L10N/B.H.C.E./1.2/Books/CliffBHCArchiveBroadsheetArenaGLadyLuck のバックアップソース(No.1)

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by Phineas Farnsworth<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/t_52x61.dds" width=52 height=61>he Gray Prince is no more! The Blue Team's new champion, Lady Luck, defeated him in a match that could be classified as the fight of the ages. The mysterious Gray Prince held his rank for a long time, never losing a single match until yesterday.<br>
The Arena was full of foreign citizens who came all the way from their home provinces to the Imperial City to watch the event of the year. After a fight in which both Lady Luck and the Gray Prince showed no mercy and no remorse, the new champion dealt the final blow, defeating the Gray Prince in front of the 25,000 spectators. Never before have we felt such a strong unity between our Empire's citizens, who left their racial differences behind them to go watch THE Empire's event.<br>
The declaration of a new Grand Champion also brings new rules to the Arena. It has been declared that, for the pleasure of all Arena regulars, the Arena will stage fights all day between the Grand Champion and captured creatures from Tamriel's wilderness.<br>
<br>"We felt like we needed to appeal all citizens of all races and age by adding nighttime fights and animals as opponents. Not only will it bring new challenges for the Grand Champion, but it will also educate the Empire's citizens about Tamriel's wildest creatures. And no dead combatants!" declared Ysabel, the personal Grand Champion's matron and trainer.<br>
When asked about the safety of the Arena workers who will be tasked to find and tame the creatures, the Blademaster Owyn declared the following :<br>
<br> "Safety? Ha! Since when is the Arena supposed to be safe? We're a fighting school, not a wussy Mages' Guild alchemy class. We handle the REAL, gritty stuff. And the creature hunters are happy. It gives them a job. If they die, we make sure their family gets a free ticket to watch the Grand Champion put a beating on their husband's killer. That's only fair."<br> 
Lady Luck was unreachable, being busy with celebration in the Bloodworks, but one young Wood Elf fan couldn't wait to see him with his own eyes : <br>
<br>"By Azura! It was such a grand match! I'm waiting for him right now. I'm going to get an autograph! I'm sure I will be accepted as a 'Grand Companion' of the Grand Champion!"<br> 
<DIV align="center">About the Gray Prince<br>
<DIV align="left">Mystery shrouds this Orc's story. Or shall we say, Half-Orc. No one knows what the other half is, but "It sure ain't human", answered Blademaster Owyn when asked. The Black Horse Courier will keep you informed if any light is shined on this mystery.<br>
<DIV align="center">About the Grand Champion<br>
<DIV align="left">Still a rather new member for the Blue Team, the Grand Champion managed to rise quickly in the Arena hierarchy by fighting brutally and without mercy. Of the battles fought, let's note two incredible and bloodthirsty matches. One consisted of fighting three Argonian prisoners at the same time, and the other was the Championship match in which the then-Champion faced three of the Yellow Team's fighters, including their own Champion.  Porky, the Blue Team's mascot, was sent in to help Lady Luck defeat the last the Yellow Team had to offer.<br>


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