L10N/Integration_TSL/0.993/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-01 のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 0300760F	bgZXQXivDialog	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard? They've captured a Xivilai in Bruma! Unbelieveable!	
FormID: 03007611	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ImpXiv	0	Well, yes, a true living Xivilai. Imprisoned. In our dungeon. Can you believe that?	
FormID: 03007612	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ImpXiv	0	You've got eyes, and you can see. Congratulation.	
FormID: 03007614	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4Odd	0	We are NOT the Dremora, slaves to wrong decisions and stupidness. We hate the darkness, the Void, and we will not return to it. That's why we fled. But the mortals do not understand.	
FormID: 03007616	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4Odd2	0	I was captured, trying to warn these fools. How typical. If I could, I would tear out their throats and use them as pipes! These bars are a humiliation!	
FormID: 03007619	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ChoiceNotHelp	0	Do you really think this walls will stay here forever? You cannot capture concepts with bars. We'll see each other, one way or another.	
FormID: 0300761A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ChoiceHelp	0	Nothing. But you cannot. The countess? Maybe. Or if you've got the right magic, but these walls block teleportation. Hm. Would you help me at all?	
FormID: 0300761C	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ChoiceHelp2	0	Thank you, sister daedroth! Please give this message to the countess, to show her our good intentions!	
FormID: 0300761D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ChoiceHelp2	0	Thank you, brother daedroth! Please give this message to the countess, to show her our good intentions!	
FormID: 0300761E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ChoiceHelp2	0	Thank you, mortal! Please give this message to the countess, to show her my good intentions!	
FormID: 0300761F	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ4ImpXiv	0	Oh great, a sibling running around free. Fantastic. Oh. I'm not banished, yet. That's good, isn't it. You're not working for Dagon, aren't you?	
FormID: 03007626	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Oh. Another one taking a look at the imprisoned Xivilai. Great. Just... great.	
FormID: 03017739	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2XiN	0	A Xivilai is causing a lot of problems up there.	
FormID: 03017739	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2XiN	1	Be warned, the Xivilai's not nearly as friendly as I am.	
FormID: 03017739	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2XiN	2	Would you deal with this issue?	
FormID: 03017739	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2XiN	3	Be warned though, this can get pretty dangerous. With some out of the box thinking you'll should be able to clear the situation, though.	
FormID: 0301773A	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	There's something that needs to be done. A disturbance in the north need to be cleared.	
FormID: 0301773D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2XiNy	0	Alright. You need to go up north, banish this Xivilai, and everybody will be happy. Except the Xivilai, perhaps.	
FormID: 0301773E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2XiNn	0	Then stop wasting my time!	
FormID: 0301C9CF	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	0	Just another Mazken trying to drive people insane down south.	
FormID: 0301C9CF	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	1	Puny Daedra. Our kind sacked whole cities, and they... just turn mortals insane. How pathetic is that?	
FormID: 0301C9CF	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	2	Anyway, the count has already noticed her. That Mazken was so unbelieveable dumb and chosed the count's son as her target.	
FormID: 0301C9CF	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	3	If you find the time, then at least try to get her out of Bravil.	
FormID: 0301C9CF	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	4	Oh and a little bit to keep in mind: Bravil does have guards, and the count himself once was a famous tournament champion. For some reason neither guards nor count could banish her.	
FormID: 0301C9CF	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	5	Maybe, just maybe, she's not your typical puny Mazken.	
FormID: 0301C9D0	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	0	One less hassle to care about.	
FormID: 0301C9D1	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	0	Just another Mazken trying to drive people insane down south.	
FormID: 0301C9D1	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	1	Puny Daedra. Our kind sacked whole cities, and they... just turn mortals insane. How pathetic is that? No, don't answer. I don't want to hear it. Sheesh.	
FormID: 0301C9D1	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	2	Anyway, the count has already noticed her. That Mazken was so unbelieveable dumb and chosed the count's son as her target.	
FormID: 0301C9D1	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	3	If you find the time, then at least try to get her out of Bravil.	
FormID: 0301C9D1	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	4	Oh and a little bit to keep in mind: Bravil does have guards, and the count himself once was a famous tournament champion. For some reason neither guards nor count could banish her.	
FormID: 0301C9D1	bgZXQXivDialog	bgXQ2MSeverStart	5	Maybe, just maybe, she's not your typical puny Mazken.	
FormID: 030268BF	bgZXQXivDialog	SkingradTopic	0	I remember the good old times when roaming through the city.	
FormID: 030268BF	bgZXQXivDialog	SkingradTopic	1	You know, pillaging villages, burning down houses, slaughtering armies, taking whatever crosses your path, and all that.	
FormID: 030268BF	bgZXQXivDialog	SkingradTopic	2	The time has changed, though. I fear I'm not even allowed to knock someone on his head and drag him into a dark corner for a bit fun.	
FormID: 030268BF	bgZXQXivDialog	SkingradTopic	3	Mortals are boring.	
FormID: 03029905	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZRQ1AttackedDopple	0	Was the attack from [QUOTE]Kanaane[QUOTE] really the first? Haven't you ever bought spells from Chandra in Chorrol, only to be attacked later by the same Chandra in the wilderness?	
FormID: 03029905	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZRQ1AttackedDopple	1	Or had a talk with me here, while another [QUOTE]me[QUOTE] tried to lure you into a trap out there?	
FormID: 03029905	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZRQ1AttackedDopple	2	You're lucky, then. Daedric Seducer, not to be confused with Sheogorath's Dark Seducer. Servants of Molag Bal. Shapeshifter, amongst other.	
FormID: 03029905	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZRQ1AttackedDopple	3	The whole Order mess happening in the Isles, with freaks like Ulasza appearing is not the only problem around here.	
FormID: 03029905	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZRQ1AttackedDopple	4	At a later date we should talk about these Dopplegangers, see if we can do anything about them.	
FormID: 03029905	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZRQ1AttackedDopple	5	For now I fear you'll need to take our words that it wasn't Kanaane who attacked you. Not her style.	
FormID: 0302E550	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to the 19 Voids!	
__19 Voidsにようこそ!
FormID: 0302E552	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19Voids	0	Our little place of relaxing in this world. Drinks, dances, games for wealth and souls, you know the drill.	
FormID: 0302E554	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsBed	0	Well, we have beds here.	
FormID: 0302E554	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsBed	1	For sleeping, if together maybe, but definitely not for resting.	
FormID: 0302E554	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsBed	2	Not your interest, huh, honey?	
FormID: 0302E556	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe	0	Me? I'm a Daedra Seducer. Not to be confused with Mazken, also known as Dark Seducer.	
__私?私はDaedra Seducerよ。MazkenはDark Seducerって呼ばれる事が多いけれど、別物だから混同しないでね。
FormID: 0302E556	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe	1	We should call them Makads, shouldn't we?	
FormID: 0302E556	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe	2	Well, at least Daedra Seducer are the names we're known as. Mostly.	
__とにかく、私たちはDaedra Seducerという名前で呼ばれているわね。一般的には。
FormID: 0302E558	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe2	0	Some sisters joined Mehrunes Dagon a couple of years ago, and were labeled as [QUOTE]Dark Seducer[QUOTE]. Not the Mazken one from here, mind you.	
__少し前、同族の中にMehrunes Dagonの配下に入った娘たちがいたの。そして彼女たちは「Dark Seducer」と名付けられた。念のために言っておくけれど、この世界にいるMazkenとは別物よ。
FormID: 0302E558	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe2	1	It gets even worse, because there is also a similar breed of Daedra also known as Seducer, mostly serving Nocturnal. Oh wait, no, these were others of my kind. What an embarassment.	
FormID: 0302E558	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe2	2	Mortals must have a connection in their mind between Daedra and seduction. I have to ask Derri about this.	
FormID: 0302E55A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe3	0	Unlike our resident Makads and Aureal my kind doesn't have long lasting alliances. Each of us stands alone.	
FormID: 0302E55A	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDS19VoidsMe3	1	Some work for Dagon, other for Molag Bal, others for Sanguine, others ... well, let's just say we all have to find our place in the 19 voids.	
__Dagonに奉仕する者もいればMolag BalやSanguineに仕える者もいるの。その他のLordの所にも…。まあ要するに、みんな19 voidsに来ればいいのよ!
FormID: 03037CEE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgAQ4TomeTopic	0	Great work getting rid of this evil tome!	
FormID: 03037CEE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgAQ4TomeTopic	1	Mortals falling under it's influence are so much less fun around here, so thanks!	
FormID: 03037CEE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgAQ4TomeTopic	2	Hm. You still seem to be halfway sane. As sane as anyone here can be, that is. Well, if you like, I need help. A damsel in distress needs to be rescued!	
FormID: 03037CF0	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	0	Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, to be honest. A Plane Summoner succeeded in binding one of my brethen. More so, he trapped her anima.	
__うーん。そうは言ったけれど、事はそれほど単純じゃないのよね。とあるPlane Summonerに私の同族が捕まっちゃってね。魂まで捕えられてしまったの。
FormID: 03037CF0	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	1	This cannot be tolerated. Some summoners using Scamps as pets for their kids, or summoning Makads for a night of erotic games is one thing.	
FormID: 03037CF0	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	2	Trapping and imprisoning one of my brethen? No.	
FormID: 03037CF0	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	3	I've already tracked down the summoner. He's in Mundus, Sage Glen Hollow.	
__召喚術師の居場所はすでに突き止めてあるの。彼はMundusにいるわ。Sage Glen Hollowよ。
FormID: 03037CF0	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	4	So find him, dispose him, and retrieve Teshekru.	
FormID: 03037CF2	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission2	0	Yes, she was soultrapped. Get the soulgem. Then, hm.	
FormID: 03037CF4	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission3	0	Good question. That's what I'm thinking about. Although let me first give you a small magical tracking device, which should help you find the Conjurer.	
FormID: 03037CF4	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission3	1	Teshekru can't go back where she came from. Shade Perilous is in ruins, not accessable anymore.	
__Teshekruには帰る場所がないの。Shade Perilousは破壊されてしまっているし。
FormID: 03037CF4	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission3	2	The Isles? While I'd like to see her rescued, I don't want competition around here.	
FormID: 03037CF4	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission3	3	Isn't there some kind of Daedra group in Cyrodiil? Bring her to them. They should be able to help a sister in need.	
FormID: 03037CF8	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	0	You've got what?	
FormID: 03037CF8	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	1	Err. No. I'm no expert for this kind of magic. Better ask Karashivuel about it!	
FormID: 03037CF9	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	0	You've got what?	
FormID: 03037CF9	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	1	A trapped Daedra Seducer. How ironic. This can help us to bring some light in a lot of things. Great.	
__囚われのDaedra Seducerか。皮肉な話ではあるが、彼女のおかげで色々と良い方向に事が進みそうだぞ。
FormID: 03037CF9	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	2	Alright, I'll take that from you, see what I can do.	
FormID: 03037CF9	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	3	Daedra Seducer. I remember working together with a few of them, a long time ago. What a mess it was.	
__それにしてもDaedra Seducerか。はるか昔、奴らの仲間数人と行動を共にしたことがあるが、ひどい経験だったよ。
FormID: 03037CFE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	0	She's rescued?	
FormID: 03037CFE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	1	Many, many thanks!	
FormID: 03037CFE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	2	This ought to teach those Conjurers a lesson, once and for all.	
FormID: 03037CFE	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZDRescueMission	3	Here, take this little trinket. It's a souvenier from Shade Perilous. May it bring you more luck than their previous owners.	
__それじゃあ、つまらないものだけどお礼にこれを持っていって。Shade Perilousから持ち帰ったものよ。この武器があなたに元の持ち主以上の幸運をもたらしてくれる事を祈っているわ。
FormID: 0303C905	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	There's another Xivilai in the north waiting for your attention.	
FormID: 0303C906	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp1	0	This one was imprisoned. Quite a rumor around Bruma. If you've got the time, you may want to make a visit to the jail.	
FormID: 0303C907	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Firu has been kept in suspense long enough. Time to deal with her situation.	
FormID: 0303C908	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2	0	Maybe you remember her. Xivilai, sits in Bruma's jail, defected from Mehrunes Dagon and brought a list of Mythic Dawn loonies with her?	
__Brumaで投獄中のXivialiのことを覚えているか?Mehrunes Dagonの所から逃亡し、Mythic Dawnの狂信者のリストを持っていた彼女のことだ。
FormID: 0303C908	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2	1	Well, she still sits in Bruma. I think it's time now to get her out of prison.	
FormID: 0303C90D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2a	0	I know. We aren't the most popular people, for whatever reason.	
FormID: 0303C90D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2a	1	Maybe they have some strange superstitions, like that we may burn down their houses and eat their children?	
FormID: 0303C90D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2a	2	Err, wait, these aren't superstitions!	
FormID: 0303C90D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2a	3	Of course she's reluctant. It's easier to find a Dremora for a nice play of chess than a Xivilai who doesn't try to chop off your head and bath in your blood.	
FormID: 0303C90D	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2a	4	I'm pretty good at resisting the urge.	
FormID: 0303C90E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2b	0	You don't get it. Note to self: Don't try to do anything except the same old dry descriptions of things to do.	
FormID: 0303C90E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2b	1	Anyway. A Mythic Dawn loonie tried to summon an assassin, to get the countess out of the way. We've got an agent up there, therefore we were able to interfere.	
__とにかく、Mythic Dawnの狂信者は女伯を亡き者にしようと暗殺者を召還していた。しかし私達には現地にエージェントがいたからそれを阻止できたのだ。
FormID: 0303C90E	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2b	2	While we could send someone, which would be likely you, to deal with the assassin directly, I'd like Firu to take care of him.	
FormID: 0303C912	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2b1	0	A mage. Someone who once ran into Tesserayiel, back in Elsweyr.	
FormID: 0303C912	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2b1	1	Oh, don't expect me to spell it out. You should be able to guess it by now.	
FormID: 0303C913	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp2b2	0	And that's where you come in. Quite a delicate plan I've come up with. Should work, though.	
FormID: 0303C914	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp3	0	Enter castle Bruma. Go to her. Explain the situation to her. Give her a certain ring. 	
FormID: 0303C914	bgZXQXivDialog	bgZXQ5Imp3	1	Then go to the main hall. Make sure that the Countess is there. And make sure that you are not seen. You'll be given a spell, use it then. It'll call Firu to the hall.	

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