L10N/Companion_Vilja/3.0.1/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-71 のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 0117CAA7	1emmQuest1	88886impFame	0	Fame and glory? Do you really find that so important? I'm sorry, but I don't agree. To me the adventure in itself is more important.	
FormID: 0117CAA7	1emmQuest1	88886impFame	1	And that you and I are together, of course.	
FormID: 0117CAA8	1emmQuest1	88886impWealth	0	You think so? You're surprising me. I thought the adventure in itself was more important to you than getting rich. 	
__そう思うの? 驚いたわ。私は冒険そのものが金持ちになるよりも大切だと思っていたわ。
FormID: 0117CAA8	1emmQuest1	88886impWealth	1	I mean... I do like beautiful dresses of course, and a nice home. But I rather live in a shack together with you than alone in a castle.	
FormID: 0117CAA9	1emmQuest1	88886impAdvent	0	Yes, that's what I thought you would say. I enjoy adventure, too. And freedom... yes, in a way it is important to me, as well.	
FormID: 0117CAA9	1emmQuest1	88886impAdvent	1	But... if freedom is so important to you, I hope that I am not a burden for you. If I ever become a burden, you must tell me so.	
FormID: 0117CAA9	1emmQuest1	88886impAdvent	2	I want us to stay together, but only if you really want to have me around.	
FormID: 0117CAAA	1emmQuest1	88886impUnself	0	You mean that? That's very unselfish of you. And a bit surprising - I always thought it was the adventure in itself that was important to you.	
FormID: 0117CAAA	1emmQuest1	88886impUnself	1	But now that I know what is important to you,we can look out for more quests that actually means helping others rather than gaining fame and gold.	
FormID: 0117CAAB	1emmQuest1	88886impComp	0	You mean that? Aww... that's sweet of you. And I'm so happy to explore Cyrodiil together with you.	
FormID: 0117CAAB	1emmQuest1	88886impComp	1	However, I am a bit concerned that you are so indifferent to other things that are vital in life. I always thought you were the born adventurer.	
FormID: 01186EDC	1emmQuest1	AAA003PayKwamaeggsYES	0	Good idea. Here are the eggs, now give me the money.	
FormID: 01186EDB	1emmQuest1	AAA003PayKamaeggsNO	0	As you wish. You know where to find me if you change your mind.	
FormID: 01188365	1emmQuest1	7emmCompIntroValtierro	0	So this is Valtierro? I've heard about him. Quite at lot,actually.Everyone at The Bloated Float has heard about him.Now, be so kind and introduce me.	
__で、これがValtierro?彼については聞いたことがあるわ。実際相当にね。誰もがBloated Floatで彼のことを耳にするでしょう。で、ご丁寧に、私を紹介してくれるのね。

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