L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/Dialogue/MG18KingofWorms のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 02004F61	MG18KingofWorms	LingMG18Directions	0	It is near Bruma. Head out of the city westward until you reach Boreal Stone Cave. From Boreal Stone cave take the path to the left of the cave leading westward. It will lead down a hill.	
FormID: 02004F61	MG18KingofWorms	LingMG18Directions	1	A short way along at the bottom of the slope there should be a path leading off to to the right up a steep hill. Take that path, Echo Cave is at the end of it.	
FormID: 02004F61	MG18KingofWorms	LingMG18Directions	2	Oh regarding the Black Soul Gem, its necromantic powers will protect you from Mannimarco's enthrallment spell. I suppose I should have explained that better originally anyway. Now, as I was saying, goodbye.	

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