
<DIV align="left">The peasants have colorful terms for Daedra: fiends, unclean spirits, the evil ones, the Dark Princes, the gods of torment, the infernal ones, and, most commonly, Demons. Those who wish to understand or battle these nightmarish beings, rather than live in fear, prefer the more circumspect term, Daedra. It is nearly impossible to say anything definitive about Daedra, despite thousands of years of scholarship devoted to their nature. Their reputation as cruel, amoral geniuses of destruction seems to be mostly deserved, but if they are true evil, our definition of evil may need revision to include the complexity of their natures. Daedra appear to have a well-organized hierarchy, and the ones found in our worlds are doubtless the weakest of the lot. Of course, the Fire Daedra, the Frost Daedra, the Seducer, or the Daedra Lord are among the most dangerous creatures in Tamriel, but there is certainly something greater out there in the world they call Oblivion. Perhaps we are already doomed to fall beneath their fire.<br>
<DIV align="center">Slaughterfish<br>
<DIV align="left">One of nature's most adaptable predators is the Slaughterfish of the Iliac Bay. Averaging six feet in length, with thousands of poisonous needlethin teeth, the Slaughterfish have infested practically every large body of water in the region. Unlucky swimmers have found that even deep inland lakes and underground rivers hide deadly schools. Slaughterfish are attracted to the taste of bloody water, so injured adventurers are advised to bathe only in small pools of water. 

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