L10N/Chapter_1_The_Dwarves_Of_The_Mountain/1.7/QuestStages/DMM0014 のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	10	0	I have found the entrance to the Great Mines, but upon trying to gain access, I was stopped by a Guard; apparently, I don't have the necessary authority to enter. Perhaps if I were to find someone who did, I could find out more...
__Great Minesへの入り口を見つけた。しかし、中へ入ろうとした際にGuardによって制止された。今の私には、Great Minesに入山するための必要な許可が降りていないようだ。入山許可を既に得ている者を見つけることができれば、解決の糸口になるかもしれない…
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	15	0	It seems the local Hot Springs is usually well occupied by workers from the Mine during their time off. Perhaps someone there may be able to get me into the Mines...
__Dwarven Cityにおける温泉は、大抵、勤務時間外の鉱山労働者たちによって賑わっているようだ。もしかしたらここにいる誰かが私をGreat Minesへの入山を都合してくれるかもしれない…
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	20	0	After being rejected by one of the Miners I have hit a dead end on getting into the Mines; perhaps this situation has gone beyond words. Surely the Miners leave their clothes and other personal items somewhere, maybe even their access papers as well...
__鉱山労働者の1人から、Great Minesへの入山の都合を断られて、私は行き詰ってしまった。強引な手に出る必要があるかもしれない。鉱山労働者たちは、自らの衣服や持ち物をどこかに置いてきて入浴していることは間違いない。そして彼らの入山許可証さえも、だ…
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	25	0	I have found a sheaf of valid Mine access papers. I should now be able to gain access to the Mines, and find out what it is that the King wants his hands on...
__Great Minesへの正規の入山許可証を一綴り発見した。これで、Great Minesへ入山し、そして王が手に入れたいと願っていたものが何だったのかを調べることができる…
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	30	0	The Guard has allowed me passage to the Mines, but he seemed suspicious of my intentions. I should move onwards through the Mines and try and find the item the King is looking for before his men get their hands on it...
__GuardからGreat Minesへの入山を許可された、が、彼は私が何を意図しているかを不審に思っていたように見える。Great Minesの中を進み、王が探していたものを、彼の手の者が手に入れてしまう前に見つけ出さなければならない…
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	35	0	I have come to a deep Elevator shaft, and it seems the only way down deeper into the Mine is to use this decrepit Elevator, but, try as I might, it doesn't seem to be working; maybe there is a power source nearby that I need to activate?
__深くまで通じるエレベーターの昇降路へと辿りついた。そして、この古くなってガタガタのエレベーターが、Great Minesのより深くへと進むための唯一の手段であるようだ。エレベーターに乗り込み、動かそうと試みたが、どうも動作しない。もしや近くに、稼動させる必要のある動力源があるのだろうか?
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	40	0	I have found a Boiler and re-lit the fire; perhaps now the Elevator will work?
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	50	0	I have entered an ancient Ruin, deep inside the mountain. To top it off, there are people living here! They look like Dwarves, but their faces are different. Nevermind, I need to search the ruins to find what the King is looking for, and they are in my way...
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	60	0	I have found a mysterious gemstone that appears to be of great value, but as soon as I took the stone, the ruins began to shake and the way back out collapsed; I'll need to find another way out, and fast, before the whole ruin collapses with me in it!
FormID: 01066230	DMM0014	70	0	I have safely made my way out of the Mines; I should now find Brogg and tell him of my success...
__Great Minesから無事に脱出した。Broggを見つけ出し、彼に首尾よくいった事を伝えなければ…

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