L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZHQHiddenDialogue-14 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 0315D81E	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	Ohmes-raht, Maormer, Daedra. What are you going to bring into Cyrodiil next? Ayleid?	
FormID: 0315D81F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	0	As I came to Mundus, I had only heard rumors about what Karashivuel was up to. I wasn't involved with them at all.	
FormID: 0315D81F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	1	And yet with your help, and their influence, they gave me freedom. A precious thing I thought I had forfeit when I made my choice, when I decided to walk into Bruma.	
FormID: 0315D81F	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZDSTeshSL	2	For that I am thankful. Such is a rare feeling in a Xivilai. Be proud.	
FormID: 030513D8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost	0	I don't recall coming here.	
FormID: 030513D8	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost	1	Our ship sank. And then we swam. Into all directions. And suddenly stars filled the skies. Where am I?	
FormID: 030513DD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost1	0	They're not on our naval maps.	
FormID: 030513DD	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost1	1	Looks a bit like Black Marsh. Is that some kind of Argonian atoll?	
__Black Marsh地方に少し似た風景だとは思うが。ここはArgonianの島か何かなのか?
FormID: 030513DE	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost2	0	No, I don't think so. You can't just walk into a daedric realm. You first have to cross the liminal barrier, and I can't remember breaking through it.	
__そんなはずが無いだろう。daedricの領域に歩いて来られるわけがない。第一、到達する為にはliminal barrierを突破しなければならないはずだが、突破する方法なんて全く見当が付かないぞ。
FormID: 030513DF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3	0	I do. You're crazy. Like everyone around here.	
FormID: 030513DF	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3	1	Although maybe you're crazy enough to run an errand. No?	
FormID: 030513E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3a	0	I have seen several of my kin escape from the ship and the Akaviri pirats. Don't know where they have stranded, though.	
FormID: 030513E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3a	1	That worries me a bit. Try to find out who got away, will you? We were fourteen people. Shouldn't be too much of a task?	
FormID: 030513E4	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3a	2	Go then. Shoo!	
FormID: 030513E2	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZEQ1Lost3b	0	Alright then. Be on your way. Shoo!	
FormID: 0305831A	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	I'm sorry, Llen is in charge of talking.	
FormID: 0305831A	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	Please just assume I'm not even here.	
FormID: 0305831B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	I'm sorry, Llen is in charge of talking.	
FormID: 0305831B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	Please just assume I'm not even here.	
FormID: 0305831B	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	2	I'm probably going to look like a weakling in your eyes, but after what I went through I'm happy. Please don't spoil it, sister.	
FormID: 0305831C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	I'm sorry, Llen is in charge of talking.	
FormID: 0305831C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	Please just assume I'm not even here.	
FormID: 0305831C	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	2	I'm probably going to look like a weakling in your eyes, but after what I went through I'm happy. Please don't spoil it, brother.	
FormID: 0305831D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	Once Slythe Seringi and myself took care of the crops and lifestock. He disappeared, mumbling some superstitious nonsense.	
FormID: 0305831D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	A few days later my lovely soon-to-be wife fell from the sky. Quite battered, nearly dead. It was quite a task keeping her alive.	
FormID: 0305831D	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	2	You may not understand our luck, but we're getting along nicely together. Just leave us be, and don't spoil our happyness, will you?	
FormID: 03058326	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	Once Slythe Seringi and myself took care of the crops and lifestock. He disappeared, mumbling some superstitious nonsense.	
FormID: 03058326	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	A few days later my lovely soon-to-be wife fell from the sky. Quite battered, nearly dead. It was quite a task keeping her alive.	
FormID: 03058326	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	2	You may not understand our luck, but we're getting along nicely together. Just leave us be, and don't spoil our happyness, will you?	
FormID: 03058320	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	Once Slythe Seringi and myself took care of the crops and lifestock. He disappeared, mumbling some superstitious nonsense.	
FormID: 03058320	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	A few days later my lovely soon-to-be wife fell from the sky. Quite battered, nearly dead. It was quite a task keeping her alive.	
FormID: 03058320	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	2	You may not understand our luck, but we're getting along nicely together. Just leave us be, and don't spoil our happyness, will you?	
FormID: 03058320	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	3	You above all other should be able to understand that even a Xivilai can find a place in this world.	
FormID: 03058325	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	0	Once Slythe Seringi and myself took care of the crops and lifestock. He disappeared, mumbling some superstitious nonsense.	
FormID: 03058325	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	1	A few days later my lovely soon-to-be wife fell from the sky. Quite battered, nearly dead. It was quite a task keeping her alive.	
FormID: 03058325	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	2	You may not understand our luck, but we're getting along nicely together. Just leave us be, and don't spoil our happyness, will you?	
FormID: 03058325	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm	3	You above all other should be able to understand that even a Xivilai can find a place in this world.	
FormID: 03058322	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	0	And? So what. She's still a thinking, lovely being. And beautiful.	
FormID: 03058322	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	1	You don't have to understand it. *sigh*	
FormID: 03058322	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	2	There are even marriages between Imperials and Khajiit. Imagine that. Disgusting. I mean, they're cats. Hairy, furred beings who just happend to walk on two legs. Some of them, at least.	
FormID: 03058322	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	3	We're happy together, and she's not hurting anyone. There's no reason for you to care.	
FormID: 03058324	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	0	And? So what. She's still a thinking, lovely being. And beautiful.	
FormID: 03058324	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	1	You don't have to understand it. *sigh*	
FormID: 03058324	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	2	There are even marriages between Imperials and Khajiit. Imagine that. Disgusting. I mean, they're cats. Hairy, furred beings who just happend to walk on two legs. Some of them, at least.	
FormID: 03058324	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	3	We're happy together, and she's not hurting anyone. There's no reason for you to care.	
FormID: 03058324	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	4	Especially since you're one of them, too. Why do you judge me or her?	
FormID: 03058323	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	0	And? So what. She's still a thinking, lovely being. And beautiful.	
FormID: 03058323	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	1	You don't have to understand it. *sigh*	
FormID: 03058323	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	2	There are even marriages between Imperials and, err, I've forgotten what I wished to say. Argonians. Yes, that's what I wished to say. Cold, scaly lizards.	
FormID: 03058323	bgZHQHiddenDialogue	bgZAQ6Farm1	3	We're happy together, and she's not hurting anyone. There's no reason for you to care.	

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