L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-02 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

FormID: 011C5FF6	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Oh! You're back! Welcome!	
FormID: 011CBFC0	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Oh! You're back! Welcome!	
FormID: 01088F6F	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 01089D1A	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEE9E	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 01089D19	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEE9F	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 0112FD90	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA0	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 01194386	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA1	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA2	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA3	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA4	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA5	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA6	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA7	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA8	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 011DEEA9	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here you are!	
FormID: 010C0F67	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I can't carry all these things! I won't be able to move!	
FormID: 010A1B7C	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Yes?	
FormID: 010C0F68	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I can't carry all these things! I won't be able to move!	
FormID: 010EA2A6	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Weren't you going to show me which person isn't really a companion?	
FormID: 010EA2A7	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I thought you were going to introduce me to someone.	
FormID: 01192807	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Blasted! Just when I thought I would win this race! But I bet I will beat you next time!	
FormID: 01192806	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Awww... You caught me! You're really good at this - I'm impressed! But I bet I'll win next time.	
FormID: 01192805	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I just knew I would win! Don't look so disappointed - I'm sure you haven't practiced as much as I have. Rest for a while - you look exhausted.	
FormID: 01192808	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I just knew I would win! You know, we should practice this more often. Then maybe you wouldn't get so exhausted.	
FormID: 01192809	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I just knew I would win! Didn't I tell you that I could run faster than you if I really tried?	
FormID: 01131264	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	See there, didn't I tell you that I would find the way. Now you can take over if you like. 	
FormID: 01196C99	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Yes?	
FormID: 01131265	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	I'll get us out of here, don't you worry.	
FormID: 011BA018	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Oh, so many beautiful things they have here. Now that we are here, why don't you look around a little, maybe there's something you'd like to buy.	
FormID: 0113EE9A	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... Aleswell. Don't you think the view over the Imperial City is just lovely from here?	
__到着〜。でもImperial Cityからいい景色が見れる場所ってここだけじゃないのよ?
__着いたわね…Aleswellよ。ここからのImperial City越しの景色って本当にすてきじゃない?
FormID: 0113EE9C	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... This is a beautiful place, but it is a bit chilly, don't you think so?	
__到着〜。美しい場所ね… でも…ほら…吐息が真っ白…
FormID: 0113EE9E	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... You know, although this is a pretty place, I can't help thinking of the townsfolk that were killed.	
FormID: 0113EE9D	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... This is a nice little hamlet, don't you think so?	
FormID: 0113EE9F	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... The Old Bridge.	
__着いたわね…The Old Bridgeよ。
FormID: 0113EEA0	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... Pell's Gate. You know, there are a very nice waterfall just a few steps away. Maybe we could go there? But it's your turn to lead now.	
__到着〜。ねぇ、知ってる? ここからちょっと行ったところにとても素敵な滝があるの。あとで連れていってよね。ふふっ…次はあなたが案内する番よ。
__着いたわね…Pell's Gateよ。ねぇ、知ってる? ここからちょっと行ったところにとても素敵な滝があるの。行ってもいいんじゃない?次はあなたが案内する番よ。
FormID: 0113EEA1	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are...Oh, I love this place and the beautiful waterfalls.Just a shame that there are so many hostile creatures around here.	
FormID: 0113EEA2	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are...Water's Edge.	
__到着〜。Water's Edgeよ。
FormID: 0116288F	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... When I lived in Anvil, I often spent my evenings here, at the harbor. The fresh breeze from the sea is so comforting.	
__到着〜。私むかしちょっとAnvilに住んでた時があって 午後になったらいつも港にいってたの。 浜風がとても気持よくて開放的な気分になるのっ!
FormID: 01162890	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... The Waterfront. I like to come here and watch all the beautiful ships, daydreaming of traveling the sea. 	
__到着〜。Waterfrontよ。 一度ここの優雅な船をみてみたかったの! あ…でも一度こんな船に乗って大航海〜…なんてね…。
__着いたわね…Waterfrontよ。 ここに来てたくさんのきれいな船を見ながら、大航海を夢見るのが好きなの。
FormID: 0113EEA3	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are...I love the serenity of this place.	
FormID: 0113EE9B	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... And now that we are here, how about a drink?	
FormID: 01159204	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are... What a lovely walk this has been.	
FormID: 0115DD4D	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Home sweet home! It's so good to be here.	
__はぁ〜、ただいま〜! やっぱりおうちはいいよね〜。
FormID: 0113E08B	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are. If you want me to show you the way to any other place, just ask me.	
FormID: 01147833	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are. Isn't this a lovely place?	
FormID: 01147835	1emmQuest1	GREETING	0	Here we are. And now that we are here... How about a drink?	

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